17 research outputs found

    Simulations in explosive processes area

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    Saglasnost teorije i eksperimenata eksplozivnih procesa pripada kategorijama kod kojih se traži visoka pouzdanost. Eksperimenti sa daljinskom kontrolom ili izazivanjem detonacionih procesa predstavljaju jednu od oblasti u kojoj se primenom optičkih metoda može da smanji rizik povezan sa ljudskim faktorom. Simulacije dinamike kad će pojedini zaštitini materijal da dostigne kritične parametre donose razne aproksimacije. U zavisnosti od primene bira se strožiji kriterijum. U radu je data analiza nekih primena lasera u svrhe eksplozivih procesa. Daće se aspekti preplitanja odnosa laser-eksplozivni proces sa nekoliko strana. Analiziraće se neki softverski paketi, kojima se modeluju procesi u kojima laser dovodi do promene temperature lokalnog suda sa eksplozivnim materijalom. Izborom osnovnih jednačina jednog prilaza daju se rezultati temperaturnih polja. Proračun može da posluži kao metod za modelovanje i nalaženje potrebnih uslova rada lasera za obezbeđenje eksplozivnog procesa.The agreement between theory and experiments of explosive processes belongs to a category at which the high reliability is needed. Experiments with remote control and initiation of detonation processes represent such field in which the risk for human factor could be decreased if optical methods are applied. Simulations in dynamics of reaching the critical parameters for different protective materials bring a various approximations. Depending from the application, the stronger criteria could be chosen. The application of some lasers for an explosive process is analyzed in this paper. The interrelations between laser-explosive process will be analyzed from a few sides. Some software packages, for modeling the processes in which the laser brings temperature changes into the container with an explosive material, will be critically analyzed. By choosing the principal equations in one approach, the results of temperature field distribution are given. This calculation may serve as method for modeling and finding the needed conditions of laser action for successful providing an explosive process

    Generalization of powder analyses of interest in biomedicine and ecology

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    Mikročestice, u prvom redu prahovi, koji su od interesa u mnogo oblasti, predstavljaju složeno područje istraživanja sa teorijske i metrološke tačke gledišta. Tačnost razmatranja i kontrole je od izuzetnog interesa za područja ekoloških i medicinskih normi i primena. U radu je razmatran matematički aparat, problematike korišćenja i distribucije prahova uz praktična rešenja, koja nudi savremena tehnika merenja.Microparticles, firstly, powders of interest in many area, represent complex research field ,from the theoretical and metrologic point of view. The exact consideration as well as control is of extremly importance for ecological and biomedical normative and application. The numerical and analytical point of view for powder distribution as well as practical modern solution are considered in this paper

    Generalization of powder analyses of interest in biomedicine and ecology

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    Mikročestice, u prvom redu prahovi, koji su od interesa u mnogo oblasti, predstavljaju složeno područje istraživanja sa teorijske i metrološke tačke gledišta. Tačnost razmatranja i kontrole je od izuzetnog interesa za područja ekoloških i medicinskih normi i primena. U radu je razmatran matematički aparat, problematike korišćenja i distribucije prahova uz praktična rešenja, koja nudi savremena tehnika merenja.Microparticles, firstly, powders of interest in many area, represent complex research field ,from the theoretical and metrologic point of view. The exact consideration as well as control is of extremly importance for ecological and biomedical normative and application. The numerical and analytical point of view for powder distribution as well as practical modern solution are considered in this paper

    Comparation of mechanical behaviour of SiC sintered specimen to analysis of surface defects

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    This research examined SiC sintered specimens with high hardness and strength. This material is used to protect of projectile impact for military purposes. The testing procedure consists of structure examination obtained using XRD analysis, surface examination by SEM analysis and optical microscopy, examination of mechanical properties and density determination. Analysis confirmed surface irregularities characterized using image analysis. The sample is subjected to bending. Finite element modeling was used to simulate the behavior of sample subjected to bending in presence of critical damage on surface. It is confirmed that there is correlation between the largest irregularities determined on surface and measured strength of sample. Simulations show the significance of damage size. The size of damage on surface is considered to be the critical parameter for quality determination.Program and the book of abstracts available at: [https://dais.sanu.ac.rs/handle/123456789/175


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    The natural attractiveness of rural areas in Vojvodina is a good basis for a rural tourism development. However, the available natural resource base is not sufficient to ensure the rapid and successful development of tourism in rural areas in Vojvodina. In this process all available resources need to be activated. The human and financial resources for rural tourism development in the region of Vojvodina are the subject of this research. The aim of this research is to determine the condition of existing resources and propose measures for their improvement

    Application of pulsed flash thermography method for specific defect estimation in aluminum

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    Nondestructive thermal examination can uncover the presence of defects via temperature distribution profile anomalies that are created on the surface as a result of a defect. There are many factors that affect the temperature distribution map of the surface being tested by Infrared Thermography. Internal defect properties such as thermal conductivity, heat capacity and defect depth, play an important role in the temperature behavior of the pixels or regions being analyzed. Also, it is well known that other external factors such as the convection heat transfer, variations on the surface emissivity and ambient radiation reflectivity can affect the thermographic signal received by the infrared camera. In this paper we considered a simple structure in the form of flat plate covered with several defects, whose surface we heated with a uniform heat flux impulse. We conducted a theoretical analysis and experimental test of the method for case of defects on an aluminum surface. First, experiments were conducted on surfaces with intentionally created defects in order to determine conditions and boundaries for application of the method. Experimental testing of the pulsed flash thermography (PFT) method was performed on simulated defects on an aluminum test plate filled with air and organic compound n-hexadecane, hydrocarbon that belongs to the Phase Change Materials (PCMs). Study results indicate that it is possible, using the PFT method, to detect the type of material inside defect holes, whose presence disturbs the homogeneous structure of aluminum