170 research outputs found

    \u410\u43f\u43e\u441\u442\u43e\u43b\u44c\u441\u43a\u438\u439 \u441\u438\u43c\u432\u43e\u43b \u432\u435\u440\u44b (Symbolum apostolorum) \u432 \u446\u435\u440\u43a\u43e\u432\u43d\u43e\u441\u43b\u430\u432\u44f\u43d\u441\u43a\u43e\u43c \u43f\u435\u440\u435\u432\u43e\u434\u435 \u414\u43c. \u413\u435\u440\u430\u441\u438\u43c\u43e\u432\u430. \u412\u432\u435\u434\u435\u43d\u438\u435. \u418\u43d\u442\u435\u440\u43b\u438\u43d\u435\u430\u440\u43d\u43e\u435 \u438\u437\u434\u430\u43d\u438\u435

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    In the present paper the Church Slavonic translation of the Latin Apostles\u2019 Creed with commentary, made by the famous Novgorodian translator Dmitriy Gerasimov in the first half of the 16th century, is published for the first time. The text is based on all ten known manuscripts of Bruno\u2019s commented Psalter, within which the Apostles\u2019 Creed is included. The Slavonic translation consists of four parts: 1) a short introduction, where the different meanings of the term \u201cSimvol\u201d are explained; 2) a note on the Creeds used in the Christian Church, namely the Apostles\u2019 Creed, the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed and the Athanasian Creed, to which the mysterious Symbolum iuris is added; 3) the text of the Apostles\u2019 Creed and 4) the question-and-answer commentary on it. The first and second parts, going back to Latin medieval lexicographical works (Catholicon and Vocabolarius iuris utriusque), testify to the translation technique adopted by Dm. Gerasimov, who used to explain hard-to-translate terms with lexical commentaries, taken from Latin sources. The Slavonic translation and the Latin original are given interlinearly. The edition is preceeded by an introduction, in which some information about the complicated transmission of the Latin text is provided, the different sources used by the translator are discussed and, finally, some textual and linguistic features of the Slavonic text are shortly described

    Esuli e dissidenti: Cicerone come modello del principe A. M. Kurbskij

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    Nell aprile generali impegnati nella prima guerra del nord (1558-1583), fuggì in Lituania e si mise al servizio del re Sigismondo II. Da qui nacque immediatamente una corrispondenza polemica fra lui e Ivan il Terribile, nella quale il disertore cercava di difendere il proprio operato, affermando di essere una vittima in esilio e non un traditore della patria. All interno dello scambio reciproco di accuse e insulti una parte importante spetta senza dubbio a materiale testuale ciceroniano. Kurbskij inserì nella sua terza e ultima lettera allo zar la traduzione slava dei Paradoxa Stoicorum II e IV. In questo modo egli intendeva affermare la propria superiorità culturale rispetto al proprio avversario meno istruito e, al contempo, far vedere che stava subendo lo stesso destino del suo modello letterario e filosofico-retorico. Il presente articolo esamina alcuni aspetti storici e culturali della ricezione di Cicerone nel XVI secolo, con particolare riferimento ai Paradoxa Stoicorum, oggi meno noti, e all influsso decisivo da lui esercitato sull epistolografia rinascimentale.In April 1564 the s generals engaged in the Livonian war (1558-1583), defected to Lithuania and entered the service of King Sigismund II. Immediately afterwards there ensued a polemical correspondence between him and Ivan the Terrible, in which the deserter tried to defend his behavior, claiming to be a victim in exile rather than a traitor to his country. Within the exchange of accusations and offenses, an important part is played without any doubt by Ciceronian textual material: Kurbskij inserted the Slavonic translation of Paradoxa Stoicorum II and IV into his third and last letter to the Tsar. In this way he strove to assert his cultural superiority over his less educated rival and at the same time to show that he was suffering from the same tragic destiny as his literary and philosophical-rhetorical model. The present paper deals with some historical and cultural aspects of Cicero s reception in the sixteenth century, with particular attention to the currently less known Paradoxa Stoicorum and its major influence on Renaissance epistolography

    Sulla latinitas di Novgorod. Alcuni casi di intertestualit\ue0 inconsapevole

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    The so-called Novgorod period of Russian literature, which lasted between the last two decades of the fifteenth century and the first quarter of the following one, has left us, among other things, a fair repertoire of Latin translations of late antiquity and medieval works. Among them, for example, we find some books of the Old Testament, contained in the Vulgata of Saint Jerome, the medieval version of the Ars minor by Aelius Donatus, fragments of the Doctrinale of Alexander de Villa Dei, an anti-Judaic treatise written by the Franciscan theologian Nicholas of Lyra, and the catena commentary on the Psalter compiled by the Bishop of W\ufcrzburg, Bruno. The aim of the present paper is to collect and discuss some disiecta membra of classical and medieval Latin culture contained in these texts and, consequently, made available in their Slavic translation; in many cases we are faced with curious intertextual references that were probably not caught by Slavic translators and their readers. The work is intended to produce a first catalog of learned quotations from medieval Latin culture in the Eastern Slavic world. These can be considered, and were probably indeed perceived as direct quotations, if we look at the Latin originals, but should perhaps be defined as \u2018stolen words\u2019, due to the fact that they were not recognized or were even misunderstood by their translators and/ or by modern interpreters