37 research outputs found

    A multi-level system for planning compensatory habitats as a new tool to prevent biodiversity loss in protected areas due to development plans

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    Background In Slovenia, compensatory habitats (CH) are currently determined on the basis of a subjective expert judgement and without using any clearly defined methodology, due to which the success rates of CH implementation are low. The aim of this research is to fill in a methodological gap and propose a new multi-level system for planning CH. The system assures a transparent and more objective determination of the size of a CH in the processes of appropriate assessments (AA).  Materials and methods: The system was developed by using a multi criteria decision analysis, a multi-attribute decision support model and the DEXi modelling tool. It was tested on a study case the Škofljica bypass road with its impact to a Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) at Natura 2000 site Ljubljansko barje.  Results: The system with three modules and a possibility of what-if analysis was developed to assess the species endangerment and the size of the CH. The system identified that the case study has significant impacts to the Whinchat, therefore the CH of a slightly larger size than the habitat lost was proposed. In addition, the system indicated that only one of the three potential locations of the CH is suitable for implementing the CH.  Conclusions: The system allows a transparent and more objective assessment of the spatial plan. It is a new, easy-to-use, adjustable, cost- and time-efficient method that can be used to make reliable and transparent decisions during the assessment processes. &nbs

    Risk assessment of lead contamination for small mammal food chains (case studyfor shooting ranges)

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    Na območju izbranih pehotnih strelišč Slovenske vojske (Apače, Bač, Bloška polica, Crngrob, Mačkovec, Poček) smo ugotavljali vsebnosti Pb v mišicah in jetrih malih sesalcev (travniška voluharica (Microtus agrestis), rumenogrla miš (Apodemus flavicollis), gozdna rovka (Sorex araneus), poljska rovka (Crocidura leucodon)) ter njihovih prehranskih virih z namenom potrditi uporabnost malih sesalcev kot bioindikatorjev za ugotavljaje stopnje onesnaženosti pehotnih strelišč s Pb in oceniti tveganje, ki ga za male sesalce povzroča prehranjevanje s prehranskimi viri z območja pehotnih strelišč. V jetrih malih sesalcev smo izmerili povečane vsebnosti Pb. Slednje nakazuje, da so vir Pb v njihovih tkivih lahko pehotna strelišča, vnos tega elementa pa poteka najverjetneje prek prehranskih virov, saj so bile ugotovljene povečane vsebnosti Pb v rastlinskih vzorcih in deževnikih, vzorčenih na pehotnih streliščih. Na podlagi predstavljenih rezultatov zaključujemo, da pehotna strelišča lahko pomenijo ekološko tveganje za receptorske organizme (travniška voluharica), kljub temu da se obremenjenost sPb razmeroma hitro zmanjšuje z oddaljenostjo od zaščitnih nasipov, ki vsebujejo največje vsebnosti Pb.Pb levels were measured in tissues of small mammals (Microtus agrestis, Apodemus flavicollis, Sorex araneus and Crocidura leucodon), inhabiting shooting ranges of the Slovenian Army (Apače, Bač, Bloška polica, Crngrob, Mačkovec, Poček)in addition, Pb content was analysed in their diet as well. The present research was performed with the aim to confirm the use of small mammals as bioindicators of Pb contamination of shooting ranges and to performthe risk assessment of military shooting ranges for small mammals. Increased Pb levels were determined in livers of small mammals, inhabiting theshooting ranges. Food is probably the most significant route of Pb exposurefor small mammals since the elevated concentrations of Pb were measured in grasses, clovers, herbs and earthworms, sampled at the shooting ranges. On the basis of presented results we suggest that shooting ranges could pose an elevated risk for receptor organisms (Microtus agrestis), although Pb concentrations relatively quickly decreased with distance from backstop berms, which are particularly loaded with Pb

    Travniške ornitocenoze dnevno aktivnih gnezdilcev v JZ Sloveniji

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    Bibliography of the Acrocephalus journal from 1980 to 2000

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    Vertical distribution of owls in Slovenia

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    Diet of the barn owl Tyto alba at Ljubljansko barje

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    Prehrana pegaste sove Tyto alba na Ljubljanskem barju

    Wintering eurasian curlew Numenius arquata, northern lapwing Vanellus vanellus and common coot Fulica atra at Kolansko blato (Pag island, Croatia)

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    In the years 1998 - 2002, the wintering Eurasian Curlews Numenius arquata, Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus and Common Coots Fulica atra were counted at Kolansko blato (Pag Island, Croatia) . From 15 to 31 Eurasian Curlews, 0 to120 Northern Lapwings, and 300 to 500 Common Coots were recorded.V letih 1998 do 2002 sem na Kolanskem blatu (otok Pag, Hrvaška) štel prezimujoče velike škurhe Numenius arquata, pribe Vanellus vanellus in liske Fulicd dtrd. Velikih škurhov je bilo med 15 in 31 osebkov, prib med 0 in 120 osebkov ter lisk med okoli 300 in 500 osebkov

    Zimska prehrana male uharice Asio otus v Sloveniji

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    Winter diet of the Long-eared Owl Asio otus was investigated at 15 localities across Slovenia, belonging to seven geographical regions (Fig. 1). Of 3,712 prey items found in pellets, small mammals represented more than 98%, with voles Arvicollinae being the most important (Tab. 1). The proportions of Common Vole Microtus arvalis were the only with a significant negative correlation with food niche-breadth (Fig.2 ). Common Vole therefore the main prey for the owl. The most important alternate prey species were: Field Vole Microtus agrestis, mice of the genus Apodemus, Common-pine Vole Microtus subterraneus, and Water Vole Arvicola terrestris. Which of them occurred in higher percentages in the diet was dependent on their geographical distribution and ecological requirements. Field Voles, for example, were present with more than 10% of all prey items only at Ljubljansko barje and Ribniško podolje. This was probably due to the high ground-water level and regular floods in these two regions, which gain some ecological advantages to Field Voles against other small mammals. In the areas with high degree of field cover, on the other hand, the community of small mammals is often dominated by mice. In such areas (Bela krajina, Dravsko podolje, Mursko podolje), the most important alternate prey species for the Long-eared Owl wasWood Mouse Apodemus sylvaticus (Fig. 3)

    Actvity of Incubating Female Long-eared Owls As Measured by Fluctuations in Nest Temperatures

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    Is the corn crake Crex crex population at Ljubljansko barje (still) stable?

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