25 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional simulations of premixed hydrogen/air flames in microtubes

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    The dynamics of fuel-lean (equivalence ratio φ = 0.5) premixed hydrogen/air atmospheric pressure flames are investigated in open cylindrical tubes with diameters of d = 1.0 and 1.5 mm using three-dimensional numerical simulations with detailed chemistry and transport. In both cases, the inflow velocity is varied over the range where the flames can be stabilized inside the computational domain. Three axisymmetric combustion modes are observed in the narrow tube: steady mild combustion, oscillatory ignition/extinction and steady flames as the inflow velocity is varied in the range 0.5 ≀ UIN ≀ 500 cm s−1. In the wider tube, richer flame dynamics are observed in the form of steady mild combustion, oscillatory ignition/extinction, steady closed and open axisymmetric flames, steady non-axisymmetric flames and azimuthally spinning flames (0.5 ≀ UIN ≀ 600 cm s−1). Coexistence of the spinning and the axisymmetric modes is obtained over relatively wide ranges of UIN. Axisymmetric simulations are also performed in order to better understand the nature of the observed transitions in the wider tube. Fourier analysis during the transitions from the steady axisymmetric to the three-dimensional spinning mode and to the steady non-axisymmetric modes reveals that the m = 1 azimuthal mode plays a dominant role in the transition

    Hydrodynamic and thermodiffusive instability effects on the evolution of laminar planar lean premixed hydrogen flames

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    Numerical simulations with single-step chemistry and detailed transport are used to study premixed hydrogen/air flames in two-dimensional channel-like domains with periodic boundary conditions along the horizontal boundaries as a function of the domain height. Both unity Lewis number, where only hydrodynamic instability appears, and subunity Lewis number, where the flame propagation is strongly affected by the combined effect of hydrodynamic and thermodiffusive instabilities are considered. The simulations aim at studying the initial linear growth of perturbations superimposed on the planar flame front as well as the long-term nonlinear evolution. The dispersion relation between the growth rate and the wavelength of the perturbation characterizing the linear regime is extracted from the simulations and compared with linear stability theory. The dynamics observed during the nonlinear evolution depend strongly on the domain size and on the Lewis number. As predicted by the theory, unity Lewis number flames are found to form a single cusp structure which propagates unchanged with constant speed. The long-term dynamics of the subunity Lewis number flames include steady cell propagation, lateral flame movement, oscillations and regular as well as chaotic cell splitting and mergin

    Lattice Boltzmann method for direct numerical simulation of turbulent flows

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    We present three-dimensional direct numerical simulations (DNS) of the Kida vortex flow, a prototypical turbulent flow, using a novel high-order lattice Boltzmann (LB) model. Extensive comparisons of various global and local statistical quantities obtained with an incompressible-flow spectral element solver are reported. It is demonstrated that the LB method is a promising alternative for DNS as it quantitatively captures all the computed statistics of fluid turbulenc

    Lattice Boltzmann method for direct numerical simulation of turbulent flows

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    We present three-dimensional numerical simulations (DNS) of the Kida vortex flow, a prototypical turbulent flow, using a novel high-order lattice Boltzmann model. Extensive comparisons of various global and local statistical quantities obtained with an incompressible flow spectral element solver are reported. It is demonstrated that the lattice Boltzmann method is a promising alternative for DNS as it quantitatively capturesall the computed statistics of fluid turbulence

    Deformation and Drag Properties of Round Drops Subjected to Shock-Wave Disturbances

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