8 research outputs found

    Some Biological Aspects of Freshwater Lobsters, Cherax Quadricarinatus, in Ralik River of Southeast Minahasa and in Tondano Lake of Minahasa

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    Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini yakni persamaan linier hubungan panjang berat di sungai untuk jantan W = -1,761049+ 3.1153 log L, dan W = -1,647836 + 2,957268 log L untuk betina; di danau W = -1,494 + 2,8495 log L untuk jantan dan betina W = -1,388 + 2,7198 log L. Pola pertumbuhan lobster jantan dan betina di sungai dan jantan di danau adalah isometrik; sedangkan betina di danau allometrik. Nilai faktor kondisi biologis lobster jantan sungai berkisar antara 0,90-1,14 dengan nilai rata- rata 1,004±0,06, sedangkan lobster jantan danau berkisar antara 0,83-1,23 dengan nilai rata-rata 1,004±0,09. Nilai faktor kondisi lobster betina sungai berkisar antara 0.82-1.18 dengan nilai rata-rata 1,004±0,89 dan lobster betina danau berkisar antara 0,90-1,11 dengan nilai rata-rata 1,001±0,06. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kondisi badan lobster cukup baik

    Distribusi Dan Kelimpahan Ikan Karang Famili Pomacentridae Di Perairan Terumbu Karang Desa Poopoh Kecamatan Tombariri Kabupaten Minahasa

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    DISTRIBUSI DAN KELIMPAHAN IKAN KARANG FAMILI POMACENTRIDAE DI PERAIRAN TERUMBU KARANG DESA POOPOH KECAMATAN TOMBARIRI KABUPATEN MINAHASA Distribution and Abundance of Coral Fishes the Family Pomacentridae in Coral Reef Waters Poopoh Village Sub-District Tombariri Minahasa Regency Ari B Rondonuwu1, John L Tombokan1, Unstain NWJ Rembet1 ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the distribution and abundance of reef fish (families Pomacentridae) in coral reef waters of Poopoh village District Tombariri. This study was conducted at 3 stations. Data collected was done using visual census on the 50-meter transect line at 3 meters and 10 meters depths. In addition to revealing the number of species and abundance of individuals Pomacentridae, data analysis aimed to determine the community index. Based on the identification, obtained 41 species from 12 genera. 4 species has its presence in large numbers in all three observation stations, Chromis margaritifer, Pomacentrus mollucensis, Chrysiptera unimaculata, and the species with the largest number of individuals that is Chromis ternatensis. Based on depth, found 35 species with a total of 3863 individuals at a depth of 3 meters and 36 species at a depth of 10 meters with a total of 3810 individuals. Pomacentridae fish species diversity index ranged between 2.181-2.857. Dominance Index, are categorized low in the range of 0.081-0.197.. Keywords : coral fishes, Pomacentridae, coral reef, Poopoh ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi dan kelimpahan ikan karang famili pomacentridae di perairan terumbu karang Desa Poopoh Kecama-tan Tombariri. Penelitian dilakukan di 3 lokasi. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode sensus visual pada transek garis sepanjang 50 meter, kedalaman 3 meter dan 10 meter. Selain mengungkapkan jumlah spesies dan kelimpahan individu Pomacentridae, analisis data diarahkan untuk mengetahui indeks komunitas. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi, diperoleh 41 spesies yang berasal dari 12 genera. 4 spesies kehadirannya dalam jumlah yang besar di ketiga stasiun pengamatan yaitu, Chromis margaritifer, Pomacentrus mollucensis, Chrysiptera unimaculata, dan spesies dengan jumlah individu terbesar yaitu Chromis ternatensis. Berdasarkan kedalaman, ditemukan 35 spesies dengan total 3863 individu pada kedalaman 3 meter dan 36 spesies di kedalaman 10 meter dengan jumlah total 3810 individu. Indeks keanekaragaman spesies ikan Pomacentridae berkisar antara 2.181-2.857. Indeks dominasi, dikategorikan rendah pada kisaran 0

    The Coral Fish in the Coastal Areas, Likupang Kampung Ambong Village, East Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency

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    Tujuan penelitian, yaitu 1). Untuk mengetahui jumlah spesies dan kelimpahan individu ikan karang; 2). Untuk mengetahui biomasssa ikan target kelompok karnivora dan herbivora. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada kedalaman 5 meter dengan metode Underwater Visual Census (UVC). Luas areal pengamatan adalah 150 m2. Ikan koralivora yang ditemukan berjumlah 8 spesies dan dikategorikan sedang. Ditemukan 28 jenis ikan target dari ikan karnivora (13 spesies), dan ikan herbivora (15 spesies). Untuk kelimpahan individu total yaitu 81 individu dan densitas 3240 individu/Ha. Jumlah individu tertinggi ditemukan pada ikan herbivora. Tingginya nilai indeks ekologi menunjukkan kemantapan komunitas dan kemampuan lingkungan yang memungkinkan jenis-jenis ikan untuk bertahan dan berkembang pada habitatnya. Ikan target umumnya pada kelas ukuran 16 - 20 cm dan 21 – 25 cm. Pada umumnya ikan karang dari kelompok herbivora yang paling banyak ditemukan di lokasi ini

    Vertical Distribution of Hard Corals in Southern Siladen Island

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    This study was aimed at provide information on hard coral distribution in southern Siladen Island. The work was done using SCUBA gear Line Intercept Transect (LIT). Thirty m long-line transects were placed at the reef flat, 5 m depth, 10 m depth, 15 m depth, and 20 m depth. A total of 44 hard coral genera was recorded, and the highest number of genre was found at 5 m depth. Coral species diversity was also high enough at the reef flat (1.032) and 5 m depth (1.28). Coral reef condition at 10 m depth was good enough as well and categorized as productive due to much higher percent of the biotic component than the abiotic component. The dominant life forms consisted of tabulate Acropora and branching corals at the reef flat, encrusting corals, branching corals, and foliose corals at 5 m, encrusting corals at 10 and 20 m depth, and massive corals, encrusting corals, and branching corals at 15 m depth, respectively

    The Survival Rate and Growth of Juvenile Crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) With Different Types of Shelter

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    An experiment was designed to assess the relative performance of three shelter types on the survival and growth of red-claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus).  A 13 days old juvenile crayfish with an average length of 10 mm were cultured in 400 ml water of glass bowl and were provided with one of 3 types of shelter over 19 days.  The various shelter types assessed were dried coconut leaves, bamboo and Hydrilla.  Juveniles in each bowl were fed with Artemia twice a day morning and in the afternoon. There was no significant effect (P>0.05) of shelter type on the survival rate; however, there was a significant effect (P0.05), namun berbeda nyata (P< 0.05 ) untuk pertumbuhan dengan daun kelapa kering (5.33%), Hydrilla (2.33%) dan bambu (2%).     Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jenis shelter memberikan pengaruh nyata  terhadap pertumbuhan namun tidak berbeda nyata untuk sintasan hidup.Kata kunci: Sintasan hidup, Pertumbuhan, Juvenil Cherax quadricarinatus, Shelte

    Effect Of Lead Acetate (Pb(Ch3coo)2) On The Growth Of Marine Microalgae Porphyridium cruentum

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    Microalgae are a group of phytoplankton that live in waters and in damp places; Microscopic in size and can only be seen with a microscope. The stages of microalgae growth are started with the lag phase, the exponential phase, the growth rate decreasing phase, the stationary phase, and the death phase. Porphyridium cruentum is a single-celled microalgae, belonging to the class Rhodophyceae, free-living or in colonies bound in mucilago. The purpose of this study was to observe the growth of the marine microalgae Porphyridium cruentum in culture media treated with lead acetate at different concentrations, namely 30 ppm, 50 ppm, 80 ppm, and control. Observation of cell growth was carried out by counting the number of cells every day, at the same time until Porphyridum cruentum entered the death phase. The cell density of Porphyridium cruentum marine microalgae showed a good growth pattern where until day 11 the average number of microalgae cells was 9.8 x104. Furthermore, the culture media was treated with lead acetate in different concentrations. Cell density with lead acetate treatment can affect the growth of Porphyridium cruentum. Keywords : Microalgae; Porphyridium cruentum; Lead Acetate Abstrak Mikroalga adalah kelompok fitoplankton yang hidup di perairan dan di tempat yang lembab; berukuran mikroskopis dan hanya bisa dilihat menggunakan mikroskop. Tahapan pertumbuhan mikroalga adalah dimulai dari fase lag, fase eksponensial, fase penurunan laju pertumbuhan, fase stasioner dan fase kematian. Porphyridium cruentum merupakan mikroalga bersel tunggal, termasuk kelas Rhodophyceae, hidup bebas atau berkoloni yang terikat dalam mucilago. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengamati pertumbuhan dari mikroalga laut Porphyridium cruentum pada media kultur dengan perlakuan timbal asetat pada konsentrasi berbeda yaitu 30 ppm, 50 ppm, 80 ppm dan kontrol. Pengamatan pertumbuhan sel dilakukan dengan menghitung jumlah sel setiap hari, pada waktu yang sama sampai Porphyridum cruentum memasuki fase kematian. Kepadatan sel mikroalga laut Porphyridium cruentum menunjukkan pola pertumbuhan yang baik dimana sampai hari ke 11 jumlah rata-rata sel mikroalga 9,8 x104. Selanjutnya media kultur diberi perlakuan timbal asetat dengan konsentrasi berbeda. Kepadatan sel dengan perlakuan timbal asetat dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan Porphyridium cruentum. Kata kunci: Mikroalga;  Porphyridium cruentum; Timbal Aseta

    Condition of Coral Reefs in the Waters of Kalasey Satu Village, Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi

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    The waters of Kalasey I Village have various resources and environmental services that are the potential to be utilized sustainably, such as tourism. The development activities in the tourism sector look so fast in this area with the establishment of several tourism infrastructures, such as diving centers, cottages, resorts,s and restaurants. These activities are thought to be able to affect the coral reef ecosystem. This study aims to determine the coral reef conditions, especially the reef flat, based on the percent cover of the live corals. Data collection was carried out at a depth of 3 meters with 3 replications using an Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) technique. Data obtained were analyzed using Coral Point Count with excel extension (CPCe) software. Based on the percent cover of live corals, the condition of coral reefs in the Kalasey 1 village waters was classified as poor with a coral cover percentage of 2.93%. Keywords: Tourism development, Underwater Photo Transect (UPT), percent cover, coral point count (CPCe) Abstrak Perairan di Desa Kalasey I memiliki berbagai sumberdaya serta jasa lingkungan yang berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan secara berkesinambungan seperti potensi pariwisata. Kegiatan pembangunan di sektor pariwisata terlihat begitu pesat di wilayah ini dengan berdirinya sejumlah infrastruktur pariwisata seperti diving center, cottage, resort dan rumah makan, dimana aktivitas tersebut diduga dapat mempengaruhi ekosistem terumbu karang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi terumbu karang, khususnya rataan terumbu (reef flat), berdasarkan persentase tutupan karang di perairan Desa Kalasey I Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada kedalaman 3 meter dengan 3 ulangan, menggunakan teknik Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) dan data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan software Coral Point Count with excel extension (CPCe). Diperoleh hasil kondisi terumbu karang tergolong dalam kategori miskin dengan persentase tutupan karang sebesar 2.93 %. Kata kunci: Pembangunan pariwiata, Underwater Photo Transect (UPT), persen tutupan, coral point count (CPCe

    Coral Fishes the Famili Chaetodontidae in Coral Reef Waters of Para Island Sub District Tatoareng, Sangihe Kepulauan Regency

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    This study aims to determine the distribution and abundance of reef fish families chaetodontidae in coral reef waters of Para Island Sub District Tatoareng. This study was conducted at 4 stations. Data collected was done using visual census on the 50-meter transect line at 5 meters depth. In addition to revealing the number of species and abundance of individuals chaetodontidae, data analysis aimed to determine number of species, individual abundance, and the community index. Based on the identification, obtained 27 species from 3 genera and 217 number of individuals. The highest number of species found at station Para 1. 7 species are always found in all observation stations, Chaetodon kleinii, C. punctatofasciatus, C. lunulatus, C. trifascialis, C. vagabundus, Heniochus varius, H. chrysostomus. The species with the largest number of individuals that is Chaetodon kleinii (45 individuals). Chaetodontidae fish species diversity index ranged between 2.207-2.866. Dominance Index are categorized low in the range of 0.078-0.122. Similarity index are categorized high in the range of 0.922-0.971