21 research outputs found

    Long-term effect of temperature and precipitation on radial growth in a threatened thermo-Mediterranean tree population

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    The combined effect of climate change and habitat destruction and fragmentation threatens many plant populations and even entire communities in Mediterranean ecosystems. The Iberian pear, Pyrus bourgaeana Decne, a characteristic species of Mediterranean ecosystems, is threatened by both habitat and climate changes. We ask whether and how the growth of mature P. bourgaeana in the thermo-Mediterranean zone (i.e., altitude <700 m) has been affected by long-term climate changes during the last century in a fragmented landscape. Dendrochronological methods were used to find growth–climate relationships. We made the first dendroclimatological analyses and constructed a first 103-year tree-ring chronology (1905–2007) of this species. The tree-ring series revealed large growth variability. We found a clear, strong relationship between tree growth and climate, with annual precipitation being the most important climate factor enhancing radial growth. Our results also showed that warm autumns and winters positively affect growth. There was no temporal stability in the relationship between tree growth and climate. The most general trend was in the relationship between annual precipitation and tree growth: the decrease of rainfall in the last decades of the twentieth century was associated with a constant increase of the correlation coefficient. Water accumulated in the soil in autumn and winter proved to be a key factor augmenting tree growth in the following vegetation period. The climate–growth relationship in P. bourgaeana has strengthened in recent decades apparently due to decreased precipitation levels.Peer reviewe

    A comprehensive approach to double inverted pendulum modelling

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    The problem of mathematical modelling and indication of properties of a DIP has been investigated in this paper. The aim of this work is to aggregate the knowledge on a DIP modelling using the Euler-Lagrange formalism in the presence of external forces and friction. To indicate the main properties important for simulation, model parameters identification and control system synthesis, analytical and numerical tools have been used. The investigated properties include stability of equilibrium points, a chaos of dynamics and non-minimum phase behaviour around an upper position. The presented results refer to the model of a physical (constructed) DIP system

    Association Between Mycotoxin Exposure and Dietary Habits in Colorectal Cancer Development Among a Polish Population: A Study Protocol

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common and lethal types of cancer worldwide. The developing of this disease includes many factors such as genetic, socioeconomic, environmental, and lifestyle factors, and nutrition habits. The aim of the study is the determination of zearalenone and its metabolite level in the biological samples of participants at risk of CRC, in relation to the nutrition data and information on the quality of life dependent on health. In the cohort clinical trial, 150 participants aged between 50 and 65 will be studied. The participants will be assigned into two groups depending on the colonoscopy result. Participants will be tested at dietary intake, quality of life, sleep time and quality, stress level as well as biochemical parameters of the blood. Moreover, in the biological samples, concentration of zearalenone and its metabolites (&alpha;-zearalenol and &beta;-zearalenol) as well as the characteristics of gastrointestinal bacterial will be determined, and the end of the trial for both groups and their results will be compared. Taking into account the possible effect of mycotoxins and nutrition habits on the development of cancer, the results obtained may allow the formulation of new nutritional recommendations and reduce the development and occurrence of CRC

    Impact of Inhalers Used in the Treatment of Respiratory Diseases on Global Warming

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    The term “carbon footprint” describes the emission of greenhouse gases into the environment as a result of human activities. The healthcare sector is responsible for 5–8% of the value of global greenhouse gas emissions, of which medical aerosols account for only 0.03% of the total emissions. The reduction of greenhouse gases, including those used for the production and use of medicinal products and medical devices, is part of the responsibilities that Poland and the respective countries should undertake in order to implement the assumptions of international law. At the level of medical law, this obligation correlates with the need to exercise due diligence in the process of providing health services, including the selection of low-emission medical products and devices (inhalers) and providing patients with information on how to handle used products and devices, with particular emphasis on those that imply greenhouse gas emissions. Pressurized metered dose inhalers (pMDI) containing the hydrofluoroalkane 134a demonstrate the largest carbon footprint, followed by a metered dose liquid inhaler and dry powder inhalers (DPI). The carbon footprint of DPI with a given drug is 13–32 times lower than it is in the case of the corresponding pMDI. Replacement of pMDI by DPI is one of the effective methods to reduce the carbon footprint of inhalers, and the replacement should be based on current medical knowledge. A recycling system for all types of inhalers must be urgently implemented

    The Effect of Low Doses of Zearalenone (ZEN) on the Bone Marrow Microenvironment and Haematological Parameters of Blood Plasma in Pre-Pubertal Gilts

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether low doses of zearalenone (ZEN) influence the carry-over of ZEN and its metabolites to the bone marrow microenvironment and, consequently, haematological parameters. Pre-pubertal gilts (with a body weight of up to 14.5 kg) were exposed to daily ZEN doses of 5 μg/kg BW (group ZEN5, n = 15), 10 μg/kg BW (group ZEN10, n = 15), 15 μg/kg BW (group ZEN15, n = 15), or were administered a placebo (group C, n = 15) throughout the entire experiment. Bone marrow was sampled on three dates (exposure dates 7, 21, and 42—after slaughter) and blood for haematological analyses was sampled on 10 dates. Significant differences in the analysed haematological parameters (WBC White Blood Cells, MONO—Monocytes, NEUT—Neutrophils, LYMPH—Lymphocytes, LUC—Large Unstained Cells, RBC—Red Blood Cells, HGB—Haemoglobin, HCT—Haematocrit, MCH—Mean Corpuscular Volume, MCHC—Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentrations, PLT—Platelet Count and MPV—Mean Platelet Volume) were observed between groups. The results of the experiment suggest that exposure to low ZEN doses triggered compensatory and adaptive mechanisms, stimulated the local immune system, promoted eryptosis, intensified mycotoxin biotransformation processes in the liver, and produced negative correlations between mycotoxin concentrations and selected haematological parameters

    Impact of inhalers used in the treatment of respiratory diseases on global warming

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    The term “carbon footprint” describes the emission of greenhouse gases into the environment as a result of human activities. The healthcare sector is responsible for 5–8% of the value of global greenhouse gas emissions, of which medical aerosols account for only 0.03% of the total emissions. The reduction of greenhouse gases, including those used for the production and use of medicinal products and medical devices, is part of the responsibilities that Poland and the respective countries should undertake in order to implement the assumptions of international law. At the level of medical law, this obligation correlates with the need to exercise due diligence in the process of providing health services, including the selection of low-emission medical products and devices (inhalers) and providing patients with information on how to handle used products and devices, with particular emphasis on those that imply greenhouse gas emissions. Pressurized metered dose inhalers (pMDI) containing the hydrofluoroalkane 134a demonstrate the largest carbon footprint, followed by a metered dose liquid inhaler and dry powder inhalers (DPI). The carbon footprint of DPI with a given drug is 13–32 times lower than it is in the case of the corresponding pMDI. Replacement of pMDI by DPI is one of the effective methods to reduce the carbon footprint of inhalers, and the replacement should be based on current medical knowledge. A recycling system for all types of inhalers must be urgently implemented

    Wpływ inhalatorów stosowanych w leczeniu chorób układu oddechowego na globalne ocieplenie

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    Termin „ślad węglowy” (carbon footprint) określa emisję do środowiska gazów cieplarnianych powstających w wyniku działal-ności człowieka. Sektor opieki zdrowotnej odpowiada za 5–8% wartości globalnej emisji gazów cieplarnianych, z czego aerozole medyczne stanowią jedynie 0,03% całości emisji. Redukcja gazów cieplarniach, w tym tych używanych do produkcji i stosowania produktów leczniczych i wyrobów medycznych, wpisuje się w zakres obowiązków, jakie Polska i poszczególne kraje powinna podjąć celem urzeczywistnienia założeń prawa międzynarodowego. Na płaszczyźnie prawa medycznego, obowiązek ten koreluje z koniecznością dołożenia należytej staranności w procesie udzielania świadczeń zdrowotnych, w tym wyborze niskoemisyjnych produktów i wyrobów medycznych (inhalatorów) oraz udzielania pacjentom informacji o sposobie postępowania ze zużytymi produktami i wyrobami, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem tych, które implikują emisję gazów cieplarnianych. Największy ślad węglowy mają inhalatory ciśnieniowe dozujące oparte o hydrofluoroalkan 134a (pMDI HFA 134a), następnie inhalator odmie-rzonej dawki leku w płynie oraz inhalatory suchego proszku (DPI). Ślad węglowy DPI z danym lekiem jest 13–32 razy mniejszy od odpowiadającego mu pMDI. Zamiana pMDI na DPI jest z jednym ze skutecznych sposobów ograniczenia śladu węglowego inhalatorów, a przy zamianie należy się kierować aktualną wiedzą medyczną. Należy pilnie wdrożyć system recyklingu inhalatorów wszystkich typów

    Wiedza pielęgniarek na temat odpowiedzialności zawodowej

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    Wstęp. Odpowiedzialność zawodowa, etyka, kompetencje zawodowe pielęgniarek to tematy budzące coraz większe zainteresowanie. Tematyka ta obejmuje świadomość odpowiedzialności wśród pielęgniarek, znajomość przez nie swoich kompetencji zawodowych, stopień zrozumienia powierzonych zadań oraz odpowiedzialność w realizowaniu standardów.Cel pracy. Celem badań była próba oceny wiedzy pielęgniarek na temat odpowiedzialności zawodowej.Materiał i metody. Badania kwestionariuszowe przeprowadzono wśród 486 pielęgniarek zatrudnionych w szpitalach znajdujących się na terenie aglomeracji śląskiej.Wyniki. Blisko 80% badanych wiedziało, że odpowiedzialność zawodową ponosi się przed sądami pielęgniarek i położnych. Prawie połowa wykazała się znajomością aktu prawnego regulującego zakres i rodzaj świadczeń wykonywanych samodzielnie przez pielęgniarkę/położną. Tylko 39% ankietowanych uczestniczyło w szkoleniach na temat odpowiedzialności zawodowej i jednocześnie 88% wyraziło chęć wzięcia udziału w takich kursach. Ponad połowa (61%) respondentów wiedziała, że może odmówić wykonania zlecenia lekarskiego.Wnioski. Wiedza badanych pielęgniarek w zakresie odpowiedzialności zawodowej jest niepełna i fragmentaryczna, co potwierdziła niska samoocena posiadanej wiedzy oraz ogromna chęć uczestnictwa w szkoleniach z tego zakresu. Badania wskazały konieczność propagowania wiedzy na temat odpowiedzialności zawodowej pielęgniarek

    Stress Relaxation Behaviour Modeling in Rigid Polyurethane (PU) Elastomeric Materials

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    Polyurethane (PU) has been used in a variety of industries during the past few years due to its exceptional qualities, including strong mechanical strength, good abrasion resistance, toughness, low-temperature flexibility, etc. More specifically, PU is easily “tailored” to satisfy particular requirements. There is a lot of potential for its use in broader applications due to this structure–property link. Ordinary polyurethane items cannot satisfy people’s increased demands for comfort, quality, and novelty as living standards rise. The development of functional polyurethane has recently received tremendous commercial and academic attention as a result. In this study, the rheological behavior of a polyurethane elastomer of the PUR (rigid polyurethane) type was examined. The study’s specific goal was to examine stress relaxation for various bands of specified strains. We also suggested the use of a modified Kelvin–Voigt model to describe the stress relaxation process from the perspective of the author. For the purpose of verification, materials with two different Shore hardness ratings—80 and 90 ShA, respectively—were chosen. The outcomes made it possible to positively validate the suggested description in a variety of deformations ranging from 50% to 100%