17 research outputs found

    On the morphological investigation of Pt dispersion and structure of alumina-platinum composites obtained by thermal oxidation of Al-Pt nano thin layers

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    This article presents the methodology for the Pt/Al and Pt/Al nanolaminates production as well as Pt + Al composites using two magnetrons by preparing the oxide-metal composites through high temperature oxidation of nanofilms deposited by PVD method on a metal substrate. In this article, we described the nanostructures obtained as a result of PVD technology. The applied layers were oxidized at a temperature of 860°C under Ar + O2 for 48 hours. SEM surface analysis of the obtained nanolaminates showed that the base of the oxidized laminates was covered with a fine wafer and whisker structure with an anisotropic growth orientation. Oxidation of composite layers provided the growth of chaotically oriented and mutually penetrable whiskers and small crystals. Analysis of nanolayers by the TEM technique indicated that the growth of oxide crystals leads to the dissipation of Pt particles. The comparison of oxide layers obtained with the Pt/Al system with oxide layers obtained with Pt + Al composite nanofilms indicates that those obtained through the oxidation of nanofilms shows a greater surface development. This is due to the partial covering of Pt particles through the Al layer, which causes a very strong fragmentation of the Pt nanofilms occurring during oxidation. During the oxidation in the entire volume of nanofilms, strong stresses are created that cause numerous nano-cracks, which promotes the expansion of the surface and its high activity

    Towards Impact of Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) on Shelf-Life of Polymer-Film-Packed Food Products: Challenges and Sustainable Developments

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    In this article, we report in detail the use of protective gases to extend the shelf-life of polymer-film-packed foodstuff and reduce the most typical bacteria and microorganisms that negatively affect the quality and lifetime of a given packaging. This article provides significant information about the most important advantages of using protective gases and examples of gases or gas mixtures which can be used for almost every kind of foodstuff depending on the application. We also discuss how protective gases change the level of microorganisms in food using gases and how the shelf-life of food can be enhanced using correct gases or gas mixtures. The article also provides imperative information on the selection of correct protective gases for specific applications, especially for food production, to preserve against the most typical threats which can appear during the packaging or production process. Packaging innovations can reduce the environmental impact of food and polymer packaging waste by prolonging products’ shelf-lives and by reducing waste along the production and distribution chain and at the household level

    Recent progress in biodegradable polymers and nanocomposite-based packaging materials for sustainable environment

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    Plastic-based materials are frequently used in packaging and can be seen universally in both the developed and developing societies. At present, most of the currently used food packaging materials are nondegradable and are creating serious environmental problems. New technologies are being explored and developed to study the complex interaction between the food packaging materials and food. For example, nanocomposite of cellulose constitutes environmentally friendly packaging, which is easily recycled by combustion and requires low power consumption in production. There are several such biodegradable materials which are available at a low price, have good mechanical properties and allow disposal in the soil. This is advantageous because biological degradation produces only carbon dioxide, water, and inorganic compounds to name a few. It has also been discovered that biodegradable plastics made of such materials can be disposed of together with organic waste. The widespread use of biopolymers in the place of standard plastics would help to reduce the weight of waste. Therefore, biodegradable materials take part in the natural cycle “from nature to nature” and play an important role for environmental sustainability. So, in this article, we briefly summarize the different characteristic of biodegradable polymers being used in food packaging applications

    Biopolymers for biomedical and pharmaceutical applications: Recent advances and overview of alginate electrospinning

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    Innovative solutions using biopolymer-based materials made of several constituents seems to be particularly attractive for packaging in biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. In this direction, some progress has been made in extending use of the electrospinning process towards fiber formation based on biopolymers and organic compounds for the preparation of novel packaging materials. Electrospinning can be used to create nanofiber mats characterized by high purity of the material, which can be used to create active and modern biomedical and pharmaceutical packaging. Intelligent medical and biomedical packaging with the use of polymers is a broadly and rapidly growing field of interest for industries and academia. Among various polymers, alginate has found many applications in the food sector, biomedicine, and packaging. For example, in drug delivery systems, a mesh made of nanofibres produced by the electrospinning method is highly desired. Electrospinning for biomedicine is based on the use of biopolymers and natural substances, along with the combination of drugs (such as naproxen, sulfikoxazol) and essential oils with antibacterial properties (such as tocopherol, eugenol). This is a striking method due to the ability of producing nanoscale materials and structures of exceptional quality, allowing the substances to be encapsulated and the drugs/biologically active substances placed on polymer nanofibers. So, in this article we briefly summarize the recent advances on electrospinning of biopolymers with particular emphasis on usage of Alginate for biomedical and pharmaceutical applications

    A study on the thermodynamic changes in the mixture of polypropylene (PP) with varying contents of technological and post-user recyclates for sustainable nanocomposites

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    The use of recycled materials can address some of the issues associated with the cost and environmental implications of non-renewable materials. So the prime aim of this work was to determine the thermodynamic changes in the polypropylene (PP) mixtures depending on the percentage amount of different origin recyclates for sustainable nanocomposites. In this study, different polypropylene mixtures with the addition of PP recyclates from a selective waste collection system and in-plant recycling system have been subjected to detailed analysis. It was obvious that recyclates from technological waste were of higher quality than post-user recyclates obtained from a selective waste collection system. The influence of the source of the recyclates on the different properties of the processed materials has been studied in detail. The content of the repeatedly processed material in the technological recyclates was found to explain the unexpected influence of the recyclates content on the properties of the final product. A mathematical model was also formulated to calculate the content of the material with certain amount of recirculations in the in-plant recycling system since no analyses concerning the content of the repeatedly processed material in the technological recyclates added to the original material were found in the literature

    Pyrolysis and incineration in polymer waste management system

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    Waste and associated risks are becoming an increasingly noticeable problem in environmental protection in our time. The management of especially industrial waste is a difficult and at the same time a significant problem. Incineration is the basic process of thermal utilization. The combustion process is not neutral for the environment, and is associated with the emission of dust, sulfur and nitrogen compounds as well as dioxins and furans. Therefore, combustion installations must be equipped with a number of devices for cleaning the exhaust gases. The most primary process of obtaining useful energy from biomass, i.e. combustion, is characterized by specific dynamics. Regardless of the technique, it is affected by physical and chemical processes. The condition of economic and technical correctness of co-firing is maintaining the optimal share of biomass in the fuel mixture and its appropriate quality. Effective co-firing of the prepared mixture can be carried out in existing grate, fluid and dust boilers. Pyrolysis is a stage in both the combustion and gasification process. In this process, as a result of the thermal decomposition of the structure of the organic fuel, we obtain carbonizate as well as tar and gas products. In the pyrolysis process, solid fuel is transformed into two other forms: gaseous fuel and liquid fuel. The share of individual forms and their composition depends on the type and composition of biomass, as well as the method of conducting the pyrolysis process. In highly developed countries, works are ongoing to improve and increase the efficiency of biomass combustion processes and co-firing of biomass with coal, also in circuits with a syngas gas turbine. In addition to the development of technology, great emphasis is also placed on the search for new methods of biomass processing, as well as methods of processing polymeric materials, which until now have caused difficulties in processing