11 research outputs found

    Intratesticular cellular angiofibroma — a rare benign tumour: case report and literature review

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    Cellular angiofibroma is a rare and benign tumour of mesenchymal origin. Within a microscopic image, two main cell populations are typically observed: spindle-shaped cells and blood vessels; both of which are sometimes accompanied by atypical liposarcoma-like cells. We present a case of a 31-year old male admitted to the Department of Urology because of a solid mass being present in the left testis. The patient underwent radical orchidectomy through the inguinal canal. Microscopic examination demonstrated an intratesticular cellular angiofibroma. During a two-year follow-up, there were no signs observed of any metastases nor disease recurrence. Intratesticular localisation of cellular angiofibroma has never been previously reported. Benign tumours of the testis are rare, but an awareness of this phenomenon may reduce the number of unnecessary orchidectomies, thereby increasing the rate of organ-sparing surgery

    Stężenie adiponektyny, leptyny, rezystyny i insuliny we krwi chorych z niedokrwiennym udarem mózgu

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    Introduction: Stroke, due to its worldwide prevalence, is not only a medical challenge, but also a serious social problem. Recently, ongoing research has examined whether there are associations between adipose tissue hormones and the risk, mechanisms and course of stroke. The aim of our study was to determine whether there are significant differences in blood concentrations of insulin, adiponectin, leptin, resistin and in insulin resistance among patients in the acute phase of ischaemic stroke, compared to healthy subjects. In addition, we wanted to investigate if those biochemical values show a correlation with the neurological condition of our patients. Material and methods: Adiponectin, leptin, resistin and insulin were measured in patients (n = 69) with first-ever ischaemic stroke (confirmed by CT), using specific electrochemoluminescence, radioimmunoassay and ELISA methods. Neurological evaluation was performed using Barthel ADL index on the day of admission and on the ninth day of hospitalisation. Insulin resistance value was obtained via the HOMA-IR calculator. Data was compared to that of healthy individuals (n = 26). Results: Insulin concentration (51.08 v. 17.02 uU/mL) and HOMA-IR value (6.3 v. 2.2) were significantly higher in the study group. Leptin (14.98 v. 10.47 ng/mL) and resistin (28.92 v. 12.25 ng/mL) levels were elevated among the stroke survivors compared to controls, but no significant difference was noted in adiponectin. Negative correlations of adiponectin level and Barthel score were observed. Conclusions: Hyperinsulinaemia and insulin resistance are involved in the pathogenesis of ischaemic stroke. Hyperleptinaemia and hyperresistinaemia play a role in the mechanism of stroke. The severity of stroke is associated with adiponectin blood concentration. (Endokrynol Pol 2012; 63 (5): 338-345)Wstęp: Udar mózgu stanowi częstą przyczynę zgonów oraz najczęstszą przyczynę trwałej niesprawności u osób powyżej 40. roku życia. Od kilku lat badana jest rola adipocytokin w patogenezie chorób OUN. Celem pracy jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy istnieją różnice w stężeniach adiponektyny, leptyny, rezystyny i insuliny we krwi między chorymi w ostrej fazie niedokrwiennego udaru mózgu a osobami zdrowymi oraz czy istnieje związek między stężeniami wyżej wymienionych hormonów we krwi a stanem neurologicznym chorych, ocenianym za pomocą skali Bartel w momencie rozpoczęcia leczenia oraz dalszej obserwacji. Materiał i metody: Badanie przeprowadzono u 69 chorych (37 kobiet, śr. wieku 72 lata, 32 mężczyzn, śr. wieku 68 lat) z objawami udaru niedokrwiennego mózgu. U wszystkich chorych wykonano TK mózgu, dokonano oceny stanu neurologicznego przy przyjęciu oraz w 9. dobie leczenia za pomocą skali "ciężkości udaru" według Bartela oraz oznaczono we krwi stężenia adiponektyny, leptyny, rezystyny i insuliny. Wyniki: Nie stwierdzono różnicy w stężeniu adiponektyny we krwi między grupą z niedokrwiennym udarem mózgu a grupą kontrolną (15.49 v. 14.32 ug/mL). Stężenia leptyny (14.98 v. 10.47 ng/mL), rezystyny (28.92 v. 12.25 ng/mL), insuliny (51.08 v. 17.02 uU/mL) oraz wskaźnik insulinooporności HOMA (6.3 v. 2.2) u chorych z niedokrwiennym udarem mózgu były większe niż u osób zdrowych. Stwierdzono ujemną korelację pomiędzy wartością skali Bartel a stężeniem adiponektyny u chorych z udarem niedokrwiennym zarówno w dniu przyjęcia (R -0.266, p < 0.05), jak i w 9 dobie leczenia (R -0.302, p < 0.05). Wnioski: Wydaje się, że zarówno hiperinsulinemia i insulinooporność, jak i hiperleptynemia oraz hiperezystynemia odgrywają rolę w patogenezie niedokrwiennego udaru mózgu. Stopień ciężkości udaru w momencie wystąpienia oraz jego przebieg jest z kolei związany ze stężeniem adiponektyny we krwi. (Endokrynol Pol 2012; 63 (5): 338-345

    Czynność osi GH/IGF-I, stężenie hormonów kalciotropowych we krwi oraz gęstość mineralna kości u młodych osób z przewlekłym wirusowym zapaleniem wątroby

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    Introduction: Chronic liver disease caused by HBV and HCV infections, due to its great prevalence and serious medical consequences, is at the present time a significant clinical problem. An impaired liver function can provoke severe disturbances in calcium and phosphorus homeostasis, and consequently in the bone metabolism resulting in hepatic osteodystrophy. The aim of this study was to determine whether there are significant differences in bone mineral density (BMD) and/or circadian levels of hormones connected with bone metabolism and bone turnover markers in patients with chronic viral hepatitis. Material and methods: Circadian levels (AUC, area under the curve) of GH, IGF-I, IGFBP-3, osteocalcin (BGLAP), C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (ICTP), PTH, 25(OH)D, total calcium and total phosporus were measured in the blood of members of the study group (n = 80). BMD was assessed using the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry method of the L2-L4 lumbar spine. Data was compared to that of healthy individuals (n = 40). Results: BMD (1.05 g/cm3 vs. 1.20 g/cm3), total calcium concentration (2.20 mmol/L vs. 2.45 mmol/L), total phosphorus concentration (1.06 mmol/L vs. 1.33 mmol/L), IGF-I (AUC 3,982.32 ng/mL vs. 5,167.61 ng/mL), IGFBP-3 (AUC 725.09 ng/L vs. 944.35 ng/L), 25(OH)D (AUC 356.35 ng/mL vs. 767.53 ng/mL) and BGLAP (AUC 161.39 ng/L vs. 298 ng/L) were lower in the study group. GH (AUC 88.3 ng/mL vs. 48.04 ng/mL), iPTH (AUC 1,201.94 pg/mL vs. 711.73 pg/mL) and ICTP (AUC 104.30 μg/L vs. 54.49 μg/L) were higher in patients with hepatitis. Positive correlations were noted between bone mineral density and IGF-I, IGFBP-3, and BGLAP levels. Conclusions: Chronic viral hepatitis causes a decrease in bone mineral density. Impaired liver function disrupts homeostasis of the calcium– vitamin D–parathyroid hormone axis and provokes secondary hyperparathyroidism. Chronic viral hepatitis induces a decrease in the synthesis of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 and an increase in GH secretion. Hepatic osteodystrophy is probably caused by both changes in calciotropic hormones as well as in the somatotropin hormone axis.Wstęp: Przewlekłe zakażenia HBV i HCV są obecnie znaczącym problemem klinicznym. W wyniku zaburzeń czynności wątroby może dochodzić do zaburzeń w homeostazie wapnia i fosforu oraz w metabolizmie kostnym prowadzących do osteodystrofii wątrobowej. Celem badania była ocena gęstości mineralnej kości (BMD), okołodobowych stężeń hormonów związanych z metabolizmem kości oraz markerów obrotu kostnego u chorych na przewlekłe wirusowe zapalenie wątroby. Materiał i metody: W grupie badanej (n = 80) oznaczano we krwi okołodobowe stężenia (AUC, area under the curve [pole pod krzywą]) GH, IGF-I, IGFBP-3, osteokalcyny (BGLAP), C-terminalnego telopeptydu kolagenu typu I (ICTP), PTH, 25(OH)D, całkowitego wapnia oraz fosforu. BMD (L2-L4) oceniono z użyciem DEXA. Dane porównano ze zdrową grupą kontrolną (n = 40). Wyniki: BMD (1,05 g/cm3 vs. 1,20 g/cm3), stężenia wapnia (2,20 mmol/l vs. 2,45 mmol/l) i fosforu (1,06 mmol/l vs. 1,33 mmol/l), IGF-I (AUC 3982,32 ng/ml vs. 5167,61 ng/ml), IGFBP-3 (AUC 725,09 ng/l vs. 944,35 ng/l), 25(OH)D (AUC 356,35 ng/ml vs. 767,53 ng/ml), BGLAP (AUC 161,39 ng/l vs. 298 ng/l) okazały się niższe w grupie badanej niż w grupie kontrolnej, zaś stężenia GH (AUC 88,3 ng/ml vs. 48,04 ng/ml), PTH (AUC 1201,94 pg/ml vs. 711,73 pg/ml) i ICTP (AUC 104,30 μg/l vs. 54,49 μg/l) były większe u osób z zapaleniem wątroby. Stwierdzono dodatnią korelację między BMD a stężeniami IGF-I, IGFBP-3 oraz BGLAP. Wnioski: Przewlekłe wirusowe zapalenie wątroby prowadzi do zmniejszenia gęstości mineralnej kości. Upośledzona funkcja wątroby zakłóca homeostazę wapnia, witaminy D, PTH, prowadzi do wtórnej nadczynności przytarczyc. Dochodzi do zmniejszenia syntezy IGF-I i IGFBP-3 oraz do zwiększenia wydzielania GH. Osteodystrofia wątrobowa jest prawdopodobnie spowodowana zarówno poprzez zmiany stężenia hormonów kalciotropowych, jak i zaburzenia funkcjonowania osi somatotropinowej

    The role of CART in cancer: systematic review.

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    Role of NLRP3 inflammasome in the development of bladder pain syndrome interstitial cystitis

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    Although it has been proposed that NOD-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome activation may have an important contribution to the onset of bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis (BPS/IC), as of today there is still insufficient evidence to accept or to reject this hypothesis. However, taking into consideration that inflammasomes have been already shown as important mediators of cyclophosphamide-induced bladder inflammation and that some studies have also revealed human bladder epithelium expresses high levels of NLRP3, such a hypothesis seems to be reasonable. The purpose of this review is to discuss a scenario that NLRP3 inflammasome is a crucial player in the development of this disease. Identification of a novel mediator of bladder inflammation and pain could lead to emerging new therapeutic strategy and the first causative therapy

    The Association between Lymph Node Dissection and Survival in Lymph Node-Negative Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Cancer

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    The benefit of lymph node dissection (LND) during radical nephroureterectomy (RNU) in lymph node (LN)-negative (cN0/pN0) UTUC remains controversial. We aimed to assess the association between LND and its extent and survival in LN-negative UTUC. The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database was searched to identify patients with non-metastatic chemotherapy-naïve cN0/pNx or pN0 UTUC who underwent RNU +/− LND between 2004 and 2019. Overall, 4649 patients with cN0/pNx or pN0 UTUC were analyzed, including 909 (19.55%) individuals who had LND. Among them, only in 368 patients (7.92%) was LND extended to at least four LNs, and the remaining 541 patients (11.64%) have had < four LNs removed. In the whole cohort, LND contributed to better cancer-specific survival (CSS) and overall survival (OS). Furthermore, a propensity score-matched analysis adjusted for confounders confirmed that improved CSS and OS was achieved only when ≥ four LNs had been removed, especially in muscle-invasive UTUC. A multivariable analysis further confirmed an association between the extent of LND and CSS. To conclude, adequate LND during RNU was associated with improved OS and CSS in LN-negative UTUC, particularly in muscle-invasive stage. This underscores that a sufficient LN yield is required to reveal a therapeutic benefit in patients undergoing RNU

    The Role of Cocaine- and Amphetamine-Regulated Transcript (CART) in Cancer: A Systematic Review

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    The functions of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) neuropeptide encoded by the CARTPT gene vary from modifying behavior and pain sensitivity to being an antioxidant. Putative CART peptide receptor GPR160 was implicated recently in the pathogenesis of cancer. However, the exact role of CART protein in the development of neoplasms remains unclear. This systematic review includes articles retrieved from the Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science and Medline Complete databases. Nineteen publications that met the inclusion criteria and describe the association of CART and cancer were analyzed. CART is expressed in various types of cancer, e.g., in breast cancer and neuroendocrine tumors (NETs). The role of CART as a potential biomarker in breast cancer, stomach adenocarcinoma, glioma and some types of NETs was suggested. In various cancer cell lines, CARTPT acts an oncogene, enhancing cellular survival by the activation of the ERK pathway, the stimulation of other pro-survival molecules, the inhibition of apoptosis or the increase in cyclin D1 levels. In breast cancer, CART was reported to protect tumor cells from tamoxifen-mediated death. Taken together, these data support the role of CART activity in the pathogenesis of cancer, thus opening new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in neoplastic disorders

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of kinesio taping application in a patient with secondary lymphedema in breast cancer: a case report

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    Breast cancer-related lymphedema is one of the complications resulting from treatment. It is defined as arm oedema in the breast cancer patients caused by interruption of the flow of the axillary lymphatic system from surgery or radiation therapy, which results in the accumulation of fluid in the subcutaneous tissue of the arm, with a decrease in tissue distensibility around the joints and an increased weight of the extremity. Decongestive lymphatic therapy is common management for lymphedema. A program combining skin care, manual lymphatic drainage, exercise, and compression therapy (multilayer bandage or garment) is recognised as the best practice in lymphedema management. Kinesio taping (KT) for lymphatic drainage is a new choice in the field of physical therapy. The material and the original concept of the taping technique were introduced by Dr Kenso Kase in 1973. K-tape had been designed to allow 30-40% longitudinal stretch. It is composed of 100% cotton fibers and acrylic heat sensitive glue. Development of the technique for its administration is still ongoing. The paper discusses the case of a woman with breast cancer, in whom lymphedema occurred. The patient had three weeks of therapy. The treatment consisted of 12 manual lymphatic drainage, 12 pneumatic compressions and 3 applications of the KT method (due to the lack of standard multi-layer bandaging). During the measurement of oedema it was noted that KT had a significant effect on the reduction of lymphedema and accelerates healing effects compared to standard methods