5 research outputs found

    O pewnym językowym rozszerzeniu logiki MR: podejście semantyczne i tabelau

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    In the article we present an extension of the minimal, normal positional logic, i.e., the logic with realization operator MR. Positional logic is a philosophical logic that makes it possible to relate sentences to contexts that can be understood in many ways. We enrich the basic language of minimal positional logic with additional expressions built with predicates and positional constants. We also accept expressions built with the realization operator and many positions, like: Ra1,K,an(A). Thanks to this, we increased the expressivity of minimal positional logic. In the article we point to many examples of the fact that, thanks to this small change, complex theories based on the proposed extension can be created. As a theory of proof for our logic, we assume tableau methods, showing soundness and completeness theorems. At the end, however, we show that the logic studied here is only a language extension of the MR: all theorems of the extension have their equivalents in pure MR theorems. However, theories built upon the proposed extension can express much more than theories built upon pure MR.W artykule przedstawiamy rozszerzenie minimalnej, normalnej logiki pozycyjnej, czyli logiki z operatorem realizacji. Logika pozycyjna to logika filozoficzna, która umożliwia odniesienie zdań do kontekstów, które można rozumieć na wiele sposobów. Wzbogacamy podstawowy język minimalnej logiki pozycyjnej o dodatkowe wyrażenia zbudowane z predykatów i stałych pozycyjnych. Akceptujemy również wyrażenia zbudowane z operatorem realizacji oraz wiele pozycji, takich jak: Ra1,K,an(A) Dzięki temu zwiększyliśmy wyrazistość minimalnej logiki pozycyjnej. W artykule wskazujemy na wiele przykładów na to, że dzięki tej niewielkiej zmianie mogą powstać złożone teorie oparte na proponowanym rozszerzeniu. Jako teorię dowodu dla naszej logiki zakładamy metody tableau, pokazujące twierdzenia o poprawności i zupełności. Na koniec jednak pokazujemy, że badana tutaj logika jest tylko rozszerzeniem językowym MR: wszystkie twierdzenia o przedłużeniu mają swoje odpowiedniki w czystych twierdzeniach MR. Jednak teorie oparte na proponowanym rozszerzeniu mogą wyrazić znacznie więcej niż teorie oparte na czystej MR

    Comparison of Intramedullary Magnetic Nail, Monolateral External Distractor, and Spatial External Fixator in Femur Lengthening in Adolescents with Congenital Diseases

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the course of the treatment and clinical and functional outcomes of femur lengthening in adolescents with congenital disorders by the application of different surgical methods. This retrospective study comprised 35 patients (39 procedures). A total of 11 patients underwent femur lengthening with the use of the intramedullary magnetic nail (IMN) Precise 2 (NuVasive, San Diego, CA, USA), 7 patients (11 procedures) with the use of the monolateral external distractor Modular Rail System (MRS) (Smith and Nephew, Memphis, TN, USA), and 17 with the use of the computer-assisted external fixator Taylor Spatial Frame (TSF) (Smith and Nephew, Memphis, TN, USA). The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) congenital femoral length deficiency without any axial deformities and (2), independently of the finally applied treatment, the technical possibility of use of each of the analyzed methods. The distraction index did not differ significantly between the groups (p = 0.89). The median lengthening index was the lowest in the IMN group (24.3 d/cm; IQR 21.8–33.1) and statistically different in comparison to the MRS (44.2 d/cm; IQR 42–50.9; p p p p < 0.001) groups. This study indicates that IMN is a more valuable method of treatment for femoral length discrepancy without axial deformity than MRS and TSF in complication rate and indexes of lengthening and consolidation

    Reliability Analysis of MV Electric Distribution Networks Including Distributed Generation and ICT Infrastructure

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    In recent years, the increased distributed generation (DG) capacity in electric distribution systems has been observed. Therefore, it is necessary to research existing structures of distribution networks as well as to develop new (future) system structures. There are many works on the reliability of distribution systems with installed DG sources. This paper deals with a reliability analysis for both present and future medium voltage (MV) electric distribution system structures. The impact of DG technology used and energy source location on the power supply reliability has been analyzed. The reliability models of electrical power devices, conventional and renewable energy sources as well as information and communications technology (ICT) components have been proposed. Main contribution of this paper are the results of performed calculations, which have been analyzed for specific system structures (two typical present network structures and two future network structures), using detailed information on DG types, their locations and power capacities, as well as distribution system automation applied (automatic stand-by switching on—ASS and automatic power restoration—APR). The reliability of the smart grid consisting of the distribution network and the coupled communications network was simulated and assessed. The observations and conclusions based on calculation results have been made. More detailed modeling and consideration of system automation of distribution grids with DG units coupled with the communication systems allows the design and application of more reliable MV network structures