27 research outputs found

    Wpływ handlu równoległego leków na rynek farmaceutyczny w Polsce

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    Impact of parallel trade on pharmaceutical market in PolandParallel trade of pharmaceuticals is very complex and controversial phenomenon. It has 9 year history of systematic growth in Poland, however has reached only 1% share of the total Polish pharmaceutical market, so far. Moreover, there is a future risk that the growth of this sector will slow down or even change into negative trend without governmental support and with growing parallel export phenomenon stimulated by new reimbursement act. The results of this research show that there is an instant need for development of mechanisms to control export of Polish pharmaceuticals. Simultaneously, more specific approach is required to stimulate import of drugs in Poland. Both should ensure the right balance of the local pharmaceutical market and proper availability of pharmaceutical products for the Polish patient

    Wpływ wydatków typu out-of-pocket na sprawiedliwość w finansowaniu ochrony zdrowia

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    Out-of-pocket expenditures versus equity in health care financingHealth care systems in OECD countries are financed by a mix of taxes, social or private insurance contributions and out-of-pocket payments. The various funding sources may have different impact on equity and redistributive effect in health care financing. The co-payments for certain medical services exist in all OECD countries, the most common are co-payments for the reimbursement drugs. This paper presents preliminary results of literature review of studies on equity in financing of health care, conducted in the framework of InterQuality Project. Recent studies on equity in the financing of reimbursement drugs in Poland and Hungary were identified, as well as earlier study, measuring horizontal inequity in utilization of prescription drugs in Denmark. The results show that inequity in financing and utilization of reimbursement drugs remained, and even increased in Hungary and Poland after implementation of health care reforms, which led to higher out-of-pocket expenditures on reimbursed drugs

    Costs of Hypertension in Poland

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    Wstęp Celem przeprowadzonej analizy była ocena kosztów związanych z występowaniem nadciśnienia tętniczego w Polsce. Analizę przeprowadzono retrospektywnie z perspektywy społecznej dla populacji 9286 pacjentów z całej Polski, leczonych z powodu nadciśnienia tętniczego przez ostatni rok. Kalkulacji poddano bezpośrednie koszty medyczne związane z leczeniem farmakologicznym, konsultacjami lekarskimi, badaniami laboratoryjnymi i diagnostycznymi oraz hospitalizacjami. Koszty pośrednie związane z utratą produktywności zostały również uwzględnione. Wszystkie koszty zostały zebrane za pomocą „Formularza Oceny Kosztów Leczenia Nadciśnienia Tętniczego”. Wyniki Całkowity średni koszt związany z występowaniem nadciśnienia tętniczego obliczono na 1570 PLN na pacjenta na rok. Próba oszacowania całkowitych kosztów związanych z występowaniem nadciśnienia tętniczego w Polsce wykazała, że mogą one sięgać nawet 14 miliardów PLN rocznie. Rozkład kosztów całkowitych przedstawiał się następująco: leki — 10,2%, konsultacje lekarskie — 30,8%, badania laboratoryjne i diagnostyczne — 11,4%, hospitalizacje — 21,0%, pośrednie koszty utraconej produktywności — 26,6%. Międzynarodowe porównanie wyników badania PENT wykazało, że wydatki na leczenie farmakologiczne osób z nadciśnieniem tętniczym w Polsce stanowią niższy odsetek całkowitych wydatków niż w innych krajach (np. Szwecja — 53,3%, Stany Zjednoczone — 20,7%). Teoretycznie całkowite obciążenie społeczne kosztami nadciśnienia tętniczego może więc wynosić, w przeliczeniu na mieszkańca na rok, odpowiednio: 31 USD w Szwecji, 82 USD w Stanach Zjednoczonych oraz 88 USD w Polsce (wg kursu wymiany walut z dnia 21.01.2001). Wnioski Wyniki analizy ukazują, jak znaczne obciążenie ekonomiczne społeczeństwa polskiego stanowi nadciśnienie tętnicze. Koszty leczenia farmakologicznego stanowią w Polsce najniższy odsetek kosztów. Optymalna alokacja wydatków na leczenie farmakologiczne może więc wpłynąć na redukcję całkowitych kosztów związanych z występowaniem nadciśnienia tętniczego w Polsce.Background The aim of the study was to assess costs related to hypertension in Poland. This analysis was carried out in GP’s centres throughout the country. The time horizon of the analysis was 12 months and a retrospective approach was applied. The direct medical costs of: pharmacological treatment, doctors’ consultations, laboratory and diagnostic tests and hospitalisations were identified and calculated. Indirect costs due to productivity loss were also included in the analysis. The cost assessment questionnaire was used to collect all the data concerning cost components. Results The average cost per hypertensive patient per year was calculated at 1570 PLN. The total burden of hypertension in Poland, estimated on the basis of PENT study population analysis, may reach 14 billion PLN (14 ´ 109 PLN) per year. The distribution of total costs is as follows: pharmacological treatment — 10,2%, doctors’ consultations — 30,8%, laboratory and diagnostic tests — 11,4%, hospitalisations — 21,0%, and productivity losses — 26,6%. An international comparison demonstrated that expenditure resulting from the pharmacological treatment of hypertension in Poland was much smaller than in other countries (i.e. Sweden — 53,3%, and USA — 20,7%). Theoretically, the total societal burden of hypertension per resident per year amounts to 31 USD in Sweden, 82 USD in United States and 88 USD in Poland (according to the exchange rate on 21.01.2000 — 1 USD = 4,0757 PLN). Conclusion The results of the analysis show that hypertension constitutes a high economic burden for the Polish population. The cost of pharmacological treatment represents the lowest percentage of the total costs of hypertension and also the lowest part of direct medical costs. The conclusion is that an optimal allocation of expenditure for pharmacological treatment may contribute to a significant reduction in total costs of hypertension following the example of other European countries (eg. Sweden) as well as the United States

    Quality Assessment of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Asthma Management Using the AGREE II Tool

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    Subject of the study Clinical practice guidelines are an effective strategy for optimizing health care by promoting evidence-based recommendations. Appropriate methodology and a rigorous strategy when formulating the recommendations of clinical guidelines has a significant impact on their quality, reliability and ability to be effectively implemented in practice. Purpose of the study The purpose of our study was to assess the quality of clinical practice guidelines for asthma management using the AGREE II tool. The analysis compared the quality of Polish clinical guidelines with those from other countries and international organizations. Nine guidelines were evaluated: Management of Asthma Exacerbations in Adults - Guidelines for General Practitioners (author: Supreme Medical Council, Poland), Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention (author: The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA)), Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ Adolescent and Adult Asthma Guidelines 2020: a quick reference guide (author: Asthma and Respiratory Foundation New Zealand), Australian Asthma Handbook V2.0 (author: National Asthma Council Australia), National Clinical Guideline: The Diagnosis and Management of Asthma in Adults V2. 1 (author: Ministry of Public Health Qatar), SIGN 158 British guideline on the management of asthma (author: Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) British Thoracic Society), Management of Asthma in Adults (author: Malaysian Health Technology Assessment Section (MaHTAS)), Asthma: diagnosis, monitoring and chronic asthma management (author: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)), and The Spanish Guideline on the Management of Asthma (author: Guía Española para el Manejo del Asma (GEMA)). Results The highest scored domains were transparency and presentation of recommendations (all guidelines scored 100% or close to 100%), guideline scope and purpose, and editorial independence. The domains that scored lowest were in the areas of stakeholder engagement and applicability (79.3% and 69.2%, respectively). The largest differences were observed in the area of editorial independence, ranging from 100% (the maximum possible score) to 16.7%. The guidelines developed by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network received the highest overall score. The Polish guidelines received the maximum number of points in areas related to scope and purpose, transparency and presentation, and editorial independence. Conclusions A properly conducted guideline development process, including the involvement of experts and adherence to methodological standards, results in high-quality clinical practice guidelines. High-quality clinical practice guidelines can be used as tools to support clinical decision-making, however, guideline authors should pay special attention to the applicability of guidelines in practice and the involvement of all stakeholders. To improve the process of guideline development and patient access to the newest therapies, it is also important to consider the synergies between the recommendations in clinical practice guidelines and health technology assessment reports

    Availability and quality of data on drug policy and management of access to reimbursed medicinal products in the United Kingdom, Denmark, Germany, Italy and Poland

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    Objectives: To perform a systematic review, and to verify and define deficiencies in literature data on drug policy and management of access to reimbursed medicinal products in the United Kingdom, Denmark, Germany, Italy and Poland as a source of information intended to be used by government authorities in the decision-making process. Methods: A systematic review was conducted through database search of Medline, SCOPUS, Embase and Cochrane Library, supplemented by nonsystematic review. The quality of the identified literature was critically appraised. Results: Information necessary to develop a knowledge base was outline from 121 papers identified through database search. 0.83% of all publications were rated high in all of the assessed categories, i.e. were identified to represent high levels of consistency, coherence, strength and methodological quality. Conclusions: In the policy decision-making process, concise recommendations based on validated data are more than needed. It is vital to rely on scientific evidence and avoid reports based on simple exchange of information or presenting single-source or unconfirmed data, including expert’s opinion

    Pharmaceutical industry contribution to the development of Polish economy

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    Przemysł farmaceutyczny jest prężnie rozwijającą się gałęzią gospodarki narodowej. Polski rynek farmaceutyczny, przynosząc corocznie zyski rzędu miliardów złotych, ma niebagatelny wpływ na rozwój gospodarczy kraju. Artykuł jest próbą określenia udziału sektora w PKB oraz roli, jaką odgrywa przemysł farmaceutyczny w rozwoju gospodarki, w kształtowaniu się salda handlu zagranicznego i w postępie naukowo technicznym. Oszacowano potencjał dla inwestycji w Polsce, określono perspektywy rozwoju, a także rolę polskiego rynku farmaceutycznego w skali kontynentu i świata.The pharmaceutical industry is a rapidly developing branch of the national economy. Polish pharmaceutical market, bringing the yearly profits of billions of zlotys, has a substantial impact on the economic development of the country. The main objective of this article is to determine the share of industry in GDP, the role of the pharmaceutical industry in country development, in science and technology progress, in trade balance, etc. Attempt was made to estimate the potential for investments in Poland and prospects of further branch development

    Past and present economic choices from the perspective of ethics – a case study

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    By adopting an empirical and rational approach, this article investigates the influence of ethics on decision-taking in business based on case studies dating back to 50 years ago. It contrasts theoretical principles of ethics and the actual market activities of businesses by taking a closer look at two ethically controversial events from the automotive and pharmaceutical industry where human life and health was at risk. The foregoing analysis demonstrates that, where profit maximisation is at stake, businesses are prompted to take advantage of imprecise laws or absence of legal provisions, and manipulate data to protect its interests at the expense of product liability and consumer/patient safety