15 research outputs found

    Polish Telemedicine and eHealth Society tribute to Ryszard Mężyk (1948-2021)

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    The Polish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth expresses last farewell to Ryszard Mężyk, a colleague and former longtime Treasurer. His cooperation with the Polish Society of Telemedicine and e-Health (formerly the Polish Telemedicine Society), a national member of ISfTeH - International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth, started in 2006. He was a modest and noble person and very valuable and devoted to promoting telemedicine, eHealth, and digital health in his region and throughout Poland. After joining the Association in 2010, he was twice elected and served as the Association's Treasurer. He was honoured successively with the Bronze, Silver, and Gold "Bene Meritus" Badge of the Polish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth. Despite having retired on November 1, 2018, he was still an active member of the Association.&nbsp

    Liver transplantation due to resistant to therapy bacterial biliary tract infection in the patient after kidney transplantation

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    W pracy przedstawiono rzadki przypadek pacjenta po transplantacji nerki, u którego wystąpiło niecharakterystyczne, zarówno klinicznie, jak i diagnostycznie, bakteryjne zapalenie wewnątrzwątrobowych dróg żółciowych. Zanim przeprowadzono przeszczepienie nerki, z powodu kamicy przewodowej założono choremu stent do dróg żółciowych, następnie wykonano cholecystektomię. Długotrwała celowana antybiotykoterapia nie przyniosła korzystnych efektów i pojawiło się bezpośrednie zagrożenie życia pacjenta, dlatego zdecydowano się na zabieg transplantacji wątroby. Dalszy przebieg choroby był pomyślny. Aktualnie obydwa przeszczepione narządy funkcjonują bardzo dobrze.The purpose of our paper is presenting a rare case of a patient after the kidney transplantation. He developed non-characteristic both clinical and diagnostic bacterial biliary tract infection. Before the transplantation because of the stones in his biliary tract he had introduced a stent and later he had cholecystectomy. Because of lack of positive results after prolonged and aimed antibiotic therapy as well as direct risk of death the transplantation of liver was performed. Further course of disease was successful. Currently the function of transplanted organs is good

    Politics powers in relation to the Polish. September 1939 - July 1943.

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    Praca opisuje polityczne dzieje rządu polskiego na emigracji. Obejmuje ona okres od rozpoczęcia II wojny światowej do śmierci generała Sikorskiego w katastrofie lotniczej na Gibraltarze. Skupia się na polityce mocarstw w stosunku do Polski i jej skutkach dla aliantów.This study describes the political history of the Polish government in exile. It covers the period from the start of the Second World War to the death of General Sikorski in a plane crash in Gibraltar. It focuses on the politics of world powers in relation to the Polish and its consequences for the Allies

    The politics of "Big Three" in relation to Poland during the II World War (period 1943-1945)

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    Assigment covers the Big Three policies in relation to Poland and describes a very complex struggle of the exiled Polish government to help the country (its manumission) as soon as possible. In addition to the extremely complicated international situation, the government was forced to fight not only for the survival of the country, but also for its territorial shape. Ultimately, Polish politicians in London have lost the fight for independance, those who came to power were Moscow's suborinates. All these threads are developed further on.Praca jest przedstawieniem polityki Wielkiej Trójki w stosunku do Polski i opisuje bardzo złożoną walkę polskiego rządu na uchodźstwie o pomoc dla kraju oraz jego jak najszybsze wyzwolenie. Oprócz niezwykle skomplikowanej sytuacji międzynarodowej rząd zmuszony był walczyć nie tylko o przetrwanie kraju, ale też o jego kształt terytorialny. Ostatecznie polscy politycy w Londynie przegrali walkę o granice i również niepodległość Polski, gdzie do władzy doszli ludzie podporządkowani Moskwie. Wszystkie te wątki mają tu swoje rozwinięcie

    The development of burnout syndrome and the relationship of work among employees of network stores.

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    Niniejsza praca magisterska jest specyficzną analizą wypalenia zawodowego. Samo pojęcie wypalenia jest nacechowane bardzo negatywnie gdyż jest synonimem zakończenia i bezpowrotnej zmiany. Wielorakie i barwne określenia wypalenia zawodowego zawsze sprowadzają je do nazwania go reakcją jednostki – pracownika, na eksploatujący go do granic, interpersonalny stres związany z pracą. Poniższa analiza ma za zadanie odnalezienie powiązań między poziomem wypalenia zawodowego a relacjami z pracą. Określając stopień wypalenia zawodowego wykorzystano Kwestionariusz MBI, a do oceny relacji z pracą ankietę opisującą 6 obszarów życia zawodowego. Pracę można podzielić na część teoretyczną, obejmującą teorię dotyczącą zjawiska i poglądów na temat jego wpływu na pracownika, społeczeństwo i gospodarkę, a także część opiewającą we wnioski z badań nad wpływem wzrostu wypalenia na obszary życia zawodowego. Badania przeprowadzono w grupie 59 pracowników dyskontów znanej sieci handlowej aby uzyskać materiał do postawienia niektórych hipotez. Ustalono, że istnieje związek między rozwojem syndromu wypalenia a relacjami z pracą na wszystkich 6 obszarach życia zawodowego. Zatem rozwój tego zaburzenia wynika z niewłaściwych relacji z pracą: nadmiernym obciążeniem, brakiem kontroli, nagród, sprawiedliwości, wartości oraz złymi relacjami w środowisku pracowniczym.This thesis is a peculiar analysis of the burnout syndrome. The concept of burnout is negatively characterized because it is synonymous with complete and irreversible changes. Multiple and colorful determinations of burnout always bring them to name it a reaction of unit - a worker, on exploiting it to the limit, interpersonal work-related stress. Following analysis is to find the relationship between the level of burnout and the relationship to work. To define the degree of burnout used the MBI questionnaire, and to evaluate the relationship of work was used questionnaire that describes six areas of life. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part, including a theory about the phenomenon and views on the impact on worker, society and the economy, as well as the portion of the conclusions from research on the impact of growth of burnout syndrome on the areas of work life. The study was conducted on a group of 59 employees of well-known stores in retail network to get the materials to bring the hypotheses. It established that there is a relationship between the development of burnout syndrome and work relationships in all six areas of work-life. Thus, the development of this disorder results from abusive relationships with work: overload, lack of control, rewards, justice, values and bad relationships in the employees community

    L-arginina poprawia tolerancję wysiłku w niewydolności serca

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    Background: In congestive heart failure (CHF), endothelial dysfunction may contribute to impairment of exerciseinduced vasodilatation and decreased exercise capacity. We hypothesised that administration of L-arginine, a precursor of nitric oxide (NO) and postulated antioxidant, may improve endothelium - dependent vasodilatation and exercise capacity and also exert antioxidant activity.Aims: To investigate the effect of oral supplementation with L-arginine on exercise capacity and markers of oxidative stress in patients with mild to moderate CHF.Methods: The study had a randomised double-blind cross-over design. Twenty one patients with stable NYHA II-III CHF underwent three exercise tests: initially, after oral administration of L-arginine (9 g/day for 7 days) or placebo. Blood was sampled prior to each test for plasma lipid peroxides, reduced sulphydryl groups and leukocyte oxygen free radical production.Results: We found a higher prolongation of exercise duration time after L-arginine than after placebo (99±106 vs 70±99 s,

    Low serum triiodothyronine in acute myocardial infarction indicates major heart injury

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    Aims: In patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI), low serum triiodothyronine (T3) concentration is commonly associated with a severe clinical course. The aim of this prospective study was to investigate whether a severe clinical course in patients with low T3 is related to the magnitude of myocardial injury assessed by echocardiography.Methods and Results: Out of 635 patients with MI we enrolled 100 consecutive patients. They were divided in two subgroups: group A, 81 patients without clinical hard events (death, resuscitation following ventricular tachycardia/vertricular fibrillation, new MI) and group B, 19 patients in whom at least one of the above hard events occurred during hospital stay. Thyroid function tests were performed on day 1, 4 and 7, echocardiographic examinations measuring asynergic area (AA), and wall motion score index (WMSI) between day 1 and 5 (median 3). A negative correlation was found between plasma free triiodothyronine (FT3), concentration and AA (

    Heat Shock Protein 27 Is an Emerging Predictor of Contrast-Induced Acute Kidney Injury on Patients Subjected to Percutaneous Coronary Interventions

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    Contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI) is a serious complication associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. Heat-shock protein 27 (HSP27) plays a role in the defense of the kidney tissue against various forms of cellular stress, including hypoxia and oxydative stress, both features associated with CI-AKI. The aim of our study was to evaluate a potential predictive value of HSP27 for CI-AKI in patients subjected to percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI). Included were 343 selected patients subjected to PCI. Exclusion criteria were conditions that potentially might influence HSP27 levels. HSP27 serum levels were evaluated prior to PCI, together with serum creatinine, the concentration of which was also evaluated twice at 48 and 72 h post PCI. CI-AKI was diagnosed in 9.3% of patients. Patients in whom CI-AKI was diagnosed were older (p < 0.001), were more often females (p = 0.021), had higher prevalence of diabetes (p = 0.011), hypotension during PCI (p < 0.001), albuminuria (p = 0.004) as well as multivessel disease (p = 0.002), received higher contrast volume (p = 0.006), more often received contrast volume (CV) above the maximum allowed contrast dose (MACD) (p < 0.001), and had lower HSP27 level (p < 0.001). On multivariate analysis, CV > MACD (OR 1.23, p = 0.001), number of diseased vessels (OR 1.27, p = 0.006), and HSP27 (OR 0.81, p = 0.001) remained independent predictors of CI-AKI. Low concentration of HSP27 is an emerging, strong and independent predictor of CI-AKI in patients subjected to PCI

    Invasive electrophysiologyCoronary venoplasty during the implantation of the cardiac resynchronisation device – a case report

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    We describe a case of a 76-year-old patient with advanced block in the His-Purkjnie system, who underwent implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator with cardiac resynchronisation therapy. Complete heart block occurred during the insertion of the coronary sinus cathether. The implantation of the left ventricular (LV) lead was impossible due to difficult anatomy of the coronary venous system. The right ventricular pacing caused the further prolongation of the QRS duration and exacerbation of heart failure symptoms. Thus, the LV lead was successfully implanted during the second procedure after the balloon venoplasty of the lateral cardiac vein. The biventricular pacing was successful during 4 months follow-up