822 research outputs found

    Evolution of Cooperation and Coordination in a Dynamically Networked Society

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    Situations of conflict giving rise to social dilemmas are widespread in society and game theory is one major way in which they can be investigated. Starting from the observation that individuals in society interact through networks of acquaintances, we model the co-evolution of the agents' strategies and of the social network itself using two prototypical games, the Prisoner's Dilemma and the Stag Hunt. Allowing agents to dismiss ties and establish new ones, we find that cooperation and coordination can be achieved through the self-organization of the social network, a result that is non-trivial, especially in the Prisoner's Dilemma case. The evolution and stability of cooperation implies the condensation of agents exploiting particular game strategies into strong and stable clusters which are more densely connected, even in the more difficult case of the Prisoner's Dilemma.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures. to appea

    Social Dilemmas and Cooperation in Complex Networks

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    In this paper we extend the investigation of cooperation in some classical evolutionary games on populations were the network of interactions among individuals is of the scale-free type. We show that the update rule, the payoff computation and, to some extent the timing of the operations, have a marked influence on the transient dynamics and on the amount of cooperation that can be established at equilibrium. We also study the dynamical behavior of the populations and their evolutionary stability.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. to appea

    Preliminary Ground Motion Measurements at LNF Site for the Super B Project

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    TUPEA067International audienceFol­low­ing pre­vi­ous mea­sure­ments, more de­tailed pre­lim­i­nary ground mo­tion mea­sure­ments have been per­formed at the LNF site for the Super B pro­ject site char­ac­ter­i­za­tion. First, re­sults of ver­ti­cal ground mo­tion mea­sure­ments done dur­ing 18 hours are shown in order to get an idea of the evo­lu­tion of the ground mo­tion am­pli­tude with time. Sec­ond­ly, mea­sure­ments of ground mo­tion (in the 3 di­rec­tions of space) were per­formed at dif­fer­ent lo­ca­tions on sur­face in order to eval­u­ate and to com­pare the in­flu­ence of var­i­ous vi­bra­tion sources. Then, re­sults of ground mo­tion co­her­ence mea­sured for dif­fer­ent dis­tances at two lo­ca­tions close to each other but with soft and rigid floor are com­pared. These mea­sure­ments are also com­pared to the ones done in the ATF2 beam line where a spe­cial floor was built for sta­bil­i­ty. By this way, the re­sults re­veal that the LNF is a good site to use ground mo­tion co­her­ence prop­er­ties for sta­bil­i­ty like it has been done for ATF2

    Evolution of Coordination in Social Networks: A Numerical Study

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    Coordination games are important to explain efficient and desirable social behavior. Here we study these games by extensive numerical simulation on networked social structures using an evolutionary approach. We show that local network effects may promote selection of efficient equilibria in both pure and general coordination games and may explain social polarization. These results are put into perspective with respect to known theoretical results. The main insight we obtain is that clustering, and especially community structure in social networks has a positive role in promoting socially efficient outcomes.Comment: preprint submitted to IJMP

    Vibration Budget for SuperB

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    International audienceWe pre­sent a vi­bra­tion bud­get for the Su­perB ac­cel­er­a­tor. This in­cludes ground mo­tion data, mo­tion sen­si­tiv­i­ty of ma­chine com­po­nents, and beam feed­back sys­tem re­quire­ments

    Reproductive payoffs of territoriality are snow-dependent in a mountain ungulate, the Alpine chamois

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    Female density and distribution are dependent on resource phenology and female availability strongly influences male mating behaviour and success. When a male adopts a ‘resource defence’ tactic, his reproductive success depends on the location and attractiveness of his territory. Environmental factors associated with territory quality are expected to influence mating success, for example, through territory features or male–male competition. In a protected population of a mountain-dwelling polygynous herbivore, the Alpine chamois Rupicapra r. rupicapra, we investigated the relationships among mating opportunities, some environmental variables (snow depth, topographic features and size of territories) and male intra-sexual competition for mating. We recorded the mating behaviour and territory size of 15 GPS-GSM radio-tagged territorial males, during five rutting seasons (early November to early December: N = 8 individuals in 2011, N = 9 in 2012, N = 8 in 2015, N = 11 in 2016, N = 7 in 2017; 80% of them were observed for more than one mating season) and related them to snow depth and topography of territories. In ruts with deep snow cover, territorial males had smaller territories and higher number of mating opportunities than in ruts with lower snow cover. Smaller territories showed the highest values of terrain roughness, in turn with little or no snow cover in the mating season, and were visited by a greater number of females, than larger territories. Number of wins was positively influenced by snow depth and negatively related to the frequency of aggressions. The frequency of male–male aggressive interactions was greater during ruts with deep snow cover and for males with territories at higher elevations; additionally, it was negatively related to interactions won. Thus, snow depth, which influences resource distribution and female movements, is confirmed as a strong determinant of male mating opportunities and mating behaviour

    Minimal length in quantum space and integrations of the line element in Noncommutative Geometry

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    We question the emergence of a minimal length in quantum spacetime, comparing two notions that appeared at various points in the literature: on the one side, the quantum length as the spectrum of an operator L in the Doplicher Fredenhagen Roberts (DFR) quantum spacetime, as well as in the canonical noncommutative spacetime; on the other side, Connes' spectral distance in noncommutative geometry. Although on the Euclidean space the two notions merge into the one of geodesic distance, they yield distinct results in the noncommutative framework. In particular on the Moyal plane, the quantum length is bounded above from zero while the spectral distance can take any real positive value, including infinity. We show how to solve this discrepancy by doubling the spectral triple. This leads us to introduce a modified quantum length d'_L, which coincides exactly with the spectral distance d_D on the set of states of optimal localization. On the set of eigenstates of the quantum harmonic oscillator - together with their translations - d'_L and d_D coincide asymptotically, both in the high energy and large translation limits. At small energy, we interpret the discrepancy between d'_L and d_D as two distinct ways of integrating the line element on a quantum space. This leads us to propose an equation for a geodesic on the Moyal plane.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures. Minor corrections to match the published versio