4 research outputs found

    Design and synthesis of Nrf2-derived hydrocarbon stapled peptides for the disruption of protein-DNA-interactions

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    Misregulation and mutations of the transcription factor Nrf2 are involved in the development of a variety of human diseases. In this study, we employed the technology of stapled peptides to address a protein-DNA-complex and designed a set of Nrf2-based derivatives. Varying the length and position of the hydrocarbon staple, we chose the best peptide for further evaluation in both fixed and living cells. Peptide 4 revealed significant enrichment within the nucleus compared to its linear counterpart 5, indicating potent binding to DNA. Our studies suggest that these molecules offer an interesting strategy to target activated Nrf2 in cancer cells

    Design and synthesis of Nrf2-derived hydrocarbon stapled peptides for the disruption of protein-DNA-interactions

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    Misregulation and mutations of the transcription factor Nrf2 are involved in the development of a variety of human diseases. In this study, we employed the technology of stapled peptides to address a protein-DNA-complex and designed a set of Nrf2-based derivatives. Varying the length and position of the hydrocarbon staple, we chose the best peptide for further evaluation in both fixed and living cells. Peptide 4 revealed significant enrichment within the nucleus compared to its linear counterpart 5, indicating potent binding to DNA. Our studies suggest that these molecules offer an interesting strategy to target activated Nrf2 in cancer cells

    Assalamu Aleikum slum : performance Islamic movement in Hip Hop the peripheries of the ABCD and São Paulo

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    Orientador: Francirosy Campos Barbosa FerreiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ArtesResumo: Este trabalho apresenta e analisa a constituição da performance islâmica entre agentes do movimento Hip Hop nas periferias de São Paulo e do ABCD. Para isto o trabalho realiza uma digressão histórica partindo da percepção dos interlocutores e revela como e porque ocorre a intersecção entre o movimento Hip Hop e a religiosidade islâmica. A experiência etnográfica é a base para a coleta de dados que fundamentam a análise deste trabalho. A antropologia da performance perpassa a Dissertação ao servir de norteador e referencial teórico a fim de iluminar a formação e a constituição de uma nova performance, surgida do hibridismo entre Islã e Hip Hop. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho apresentam o surgimento de uma performance singular que se mostra em ascensão nas periferias estudadas. É observado também que o estudo acerca do Islã na periferia é amplo e não se limita ao movimento Hip Hop, pois este trabalho constata que o Islã agrega cada vez mais adeptos nas áreas pesquisadas, não incluindo apenas membros do movimento Hip Hop, levando-nos a concluir que o estudo da performance islâmica no movimento Hip Hop trata-se apenas de uma parte para a compreensão e a pesquisa sobre o Islã nas periferiasAbstract: This paper presents and analyzes the performance of the Islamic constitution between agents of the Hip Hop movement in the outskirts of Sao Paulo and ABCD. For this work performs a historical digression from the perception the audience and reveals how and why is the intersection between the Hip Hop movement and the Islamic religion. The ethnographic experience is the basis for collecting data underlying the analysis of this work. The anthropology of performance runs through the dissertation and serving as a guiding theoretical framework in order to illuminate the formation of a new constitution and performance, arising from the hybridization between Islam and Hip Hop. The results of this study show the emergence of a singular performance that shows rising in the suburbs studied. It is also observed that the study on the periphery of Islam is broad and not limited to the Hip Hop movement, as this paper notes that Islam brings more fans in the areas surveyed, including not only members of the Hip Hop movement, which makes conclude that the performance study of Islamic movements in Hip Hop this is only one part to the understanding and research on Islam in the suburbsMestradoArtes CenicasMestre em Arte