4 research outputs found
The Impact of russia’s Military Aggression on the Formation of Macroeconomic Indicators of Post-Soviet Countries and Support for Ukraine
The economic consequences of the war in Ukraine are felt all over the world. Russian aggression has put pressure on global commodity prices, exacerbated disruptions in supply chains, and fueled inflation in most countries around the world. The countries that have decided to support russia today, or are trying to avoid confrontation with them, should be clearly aware that in the eyes of Ukrainians and the whole world they are silent accomplices in crimes and genocide against the Ukrainian people. The purpose of the article is to analyze how the countries of the former USSR reacted to the russian aggression against Ukraine, the statements of politicians and the decisions of the governments of the countries that, together with Ukraine, were part of the USSR until 1991; to determine how Westernization affects macroeconomic indicators and the formation of European values in the countries of the post-Soviet space. The article defines aspects of the formation of macroeconomic factors in the countries of the post-Soviet space. It was determined that despite the right of the union republics to state sovereignty formally enshrined in the Constitution, the USSR was actually a unitary state. It was created as a highly centralized, totalitarian and authoritarian system, incompatible with the principles of democracy, free and full development of nations. The study analyzes when the whole world expresses support and help to Ukrainians, at the same time, some post-Soviet countries, in particular, the leader of Kyrgyzstan, expressed support to the Russian president. Another ally in russia's war against Ukraine is Tajikistan. The main components of the economic factor of Westernization are considered: GDP per capita, capital investments and the size of the minimum wage. To calculate the extent to which groups of post-Soviet states are related in the studied macroeconomic indicators, we calculated the coefficient of variation based on the standard deviation
Analysis of the development of public-private partnership under the conditions of implementation of economic projects
The basic goal of the state is to ensure a decent, stable and adequate standard of living for its citizens. In order to do this, the state forms a policy of development of various spheres and sectors of the economy. However, due to limited financial resources, the state is forced to seek new sources of economic projects in the country such as a platform for sustainable development of infrastructure, transport, energy and other industries. The purpose of the academic paper: investigation of advantages and disadvantages of PPP (public and private partnership) economic projects and analysis of key trends and sectoral direction of PPP development in different regions of the world. Results
Efektywność funkcjonowania rynku energii elektrycznej zachodniego regionu Ukrainy
Scientists are focusing on the introduction of various types of renewable energy sources and the liberalization of energy markets in the regions of the country. The problems of preventing the achievement of goals and various strategies to achieve maximum energy conservation and overcoming the current economic and environmental crisis in Ukraine also remain unresolved. We can observe the experience of the leading countries in the electricity sector, which proves that reforming the electricity sector in Ukraine is inevitable. This, in turn, is a critical factor in stimulating economic and social growth and improving the competitiveness of the regions of Ukraine. Given the above, the necessity for the study of the level of efficiency (competitiveness) and the functioning of the regional energy markets of Ukraine is obvious. This study shows that the efficiency of electricity in the western region is relatively low due to the lack of competition, the presence of an ineffective system of subsidizing the population with cheap resources, the non-transparency of trade operations, excessive regulation of state generation, the lack of a “balanced” system of market functioning, etc.Naukowcy koncentrują się na wprowadzaniu różnego rodzaju odnawialnych źródeł energii oraz liberalizacji rynków energii poszczególnych regionach. Nierozwiązane pozostają również problemy zapobiegania realizacji celów i różnych strategii osiągnięcia maksymalnej oszczędności energii oraz przezwyciężenia obecnego kryzysu gospodarczego i ekologicznego na Ukrainie. Obserwujemy doświadczenia wiodących krajów w sektorze elektroenergetycznym, które dowodzą, że reforma sektora elektroenergetycznego na Ukrainie jest nieunikniona. To z kolei jest kluczowym czynnikiem stymulującym wzrost gospodarczy i społeczny oraz poprawę konkurencyjności wśród regionów Ukrainy. Wobec powyższego oczywista jest konieczność badania poziomu efektywności (konkurencyjności) oraz funkcjonowania regionalnych rynków energii Ukrainy. Niniejsze opracowanie pokazuje, że wydajność energii elektrycznej w regionie zachodnim jest stosunkowo niska ze względu na brak konkurencji, istnienie nieefektywnego systemu subsydiowania ludności tanimi surowcami, nieprzejrzystość operacji handlowych, nadmierną regulację wytwarzania przez państwo, brak „zrównoważonego” systemu funkcjonowania rynku itp