66 research outputs found

    TGA transcription factors—Structural characteristics as basis for functional variability

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    TGA transcription factors are essential regulators of various cellular processes, their activity connected to different hormonal pathways, interacting proteins and regulatory elements. Belonging to the basic region leucine zipper (bZIP) family, TGAs operate by binding to their target DNA sequence as dimers through a conserved bZIP domain. Despite sharing the core DNA-binding sequence, the TGA paralogues exert somewhat different DNA-binding preferences. Sequence variability of their N- and C-terminal protein parts indicates their importance in defining TGA functional specificity through interactions with diverse proteins, affecting their DNA-binding properties. In this review, we provide a short and concise summary on plant TGA transcription factors from a structural point of view, including the relation of their structural characteristics to their functional roles in transcription regulation

    The concretization of the term sustainable spatial development for the assessment of child and juvenile awareness

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    The following article is targeted at the comprehensive co-shaping of the conditions required for the active education on the effective and concrete contributions to sustainable development, with the emphasis based on the built environment or architecture. It defines the role of education on the built environment or architecture within the concept of sustainable development, determines the grounds for adjusting the methods of delivering architectural contents and defines the educational contents along with their presentations with regards to the developmental abilities of the public, which is targeted. It presents the deliberation on objectifying the term sustainable spatial development, for the assessment of child and juvenile awareness of “sustainable architecture” topics as well as determining childcare workers and teachers adequate qualifications to provide the knowledge in the field of the built environment, in relation to sustainable environment. Concretisation signifies the selection and visualisation of actual topical occurrences in physical space for a specific targeted public (the article provides representative models). It also contributes to the development of “cultural” dimension of spatial development sustainability. The efforts made to strive towards the lifelong learning of architecture and its influence on our everyday lives and our future

    Konkretizacija pojma trajnostnega prostorskega razvoja za oceno osveščenosti otrok in mladostnikov

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    Prispevek je usmerjen k celovitemu sooblikovanju pogojev za tvorno izobraževanje o učinkovitih, konkretnih prispevkih k trajnostni razvojni usmeritvi, s poudarkom na grajenem okolju oziroma arhitekturi. Opredeljuje vlogo izobraževanja o grajenem okolju oziroma arhitekturi v konceptu trajnostnega razvoja; določa izhodišča za prilagajanje načinov posredovanja arhitekturnih vsebin ter opredeljuje izobraževalne vsebine in njihove predstavitve glede na razvojne sposobnosti ciljne publike. Predstavlja torej razmislek o opredmetenju pojma trajnostni prostorski razvoj za oceno osveščenosti otrok in mladostnikov o »trajnostnih arhitekturnih« temah ter tudi za ugotavljanje usposobljenost vzgojiteljev in učiteljev za posredovanje znanja s področja grajenega okolja v povezavi s trajnostnim razvojem. Konkretizacija pomeni izbor in vizualizacijo aktualnih konkretnih pojavov v prostoru za izbrano ciljno publiko – v prispevku so prikazani vzorčni primeri. Prispeva k razvoju »kulturne« dimenzije trajnosti prostorskega razvoja. Prizadevanja vodijo k razvoju sistema vseživljenjskega učenja o arhitekturi ter njenem vplivu na naš vsakdan in naš jutri

    Candidate pathogenicity factor/effector proteins of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ modulate plant carbohydrate metabolism, accelerate the ascorbate–glutathione cycle, and induce autophagosomes

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    The pathogenicity of intracellular plant pathogenic bacteria is associated with the action of pathogenicity factors/effectors, but their physiological roles for most phytoplasma species, including ‘Candidiatus Phytoplasma solani’ are unknown. Six putative pathogenicity factors/effectors from six different strains of ‘Ca. P. solani’ were selected by bioinformatic analysis. The way in which they manipulate the host cellular machinery was elucidated by analyzing Nicotiana benthamiana leaves after Agrobacterium-mediated transient transformation with the pathogenicity factor/effector constructs using confocal microscopy, pull-down, and co-immunoprecipitation, and enzyme assays. Candidate pathogenicity factors/effectors were shown to modulate plant carbohydrate metabolism and the ascorbate–glutathione cycle and to induce autophagosomes. PoStoSP06, PoStoSP13, and PoStoSP28 were localized in the nucleus and cytosol. The most active effector in the processes studied was PoStoSP06. PoStoSP18 was associated with an increase in phosphoglucomutase activity, whereas PoStoSP28, previously annotated as an antigenic membrane protein StAMP, specifically interacted with phosphoglucomutase. PoStoSP04 induced only the ascorbate–glutathione cycle along with other pathogenicity factors/effectors. Candidate pathogenicity factors/effectors were involved in reprogramming host carbohydrate metabolism in favor of phytoplasma own growth and infection. They were specifically associated with three distinct metabolic pathways leading to fructose-6-phosphate as an input substrate for glycolysis. The possible significance of autophagosome induction by PoStoSP28 is discussed

    Presaditev pljuč v Sloveniji – izkušnje prvih treh let

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    Izhodišča: Presaditev pljuč je zahtevna metoda zdravljenja za izbrane bolnike z napredovalo pljučno boleznijo. Naraščanje števila primernih kandidatov in standarizacija posega sta v letu 2018 omogočila vzpostavitev transplantacijskega centra v UKC Ljubljana. Prispevek poroča o prvih rezultatih. Metode: Opravili smo analizo lastnega registra bolnikov. Rezultate smo primerjali s skupino bolnikov, ki so jim pred tem opravili presaditev v AKH Dunaj. Rezultati: Med 15. 9. 2018 in 15. 9. 2021 smo opravili 37 presaditev pljuč (od tega pri 13 ženskah). Indikacije so bile KOPB (n = 13, 35 %), pljučne fibroze (n = 7, 19 %), cistična fibroza (n = 5, 14 %), kovidna pljučnica (n = 4, 11 %), bronhiektazije (n = 3, 8 %), pljučna hipertenzija (n = 2, 5 %), limfangioleiomiomatoza (n = 1, 3 %), pomanjkanje alfa-1-antitripsina (n = 1, 3 %) in bronhiolitis (n = 1, 3 %). V primerjavi s prejšnjo skupino bolnikov, napotenih v AKH Dunaj (71 bolnikov, od tega 35 žensk), je bil delež bolnikov s KOPB višji (35 % in 16 %, p = 0,019), bolniki pa so bili starejši (mediana [razpon], 59 [14–68] in 43 [4–58] let, p = 0,001). 76 % darovanih pljuč ni ustrezalo standardnim merilom (30 % darovalcev je bilo starejših od 55 let, 22 % jih je imelo infiltrate na rentgenogramu pljuč, 24 % pa ni izpolnjevalo enega od ostalih meril), v 43 % pa je bila potrebna redukcija velikosti, kar pa ni vplivalo na primarno odpoved presadka. Kratkoročno preživetje je bili podobno v obeh skupinah (1-letno preživetje v UKC Ljubljana 89 % [95 % CI 78–99 %] in v AKH Dunaj 83 % [95 % CI 74–92 %]). Zaključek: Prvi rezultati kažejo, da so zgodnji izidi po presaditvi pljuč primerljivi pri bolnikih, ki so imeli presaditev v UKC Ljubljana ali v AKH Dunaj

    How Can We Advance Integrative Biology Research in Animal Science in 21st Century?:Experience at University of Ljubljana from 2002 to 2022

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    In this perspective analysis, we strive to answer the following question: how can we advance integrative biology research in the 21st century with lessons from animal science? At the University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Animal Science, we share here our three lessons learned in the two decades from 2002 to 2022 that we believe could inform integrative biology, systems science, and animal science scholarship in other countries and geographies. Cultivating multiomics knowledge through a conceptual lens of integrative biology is crucial for life sciences research that can stand the test of diverse biological, clinical, and ecological contexts. Moreover, in an era of the current COVID-19 pandemic, animal nutrition and animal science, and the study of their interactions with human health (and vice versa) through integrative biology approaches hold enormous prospects and significance for systems medicine and ecosystem health

    Tweet code-switching corpus Janes-Preklop 1.0

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    Janes-Preklop is a corpus of Slovene tweets that is manually annotated for code-switching (the use of words from two or more languages within one sentence or utterance), according to the supplied typology. Words in the corpus are also automatically tagged with MSDs and lemmas