22 research outputs found
Additional file 2: Table S1. of Maternal eating disorders affect offspring cord blood DNA methylation: a prospective study
Comparison of top CpG sites (p-value < 10−4) found in EWAS of active ED versus controls with results from ALSPAC study of maternal pre-pregnancy BMI. Table S2. Comparison of top CpG sites (p-value < 10−4) found in EWAS of past ED versus controls with results from ALSPAC study of maternal pre-pregnancy BMI. Table S3. Comparison of top CpG sites (p-value < 10−4) found in EWAS of active ED versus controls with results of sustained maternal smoking in pregnancy. Table S4. Comparison of top CpG sites (p-value < 10−4) found in EWAS of past ED versus controls with results of sustained maternal smoking in pregnancy. (DOCX 49.2 kb
Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Maternal eating disorders affect offspring cord blood DNA methylation: a prospective study
Whole-genome cord blood methylation in offspring of active ED, past ED, and control women. Figure S2. QQ and Manhattan plots: association between ED and offspring cord blood DNA methylation1. Figure S3. Methylation levels of cg21146184 with p value < 10−7 identified in fully adjusted EWAS analysis of active ED versus controls. Figure S4. Methylation levels of cg10177197 with p value < 10−7 identified in fully adjusted EWAS analysis of active ED versus controls. (DOCX 398 kb
MOESM13 of Age-related DNA methylation changes are tissue-specific with ELOVL2 promoter methylation as exception
Additional file 13: Table S5. Enriched GO terms for gain-aDMPs per tissue
MOESM1 of Age-related DNA methylation changes are tissue-specific with ELOVL2 promoter methylation as exception
Additional file 1: Table S1. Number of individuals used per tissue in this study
MOESM3 of Age-related DNA methylation changes are tissue-specific with ELOVL2 promoter methylation as exception
Additional file 3: Figure S1. A Number of aDMPs (y axis) in our study against the previously reported number of stem cell divisions per year (x axis) [47]. B Number of aDMPs (y axis) against the sample size (x axis)
MOESM10 of Age-related DNA methylation changes are tissue-specific with ELOVL2 promoter methylation as exception
Additional file 10: Figure S8. A Percentage (top) and odds ratios (bottom) of gain-aDMPs in CGIs, shores and non-CGIs. Blue enriched, red depleted, grey non-significant. B Percentage (top) and odds ratios (bottom) of aDMPs in EZH2 binding sites in the seven tissues plus whole blood (ChIP-seq, any cell type, ENCODE). Blue enriched, red depleted, grey non-significant. C Enrichment of gain-aDMPs in chromatin segmentations expressed in the seven tissues plus whole blood as an odds ratio, grey non-significant. D Percentage (top) and odds ratios (bottom) of loss-aDMPs in CGIs, shores and non-CGIs. Blue enriched, red depleted, grey non-significant. E Enrichment of loss-aDMPs in chromatin segmentations expressed in the seven tissues plus whole blood as an odds ratio, grey non-significant. Abbreviations: TssA, Active TSS; TssAFlnk, Flanking active TSS; TxFlnk, Transcr. at gene 5′ and 3′; Tx, Strong transcription; TxWk, Weak transcription; EnhG, Genic enhancers; Enh, Enhancers; ZNF/Rpts, ZNF genes + repeats; Het, Heterochromatin; TssBiv, Bivalent/Poised TSS; BivFlnk, Flanking bivalent TSS/Enh; EnhBiv, Bivalent enhancer; ReprPC, Repressed Polycomb; ReprPCWk, Weak repressed Polycomb, Quies, Quiescent/low
MOESM7 of Age-related DNA methylation changes are tissue-specific with ELOVL2 promoter methylation as exception
Additional file 7: Figure S4. Overlap between gain- and loss-aDMPs and the CpGs in Horvathâs clock
MOESM6 of Age-related DNA methylation changes are tissue-specific with ELOVL2 promoter methylation as exception
Additional file 6: Figure S3. Heatmap of slopes of age-related DNA methylation in 16 tissues. Scale represents the change in DNA methylation in %/10Â years
MOESM15 of Age-related DNA methylation changes are tissue-specific with ELOVL2 promoter methylation as exception
Additional file 15: Table S7. Frequency of loss-aDMPs near genes
MOESM16 of Age-related DNA methylation changes are tissue-specific with ELOVL2 promoter methylation as exception
Additional file 16: Table S8. Enriched GO terms for loss-aDMPs per tissue