8 research outputs found

    Noise patches comparison for the four images in <b>Figure 8</b>.

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    <p>Each sampled region is concatenated with dividing columns (zeros) and displayed in dynamic contrast window to show noticeable differences. From left to right, FBP with sharp kernel filtering, FBP with soft kernel filtering, IRT (LS), and IRT (TV).</p

    Soft contrast and conspicuity comparison for (a) FBP with sharp kernel filtering, (b) FBP with soft kernel filtering, (c) Least-Squares solution after -iteration, and (d) Total Variation (TV) image after -iteration with (c) initialization .

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    <p>Soft contrast and conspicuity comparison for (a) FBP with sharp kernel filtering, (b) FBP with soft kernel filtering, (c) Least-Squares solution after -iteration, and (d) Total Variation (TV) image after -iteration with (c) initialization .</p

    Consecutive error plot of Siddon and the proposed method .

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    <p>The NRMSEs of two consecutive images are calculated and displayed in log-log plot. The proposed method exhibits smaller consecutive errors after iterations compared to Siddon method and reaches smaller modeling error.</p

    Spatial resolution bar pattern comparison: (a) FBP (sharp kernel) and (b) TV with high fidelity term image with proposed model (111) are displayed in HU.

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    <p>(a) shows clear separations of 4, 6, and 8 and (b) presents improved resolution showing 10 and 12 bar patterns. (c) compares profiles of spatial resolution inserts.</p

    Comparison of reconstruction methods on half-dose images: (a) Reconstructed images, with (L) FBP, (M) IRIS, and (R) TV with advanced system modeling, (b) Zoomed images from different slices; each sub-figure shows (L) FBP, (M) IRIS, and (R) TV with advanced system modeling. Display in HU.

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    <p>Comparison of reconstruction methods on half-dose images: (a) Reconstructed images, with (L) FBP, (M) IRIS, and (R) TV with advanced system modeling, (b) Zoomed images from different slices; each sub-figure shows (L) FBP, (M) IRIS, and (R) TV with advanced system modeling. Display in HU.</p