4 research outputs found

    Proposal of an Enhanced Safety System on Board of the Inland Vessel

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    The share of human factor in the occurrence of navigation accidents represents a high proportion of the total accident rate. Elimination of the human factor responsible for the occurrence of navigational accidents would contribute to the overall safety of navigation on inland waterways. The main causes of human-induced navigation accidents include inattention, fatigue or poor concentration on vessel control. The design of the system for increasing navigation safety consists of a system for monitoring the life functions of a crew member as well as a position of the vessel towards the fairway / shore. The first level focuses on tracking the life function of the vessel's crew / boat master. The second level addresses the position of the vessel and the possibility of increasing safety by cooperating with the data provided by Automatic Identification System - AIS. The proposal of the system represents interconnection of both levels and brings high degree of control of the vessel in extraordinary situations


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    Bezpečnosť vnútrozemskej vodnej dopravy predstavuje komplex vzájomne prepojených systémov riadenia plavby a prevádzky vodných ciest. Sledovanie a hodnotenie kvality vodných ciest je závislé predovšetkým od množstva plavebných nehôd a obmedzení, ktoré bránia plynulému dopravnému procesu. Nárast plavebných výkonov má priamy vplyv na zvýšenie rizika vzniku plavebných nehôd. Sledovanie a hodnotenie kvality vnútrozemských vodných ciest je jedným z nástrojom ako reagovať na zmeny v dopravných výkonoch, ako aj impulzom k prijatiu nevyhnutných bezpečnostných opatrení.The safety of inland waterway transport is a complex of interconnected navigation and waterway management systems. Tracking and assessing the quality of waterways depends, in particular, on the amount of shipping accidents and limitations that hinder the smooth transport process. The increase in navigation volumes has a direct effect on increasing the risk of navigation accidents. Tracking and assessing the quality of inland waterways is one of the tools to respond to changes in transport performance as well as an impulse to take the necessary safety measures

    Proposal of an Enhanced Safety System on Board of the Inland Vessel

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    The share of human factor in the occurrence of navigation accidents represents a high proportion of the total accident rate. Elimination of the human factor responsible for the occurrence of navigational accidents would contribute to the overall safety of navigation on inland waterways. The main causes of human-induced navigation accidents include inattention, fatigue or poor concentration on vessel control. The design of the system for increasing navigation safety consists of a system for monitoring the life functions of a crew member as well as a position of the vessel towards the fairway / shore. The first level focuses on tracking the life function of the vessel's crew / boat master. The second level addresses the position of the vessel and the possibility of increasing safety by cooperating with the data provided by Automatic Identification System - AIS. The proposal of the system represents interconnection of both levels and brings high degree of control of the vessel in extraordinary situations

    Young and Exhausted

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    Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic enceph-alomyelitis (CFS/ME) is a complex [...