17 research outputs found

    Awareness and practice of safety measures against occupational hazards among aluminium foundry workers in Jos, Nigeria

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    Background: Founding predisposes the worker to hazards (extreme heat, dust, fumes, sharp objects), which if unchecked, can cause health problems (burns, respiratory problems, cuts). This study aimed to assess the awareness and practice of safety measures against occupational hazards among aluminium foundry workers in Jos-North LGA.Methods: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study, which involved 125 aluminium foundry workers in Laranto-Katako area of Jos-North LGA. An interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. Analysis of data was done using EPI-Info® version 3.5.4 statistical software package. A probability value of p≤0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: All 125 (100%) respondents were males with a mean age of 24.8±9.7 years and 52 (41.2%) were less than 20 years of age. The study revealed that 118 (94.4%) of them were aware of occupational hazards associated with foundries; The hazards most known were fires with 116 (92.8%) mentions, extreme heat, 85 (68.0) and sharp objects, 85 (68.0%), and with the least being, long working hours, 25 (20.0%). A majority, 118 (94.4%) were aware of hand gloves, 114 (91.2%) nose masks with overalls having the least awareness, 13 (10.4%). The most frequently used safety measures were nose masks, 73 (58.4%), then hand gloves, 57 (45.6%). A statistically significant relationship, with p value of 0.0321, was found between the level of education and the practice of safety measures.Conclusions: The study showed that most of the foundry workers had good knowledge of the hazards, safety measures; however, there was low use of safety measures. An educational campaign on the hazards and use of safety measures, accompanied by the efforts of the government, should be instituted for the foundry workers regularly to help safeguard their health

    Assessing the irradiance levels of phototherapy devices in Jos, north central, Nigeria

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    Background: Neonatal jaundice (NNJ) remains a major cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality in Nigeria with significant contribution to the global figures. Effective phototherapy can reduce the complications associated with NNJ. The effectiveness of a phototherapy device (PD) depends mainly on the emitted irradiance of the device. We, therefore, assessed the irradiance of the PDs in Jos, North Central Nigeria in order to determine the effectiveness of the devices and to highlight the need for routine assessment of irradiance levels of PDs in low-middle income settings.Methods: This was a cross- sectional study involving 14 hospitals with a total of 38 functional PDs comprising of 25 (65.8%) locally fabricated, eight (21.0%) light- emitting diode (LED) and five (13.2%) conventional patented devices. The irradiance was measured using the BiliBlanket® light meter II.Results: The irradiance of the PDs ranged from 2 to 102μW/cm2/nm with a median value of 10.6 (IQR 6-18μW/cm2/nm).   Sixteen devices (42.1%) had a suboptimal irradiance (<10μW/cm2/nm); while only five (13.2%) provided irradiance at the intensive level (≥30μW/cm2/nm). The mean distance between the babies and phototherapy lights was 35.1±12.7cm (range 15-70cm).Conclusions: A significant proportion of the PDs in Jos delivered suboptimal irradiance which could reduce the effectiveness of the phototherapy. The irradiance of PDs needs to be assessed regularly and measures should be instituted to improve the irradiance to the optimum level in order to reduce the burden of kernicterus

    Predictors of hepatatis B prevention and awareness among barbers in Gwer West Local Government area, Benue state, Nigeria

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    Background: The rapid increase in the prevalence of hepatitis B virus infection is an important public health issue worldwide. Millions of the general population is at an increased risk of being infected but they lack the awareness and preventive measures against this infection. This study was carried out among barbers in Naka, Gwer West Local Government area of Benue state, to determine the predictors of awareness and preventive measures against hepatitis B.  Methods: A cross sectional descriptive study involving all barbers in Naka were carried out. Structured interviewer administered questionnaires were used in collecting data from the respondents. Data were analyzed using statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23.0. Adjusted odds ratio and 95% confidence interval were used as point and interval estimates on the logistic model while a p value of ≤0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: The total number of respondents in this study was 57. The mean age of the respondents was 25.9±2.10.  Majority (92.2%) of the respondents had heard of hepatitis B, 48.9% were able to identify the cause of the disease as virus. Majority of the respondents (78.7%) identified vaccination as a preventive measure against hepatitis B. On vaccination, more than half (51.1%) had been vaccinated against hepatitis B. Vaccination and information significantly affect prevention and awareness p=0.015 and 0.001 respectively.Conclusions: Awareness of hepatitis B was high in this study but awareness about causes and clinical presentations were low. There is need for proper health education programmes to improve their knowledge about hepatitis B and its prevention

    Male Partners Involvement in Spousal Contraceptive Use: A Perspective of a Contemporary African Setting

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    Background: Contraceptive use by women is one of the tools used for promoting family health and slowing population growth. Evidence has suggested that contraceptive use in Nigeria is below acceptable levels in spite of the fact that family planning services are readily available, accessible and affordable. The involvement and participation of males in spousal contraceptive use is seen as the driver to achieving better reproductive outcomes. Hence, this study aimed to determine the level of male involvement in spousal contraceptive use so as to provide evidence based and people oriented information on the available male partner support system for contraceptive use and factors influence it.Methodology: This was a cross sectional study conducted among 80 male partners between April and May, 2017 using quantitative method of data collection and SPSS version 20 was used for data analysis.nbsp Crude and adjusted odds ratios as well asnbsp 95% confidence interval were used in this study with a p-value of le 0.05 considered statistically significant.Results: The mean age of the respondents in the study was 40.0 plusmn 10 years with only 13 (16.3%) of the respondents adjudged as being involved in their spousal contraceptive use. Currently use of male contraceptive method was found to significantly influence involvement in spousal contraceptive use (AOR = 7.1 95% CI = 2.1092 ndash 10.5818 P = 0.015). Conclusion: This study has demonstrated a low level of male involvement in spousal contraceptive use hence, relevant male educational intervention on contraception is required

    Treatment compliance and retention in care among out-patient clients in a tertiary health institution in plateau state North Central Nigeria

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    Background: Compliance with prescribed treatment and retention in care are key components in the management of chronic diseases which is vital in averting the long term complications that could arise from such conditions. Failure to comply with treatment recommendations is often associated with poor retention in care. In view of this, this study was conducted to determine the level of treatment compliance and retention in care among patients with hypertension and diabetes in Jos University Teaching Hospital.Methods: This was a cross sectional study conducted among 290 eligible respondents between September and November 2017 using quantitative method of data collection. SPSS version 20 was used for data analysis with adjusted odds ratio and 95% confidence interval used as point and interval estimates while p-value of ≤0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: The mean age of the respondents was 54.5±13.1 years with 43.8% of the respondents found to have satisfactorily complied with prescribed treatment while 117 (40.3%) were uninterruptedly retained in care within the last 6 months' clinic appointments  prior to the study.Conclusions: This study has demonstrated the levels of compliance with treatment and retention in care bringing to bear the need to provide structured interventions targeted at attaining improvement in compliance with treatment and retention in care among individuals on long term care

    Knowledge of electronic medical records system among frontline health care workers in Jos University teaching hospital, Plateau State Nigeria

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    Background: Electronic Medical Records system (EMRs) in any healthcare system has the potential to transform healthcare in terms of saving costs, reducing medical errors, improving service quality, increasing patients’ safety, decision-making, saving time, data confidentiality, and sharing medical. Evidence on the current state of EMR system in Nigeria health system particularly its knowledge among health professionals is limited. Hence, this study was conducted to assess the level of knowledge EMRs among frontline health care workers in a tertiary health institution in Jos, Plateau State.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted between April and August 2019 among 228 frontline health care workers in Jos University Teaching Hospital using quantitative method of data collection. SPSS version 20 was used for data analysis and a p-value of ≤ 0.05 considered statistically significant.Results: The mean age of the respondents in this study was 35 ± 8 years with 93 (40.8%) being 36 years and above. The overall level of knowledge of EMRs was adjudged to be good among 163 (71.5%) of the participants. Category (pharmacists) of the respondents was found to influence good knowledge of EMRs (OR = 1.37; 95% CI = 1.007 – 1.865; p = 0.045).Conclusions: This study has demonstrated a relatively high level of good knowledge of EMRs with variation existing along the categories of health care workers bringing to light the existence of a good knowledge base in the light of future EMRs implementation

    Alcohol Use and its Associated Factors among Residents of an Urban Community in Plateau State Nigeria

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    Background:According to the World Health Organization (WHO), alcohol use contributes about 2.3 million deaths globally and accounts for 3.8% of global mortality. Nigeria ranks as the leading country in alcohol consumption in Africa. In view of this, this study was conducted to assess the level of alcohol use and its associated factors among residents of an urban community in Plateau state, Nigeria.Methodology: A cross sectional study carried outnbsp among 212 adult residents of AngwanRukuba community of Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau Statenbsp using quantitative method of data collection.nbsp Epi info statistical software version 7.0 was used for data analysis with adjusted odds ratio and 95% confidence intervalused in the study while a p-value of le 0.05 was considered statistically significant.Result: The average age of the respondents in this study was 28.2plusmn10.4 years with majority being 30 years and below. More of the respondents 142(60.8%) were current consumers of alcoholic drinks with harmful level of alcohol intake found to be 32.0%.Sex, quantity of drinks adjudged as normal in one sitting and age of onset of alcohol use were found to significantly predict harmful intake of alcohol containing drinks in the study.Conclusion: A relatively high level of alcohol use was found in this study with a corresponding level of harmful use. Sex, age of onset of alcohol use and quantity of drinks adjudged as normal in a sitting were significant contributors to harmful alcohol use.nbs

    Referral System: An Assessment of Primary Health Care Centres in Plateau State, North Central Nigeria

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    Background: An effective referral system ensures a close relationship between all levels of the health system and helps to ensure patients receive the best possible care close to home. There appears to be a weak link of referral system in chain of continuity of care across the levels of health care in Nigeria placing huge demands on secondary and tertiary levels of care for health care service provision. In view of this, this study was conducted to assess the level of practice of referral and factors influencing it among health workers in PHCs in Plateau state North central Nigeria. Methodology: This was a cross sectional study conducted among 228 frontline health care workers in PHCs. SPSSS version 20 was used for data analysis, adjusted odds ratio as well as 95% confidence interval were used in this study with a p-value of le 0.05 considered statistically significant. Results: The respondentsrsquo mean age was 38.0 plusmn 9 years with slight above half 116 (54.2%) having good understanding of the concept of referral and mostnbsp 77.6% had referred at least a case within the last one month. nbspFactors such as good understanding of the concept of referral (AOR = 6.2 95% Cl = 1.4556 ndash 8.7991) and availability of referral system (AOR = 8.4 95% Cl = 2.1168 ndash 15.5450) were predictors of the practice of referral. Conclusion: This study has demonstrated the level of practice of referral among cadres of health care workers at PHCs level with significant need for improvement

    Prevalence and Pattern of Soft-Tissue Rheumatism in a Semi-Urban Nigerian Population

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    Cord Care Practices: A Perspective of Contemporary African Setting

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    BackgroundCord care is the series of steps applied in handling of the umbilical cord after delivery of the new born. Globally, an estimated 4 million deaths occur annually within the first 4 weeks of life and 1.5 million of these deaths are attributable to infections. In Nigeria, studies have reported umbilical cord infections accounting for between 10 and 19% of neonatal admissions and resultant estimated 30–49% neonatal deaths. Hence, this study was conducted to assess the knowledge and practice of cord care within a contemporary setting.MethodologyThis was a cross-sectional study conducted among 324 mothers of children less than 59 months using a multistage sampling technique and SSPS version 20 was used for data analysis. Crude and adjusted odds ratios as well as 95% confidence interval were used in this study with a P-value of ≤0.05 considered statistically significant.ResultsThe mean age of the mothers in the study was 27.5 ± 6 years with majority of them having good overall knowledge and practice of cord care. Factors such residence in rural community (AOR = 0.26; 95% CI = 0.0915–0.7230) and heath facility delivery (AOR = 7.0; 95% CI = 4.7877–9.3948) were predictors of cord care practices.ConclusionThis study has brought to light the level of cord care practices with health facility delivery, place of residence, and knowledge of cord care as its determinants