15 research outputs found

    Проектная деятельность как инструмент мониторинга уровня сформированности профессиональных компетенций управленческих кадров

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    The article is devoted to monitoring of professional competence development. Management training on competency-based approach is one of the priorities of modern professional education in Russia. It is noted that at the present time a unified approach to the monitoring of formation of personnel competence has not been developed despite the fact that monitoring has become an integral part of the management staff. The paper establishes possibility to apply practically project approach as a tool to provide monitoring of formedness of managerial human resources ’professional competence.Статья посвящена вопросам мониторинга сформированности профессиональных компетенций. Подготовка управленческих кадров на основе компетентностного подхода является одним из приоритетных направлений в современном российском профессиональном образовании. Отмечается, что в настоящее время отсутствует единый подход к проведению мониторинга сформированности компетенций кадров, и это несмотря на то, что мониторинг давно стал составной частью управления персоналом. В статье обосновывается возможность применения на практике проектного подхода, как инструмента мониторинга сформированности профессиональных компетенций управленческих кадров

    Na,K-ATPase Acts as a Beta-Amyloid Receptor Triggering Src Kinase Activation

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    Beta-amyloid (Aβ) has a dual role, both as an important factor in the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease and as a regulator in brain physiology. The inhibitory effect of Aβ42 oligomers on Na,K-ATPase contributes to neuronal dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease. Still, the physiological role of the monomeric form of Aβ42 interaction with Na,K-ATPase remains unclear. We report that Na,K-ATPase serves as a receptor for Aβ42 monomer, triggering Src kinase activation. The co-localization of Aβ42 with α1- and β1-subunits of Na,K-ATPase, and Na,K-ATPase with Src kinase in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, was observed. Treatment of cells with 100 nM Aβ42 causes Src kinase activation, but does not alter Na,K-ATPase transport activity. The interaction of Aβ42 with α1β1 Na,K-ATPase isozyme leads to activation of Src kinase associated with the enzyme. Notably, prevention of Na,K-ATPase:Src kinase interaction by a specific inhibitor pNaKtide disrupts the Aβ-induced Src kinase activation. Stimulatory effect of Aβ42 on Src kinase was lost under hypoxic conditions, which was similar to the effect of specific Na,K-ATPase ligands, the cardiotonic steroids. Our findings identify Na,K-ATPase as a Aβ42 receptor, thus opening a prospect on exploring the physiological and pathological Src kinase activation caused by Aβ42 in the nervous system

    Teachig of Reading Skills at Beginner Level.

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    Kvalifikācijas darbā ir izskatītas problēmas:ar kādiem paņēmieniem un ar kādu uzdevumu palīdzību mācīt bērniem lasīt,lai panāktu pozitīvus rezultātus lasīšanas tehnikas un izlasītā izspratnes jomā;kā palielināt bērnu intresi un motivāciju lasīšanā. Darba mērķis ir personiski nozīmīgo un problēmu tekstu atlase kā papildus materiālu mācību komplektam (1.māc.gads). Diplomdarbs sastāv no ievada,galvenās daļas un nobeiguma.Galvenajā daļā ir trīs nodaļas,kurās izskatīti psiholoģiskie un metodiskie pētījumi lasīšanas jomā,principi un paņēmieni,lasīšanas veidi un formas,lasīšanas iemaņas un prasmes.Trešajā nodaļā piedavāti papildus teksti mācību komplektam(1.māc.gads). Darbs var ieinteresēt skolotājus filologus,kas pasniedz krievu valodu kā svešvalodu.In the given paper a number of problems is reviewed: with what methods and with the help of what tasks to teach children to read in order to achieve positive results in the field of technical reading and understanding of the read material; how to increase interest and motivation of children for reading.The goal of the paper is the selection of personally important and problematic texts as the additional material to the topics of the study set “Simply in Russian” – 1 study year. In the basic part there are three sections where: psychological and methodik researches in the field of reading, a number of methods and methodic principles directly concerning teaching to read are presented and reviewed, types and forms of reading are reviewed, skills and knowledge of reading, additional reading texts are proposed

    Solution of the Problem of Smoothing of the Signals at the Preprocessing of Thermal Images

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    Smoothing two-dimensional digital signals is important for a number of applications. The paper presents a mathematical method and an algorithm for smoothing two-dimensional digital signals. The method is based on minimizing the objective function using criteria of the first-order finite difference between the rows and columns of the image as a measure of distance. To estimate the parameters of the developed method, a non-iterative algorithm is used. The present study shows results of changing the smoothing filter core depending on variations in the method parameters

    Solution of the Problem of Smoothing of the Signals at the Preprocessing of Thermal Images

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    Smoothing two-dimensional digital signals is important for a number of applications. The paper presents a mathematical method and an algorithm for smoothing two-dimensional digital signals. The method is based on minimizing the objective function using criteria of the first-order finite difference between the rows and columns of the image as a measure of distance. To estimate the parameters of the developed method, a non-iterative algorithm is used. The present study shows results of changing the smoothing filter core depending on variations in the method parameters

    Fusing Data Processing in the Construction of Machine Vision Systems in Robotic Complexes

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    The development of machine vision systems is based on the analysis of visual information recorded by sensitive matrices. This information is most often distorted by the presence of interfering factors represented by a noise component. The common causes of the noise include imperfect sensors, dust and aerosols, used ADCs, electromagnetic interference, and others. The presence of these noise components reduces the quality of the subsequent analysis. To implement systems that allow operating in the presence of a noise, a new approach, which allows parallel processing of data obtained in various electromagnetic ranges, has been proposed. The primary area of application of the approach are machine vision systems used in complex robotic cells. The use of additional data obtained by a group of sensors allows the formation of arrays of usefull information that provide successfull optimization of operations. The set of test data shows the applicability of the proposed approach to combined images in machine vision systems

    Fusing Data Processing in the Construction of Machine Vision Systems in Robotic Complexes

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    The development of machine vision systems is based on the analysis of visual information recorded by sensitive matrices. This information is most often distorted by the presence of interfering factors represented by a noise component. The common causes of the noise include imperfect sensors, dust and aerosols, used ADCs, electromagnetic interference, and others. The presence of these noise components reduces the quality of the subsequent analysis. To implement systems that allow operating in the presence of a noise, a new approach, which allows parallel processing of data obtained in various electromagnetic ranges, has been proposed. The primary area of application of the approach are machine vision systems used in complex robotic cells. The use of additional data obtained by a group of sensors allows the formation of arrays of usefull information that provide successfull optimization of operations. The set of test data shows the applicability of the proposed approach to combined images in machine vision systems

    Restoration of the lost volume of bone tissue with use data of the computed tomography

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    The paper deals with the issue of bone tissue restoration. To assist the specialist, we developed the SmartAssistantConstructor software package. The recovery process is based on finding a mirror copy of a piece of bone tissue. The article describes the algorithm for finding the missing part of the bone. The paper shows examples of this operation

    Docking and Molecular Dynamics-Based Identification of Interaction between Various Beta-Amyloid Isoforms and RAGE Receptor

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    Beta-amyloid peptide (Aβ) is a ligand associated with RAGE (Advanced glycosylation end product-specific receptor). Aβ is translocated in complexes with RAGE from the blood to brain across the blood–brain barrier (BBB) by transcytosis. Aβ and its isoforms are important factors in the Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathogenesis. However, interaction with RAGE was previously studied for Aβ but not for its isoforms. The present study has been directed at identifying the key interaction interfaces between RAGE and Aβ isoforms (Aβ40, Aβ42, phosphorylated and isomerized isoforms pS8-Aβ42, isoD7-Aβ42). Two interfaces have been identified by docking: they are represented by an extended area at the junction of RAGE domains V and C1 and a smaller area linking C1 and C2 domains. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have shown that all Aβ isoforms form stable and tightly bound complexes. This indicates that all Aβ isoforms potentially can be transported through the cell as part of a complex with RAGE. Modeling of RAGE interaction interfaces with Aβ indicates which chemical compounds can potentially be capable of blocking this interaction, and impair the associated pathogenic cascades. The ability of three RAGE inhibitors (RAP, FPS-ZM1 and RP-1) to disrupt the RAGE:Aβ interaction has been probed by docking and subsequently the complexes’ stability verified by MD. The RP-1 and Aβ interaction areas coincide and therefore this inhibitor is very promising for the RAGE:Aβ interaction inhibition

    Contour detection in an infrared image using the modified snake algorithm

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    Infrared and thermal images have been used widely in the different forensics and security applications. Such images show the temperature difference between different objects and scene background. One of the drawbacks of such images is low contrast and noisy images which should be enhanced. This paper presents a new thermal image contour detection algorithm using the modified snake algorithm. The segmentation algorithm based on the image enhancement and the modified model of active contours based on regions, taking into account the calculation of the anisotropic gradient. Some presented experimental results illustrate the performance of the proposed cloud system on real thermal images in comparison with the traditional methods