2 research outputs found

    The effect of thyroxine on percentage of hatching (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)

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    Studies showed that Thyroxine can play an important role on fish growth, osmoregulation system, and other physiological activities. Since the direct effect of thyroxine on growth and metamorphose of bony fish larvae has not been yet approved, therefore, present study were carried out in Shahid Ansary propagation and cultivation farm in order to find out the way of effect of this hormone on the survirval rate and early growth stage of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) fertiled eggs that were bathed in thyroxin with concentrations of 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 ppm (each one, replicates) for 6 hours. Then they were transfered into large incubators (zoog) with running water. After hatching all larvae were placed in mentioned thyroxin concentration bath for another 6 hours before being transfered into large incubators. Larvae stayed inzoogs until the yolk-sac was absorbed. Finally, live silver carp larvae were counted in separated plates. Results of present study indicated that the ra tio of hatched eggs in 0.5 ppm of thyroxin concentration was higher than other treatment

    Artificial propagation and Culture of Rutilus frisii kutum of Autumn form for restocking

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    The Kutum, Rutilus frisii kutum, is one of the most important bony fishes in Iranian coastal of Caspian Sea. Its harvest range is between 9000-10000 tons in a year, nearly 60% of the income of Bony fish fishery produced by kutum fishery. The stock of this species reduced drastically in 1982 and the catch slumped to the less than 250 tons in a year. Kutum spawning grounds deterioration, illegal catch, and lack of restocking program were the main cause of the decline. This Spices in nature comprised by two distinct form, autumn and spring form. It is worth to be mentioned, by the effect of Caspian Sea Bony fishes Research Center s experts in 1983, artificial spawning and releasing the fries to the sea were commenced and the catch steadily improved. But all activities concerning restocking of kutum concentrated in spring form, as at present about 260 million its fries are released into sea for restocking by Iranian Fisheries Organization, but for above reasons and lack of restocking program, the populations of autumn form gravely shrinked and neared to be extinct. Therefore, to enhance the biodiversity and boost fishers livelihood of kutum in Caspian Sea this project implemented by cooperation of Iranian Fisheries Organization (IFRO) and Caspian Environment Program (CEP) in Aquaculture Institute (Inland Waters). In this project, brooders caught from Anzali lagoon and maintained in two different condition, include of floating cages in Anzali lagoon and earthen ponds in Sefidrud Fisheries Research Station. The results showed that there weren’t significant differences between two maintenance statuses in maturation period and other reproductive characteristics of brooders. The ratio of male to female was 1 to 1.4. Minimum and maximum weight measured 1450 to 3100 g (with average of 1850 g) in female and 670 to 1900 g (with average of 1165 g) in male, respectively. The first natural spawning of brooders occurred in the end of January in temperature of 8 till 10 °C in concrete ponds. Also, some of maintained brooders in earthen ponds spawned in February. The average number of absolute, function and relative fecundity determined 88565 16809, 73805 14008 and 48670 12056, respectively. For artificial spawning, male and female brooders injected by pituitary gland with dose of 2-3 and 4-5 mg/kg body weight, respectively. Approximately, 10 and 8 present of female were over-ripe and immature in March (artificial spawning time), respectively. More than 59 % of injected female brooders induced to spawning in first stage after 10-12 hours and 13 % of them in twice stage and 7-8 hours after first stage. And also, 27.6% of females didn’t positive response to injection. Dry method used for eggs fecundity and incubation period lasted 7- 10 days in 14-16 °C. In totally, eggs fertilization were more than 95% and the average of eggs fertilization percent in throughout of period measured more than 92.7 6 %. Eyed eggs appearance occurred 3 days after fecundity and its mean was 92.7 15.1%. Larvae after yolk sac absorption feed with dry milk for 4-5 days and then introduced into fertilized earthen ponds (500 m2 and equipped to aerators) in intensive condition and fed with micro pellet food for 3-4 month. In finally, more than 1.8 million fries of 1-2 g and some more than 5 g produced and released into Anzali lagoon to its restocking for first time. It is expected that continuing of restocking process of autumn form kutum by Iranian Fisheries Organization eventuate to population increasing of this form in Caspian Sea in future