6 research outputs found

    Nb–Al–N thin films: Structural transition from nanocrystalline solid solution nc-(Nb,Al)N into nanocomposite nc-(Nb, Al)N/a–AlN

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    Structures and mechanical properties of thin films of the Nb–Al–N system produced by magnetron sputtering of targets from niobium and aluminum in the Ar–N2 atmosphere have been studied. It has been shown that as the aluminum concentration increases, the structure of a thin film transforms from the nanocrystalline into the nanocomposite one, which consists of nanocrystallites of solid solutions in a matrix of amorphous aluminum nitride. Hardness, elastic modulus, and yield strength of Nb–Al–N thin films have been studied by nanoindentation in the mode of continuous control of the contact stiffness. It has been found that the transition of the structures of Nb–Al–N thin films from the nanocrystalline to the nanocomposite structures results in an increase of hardness and decrease of elastic modulus due to the for mation of a thin amorphous interlayer between grains of nanocrystallites. A high hardness to elastic modulus ratio of Nb–Al–N nanocomposite thin films indicates that the films are a promising material for wear resistant coatings.

    Nb–Al–N thin films: Structural transition from nanocrystalline solid solution nc-(Nb,Al)N into nanocomposite nc-(Nb, Al)N/a–AlN

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    Structures and mechanical properties of thin films of the Nb–Al–N system produced by magnetron sputtering of targets from niobium and aluminum in the Ar–N2 atmosphere have been studied. It has been shown that as the aluminum concentration increases, the structure of a thin film transforms from the nanocrystalline into the nanocomposite one, which consists of nanocrystallites of solid solutions in a matrix of amorphous aluminum nitride. Hardness, elastic modulus, and yield strength of Nb–Al–N thin films have been studied by nanoindentation in the mode of continuous control of the contact stiffness. It has been found that the transition of the structures of Nb–Al–N thin films from the nanocrystalline to the nanocomposite structures results in an increase of hardness and decrease of elastic modulus due to the for mation of a thin amorphous interlayer between grains of nanocrystallites. A high hardness to elastic modulus ratio of Nb–Al–N nanocomposite thin films indicates that the films are a promising material for wear resistant coatings.

    Іонно-плазмове покриття системи AlN-TiB2-TiSi2, отримання та властивості

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    Методом магнетронного розпилення мішені, що складається з AlN-TiB2-TiSi2, отримані покриття зі значенням індексу в’язкопластичності 0,07 при твердості Н = 15,3 ГПа, що забезпечує високі демпфуючі властивості такого покриття, при цьому аморфноподібна структура представляє перспективним застосування таких покриттів в якості дифузійних бар’єрів як самостійних елементів,та і в якості контактуючого шару в багатошарових зносостійких покриттях. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/33939Методом магнетронного распыления мишени, состоящей из AlN-TiB2-TiSi2, получены покрытия со значением индекса вязкопластичности 0,07 при твердости Н = 15,3 ГПа, что обеспечивает высокие демпфирующие свойства такого покрытия, при этом аморфноподобная структура представляет перспективным использование таких покрытий в качестве диффузионных барьеров как в виде самостоятельных элементов, так и в качестве контактирующего слоя в многослойных износостойких покрытиях. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/33939By magnetron sputtering of target consisting of AlN-TiB2-TiSi2 the coatings with value of the index viscoplastic 0,07 at a hardness of H = 15,3 GPa were obtained that provides high damping properties of the coating, and amorphous like structure makes promising the use of these coatings as diffusion barriers in the form of independent elements, and as a contacting layer in multilayer wear resistant coatings. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3393