14 research outputs found

    Implementing Goal Setting Activities with LD Adolescents

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    This research was published by the KU Center for Research on Learning, formerly known as the University of Kansas Institute for Research in Learning Disabilities.In this study, LD adolescents were taught to set realistic goals, to expend effort to achieve the goals, and to accept responsibility for achieving or failing to achieve their goals. The intervention produced a significant increase in the number of students exhibiting realistic goal setting strategies. During training, LD students produced a significantly greater number of effort attributions than ability, task difficulty, or luck attributions. The treatment group also increased internal attributions

    Balanced Literacy in an Urban School District

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    This is the authors' accepted manuscript, post peer-review. The publisher's official version is available electronically from: http://dx.doi.org/10.3200/JOER.98.5.272-280.Balanced literacy is a philosophical orientation that assumes that reading and writing achievement are developed through instruction and support in multiple environments using various approaches that differ by level of teacher support and child control. This study describes one urban school district’s real-world attempt to create a balance between reading and writing, between teacher-directed and student-centered activities, and between skillsbased and meaning based approaches to literacy instruction. A triangulation strategy using multiple methods of data collection, including classroom observations, inventories of the physical environment of classrooms and school buildings, teacher surveys, and student interviews, was used to measure balanced literacy components. Results suggest that teacherdirected instruction, a fundamental aspect of balanced literacy, was implemented less often than either independent reading or writing activities. Teachers appeared to be allocating instructional time as directed by district administrators, and they were implementing components of a balanced literacy program. Additionally, most school buildings had a physical environment supportive of balanced literacy. However, the amount of time devoted to instruction and modeling effective reading and writing strategies seemed too limited for a group of students with poorly developed reading and writing skills

    Who's Teaching the Teachers? Evidence from the National Survey of Postsecondary Faculty and the Survey of Earned Doctorates

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    In light of a documented shortage of candidates for teacher education faculty positions, this study explores the academic labor market for teacher education faculty utilizing data from the National Survey on Postsecondary Faculty and the Survey of Earned Doctorates. The study sheds light on the factors that predict who becomes a faculty member in teacher education

    An Application of Attribution Theory to Developing Self-Esteem in Learning Disabled Adolescents

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    This research was published by the KU Center for Research on Learning, formerly known as the University of Kansas Institute for Research in Learning Disabilities.The study found that LD adolescents did not differ significantly from non-LD adolescents in their esponses to general self esteem and attribution questionnaires. Effort attribution training brought no significant increase in effort attributions for the experimental group of LD students. LD students reported the effort was a factor that explained success or failure in achievement tasks, but also reported that factors other than effort explained their personal success or failure on a specific spelling task


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