13 research outputs found


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    Background: The concept of sustainable development plays an essential role in the functioning of the modern world economy. An important component of this concept is the implementation and financing of "green" and socially-oriented projects. In Russia, this direction is only at the initial stage of its formation, therefore it is important to study it and find ways to accelerate its development. Objective: The purpose of the research is to analyze the current state of sustainable development projects financing in Russia, to identify its features and future prospects, as well as to find the most effective ways for its development. Methods: To accomplish this task, the article analyzes the dynamics of changes and key trends in the global and Russian sustainability financial markets. Their comparative analysis is carried out, the main similarities and differences are highlighted. Results: Attention is paid to both industry and subtypes distribution. The theoretical basis of the sustainable development market formation is also considered, its impact on the ESG agenda in Russia is assessed. In the final part, forecasts are made for the possible development of the international and Russian ESG markets. The most effective ways of evolving the sustainable development concept in Russia are identified. Particular attention is paid to the DeFi technologies introduction possibility to simplify and improve financing mechanisms and the implementation of "green" and socially-oriented projects


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    Objective: The purpose of the study is a comparative analysis of various fundamental analysis indicators and indicators based on expected levels of return and risk usage. The aim also lies in identifying the most promising of them in the current state of the modern Russian stock market. Methods: To achieve this goal, 13 portfolios are formed and analyzed based on the application of various indicators. Both the effectiveness of individual indicators and the methods of their application are compared; index and average levels of profitability are added as an additional basis for comparison. For the purposes of the study, historical data from 2015 to mid-2021 is considered; portfolios are formed as of the first trading day of each year, starting from 2017. Results: Based on the results of the study, recommendations for traders on the use of the considered indicators were formed. Conclusion: The novelty of the study is the obtained results of comparing the effectiveness of individual groups of indicators used in compiling a portfolio in the modern state of the Russian stock market


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    Background: Technical analysis is one of the most frequently used by traders instruments. However, many of its elements (in particular oscillators) may show varying efficiency depending on the particular markets characteristics. Therefore, taking into account the distinctive features of the Russian stock market, it is reasonable to examine which oscillators can be effectively applied on it. Objective: The purpose of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of technical analysis indicators for forecasting shares of the Russian stock market and to develop the most effective trading strategy combining various oscillators. Methods: In order to achieve this, the selection of stocks suitable for testing and technical analysis indicators representing various groups is carried out. The accuracy and the total number of signals act as criteria for the indicators effectiveness, while accuracy is given the main attention. The interval from mid-2020 to mid-2021 is used for testing. Results: Based on the results obtained, the indicators are divided into efficiency groups; recommendations for the application of each oscillator are given. The result of the study is the development of the most effective strategies for the usage of technical analysis indicators that have passed the test. The strengths and weaknesses of each formed strategy are highlighted. Conclusion: The novelty of the research lies in obtaining the results of comparing the different types of technical analysis indicators effectiveness in the modern conditions of the Russian stock market and in building optimal strategies for their application

    Index of epithelization rate of thermal burns in laboratory animals when application of the “acerbin” preparation

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    Thermal burns in animals represent an urgent problem for veterinary medicine, since the anti-burn drugs available on the world pharmacological market are not always adapted for use on animals and are approved for use in veterinary medicine. In this regard, the aim of the work was to use the wound healing spray “Acerbin” for medical purposes in the treatment of thermal burns and to evaluate its therapeutic efficacy by the rate of epithelialization of burn defects in the skin in laboratory animals. The work was carried out at the Department of Surgery and Therapy of the Kursk State Agricultural Academy, on laboratory white mice in the amount of 60 individuals, in which thermal burns were simulated in the croup and treated with applications of the Acerbin spray. To assess the rate of growth of epithelialization, planimetric measurements of the area of burns were carried out before treatment on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th and 14th days of treatment, as well as the corresponding mathematical calculations of the rate of reduction of burn defects. According to the research results, it was found that when applying the Acerbin spray, the burn rate index on the 3rd day was 0.25 ± 0.06; on the 5th day 0.58 ± 0.03; on the 7th day 0.74 ± 0.01; on the 10th day 0.86 ± 0.02; on the 14th day 0.95 ± 0.01. Thus, at the end of the therapeutic period, the index of the epithelialization rate of thermal burns approached the most physiologically justified numerical expression equal to “1.0”, which allows it to be recommended for use in veterinary medicine as the preparation of choice for the treatment of thermal burns of the skin in animals

    Determination of rational number suspensions of conveyor with suspended belt and distributed drive

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    The article is devoted to current issue related to the definition of a rational number of suspensions of conveyor with suspended belt and distributed drive. Using the basic design of the conveyor with suspended belt and distributed drive, a series of numerical calculations was performed. As a result, the influence of the number and ratio of types of suspensions on the main technical parameters of the conveyor was established. Recommendations on the choice of rational number of suspensions were formulated

    Hemodynamic index of animals with burning injury treated with “Acerbin”

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    Thermal injuries are wide spread among home pets and are represented as a recent problem of veterinary medicine because of the lack of anti-burn drugs adapted for use in veterinary medicine. In this regard, the aim of our work is to certify the vulnerary spray “Acerbin” for medical purposes in the treatment of thermal injuries of animals and to evaluate its therapeutic potency according to the dynamics of healing burn injuries and recovery of the blood cell composition. The research was carried out on 60 laboratory white mice. Thermal injuries of the skin integument on the dorsal surface of the croup were simulated; the “Acerbin” spray was further applied. To achieve the aim, the blood samples and planimetric measured tests of the area of burn defects were taken on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th and 14th day of treatment. The samples were analyzed by the quantitative content of erythrocytes, thrombocytes, leucocytes and cHb (blood hemoglobin concentration) using an automatic hematological analyzer “Abacus vet 10”. Planimetric indicators of the area of burns were subjected to mathematical processing with the calculation of the rate of epithelization of the burn injury. The obtained hematological and planimetric digital indicators were processed by statistical methods of analysis, compared and then interpreted

    Optimization of the Microwave-Assisted Carbothermical Reduction Process for Metals from Electric Arc Furnace Dust with Biochar

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    The main purpose of this work was to extract valuable metals from EAF dust with the addition of biochar, using microwaves to control and optimize the carbothermical reduction process. To achieve better microwave penetration and the most homogeneous electromagnetic heat source distribution possible in a sample, the content of EAF dust and biochar in centimeter-size spherical particles prepared by the pelletization process was considered to be radially heterogeneous. The content of EAF dust was determined experimentally and the effective permittivity, permeability, and thermal conductivity of the EAF dust as well as biochar–EAF powder mixture were determined using effective medium approximation. The microwave heating of a multilayered pellet of biochar-containing EAF dust was simulated and investigated. The influence of the distribution of the components within the pellet on the effectiveness of the microwave heating was investigated, as was the influence of the biochar conductivity. The interaction of the pellet with both plane waves in free space and with H10 mode waves in a single-mode waveguide was considered. The most optimal distribution of EAF dust and biochar within the pellet for the reduction process was determined

    Optimization of the Microwave-Assisted Carbothermical Reduction Process for Metals from Electric Arc Furnace Dust with Biochar

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    The main purpose of this work was to extract valuable metals from EAF dust with the addition of biochar, using microwaves to control and optimize the carbothermical reduction process. To achieve better microwave penetration and the most homogeneous electromagnetic heat source distribution possible in a sample, the content of EAF dust and biochar in centimeter-size spherical particles prepared by the pelletization process was considered to be radially heterogeneous. The content of EAF dust was determined experimentally and the effective permittivity, permeability, and thermal conductivity of the EAF dust as well as biochar–EAF powder mixture were determined using effective medium approximation. The microwave heating of a multilayered pellet of biochar-containing EAF dust was simulated and investigated. The influence of the distribution of the components within the pellet on the effectiveness of the microwave heating was investigated, as was the influence of the biochar conductivity. The interaction of the pellet with both plane waves in free space and with H10 mode waves in a single-mode waveguide was considered. The most optimal distribution of EAF dust and biochar within the pellet for the reduction process was determined

    Discrete hysteretic sine-Gordon model: soliton versus hysteresis

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    In this work we consider a nonlinear dynamical system which is a set of nonlinear oscillators coupled by springs with hysteretic blocks (hysteretic sine-Gordon model). The hysteretic nonlinearity is modeled using the phenomenological Bouc-Wen model). The wave processes (solitonic solutions) in such a system are investigated taking into account the hysteretic nature of the coupling

    Discrete hysteretic sine-Gordon model: soliton versus hysteresis

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    In this work we consider a nonlinear dynamical system which is a set of nonlinear oscillators coupled by springs with hysteretic blocks (hysteretic sine-Gordon model). The hysteretic nonlinearity is modeled using the phenomenological Bouc-Wen model). The wave processes (solitonic solutions) in such a system are investigated taking into account the hysteretic nature of the coupling