14 research outputs found

    The post- war and postmodern English campus novel: Lucky Jim By Kingsley Amis ve Changing places by David Lodge

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    Bu tez çoğunlukla 20. yüzyıl ürünü olan ama tarihsel süreci de uzun olan Kampüs Roman üzerine odaklanmıştır. 20. yüzyıl çeşitli diğer edebi dönemleri, edebi akımlar ve eğilimler kadar tarihi ve kültürel süreçleri de içine alan cok kompleks sanatsal ve edebi bir dönemdir. Ilk yarısı realizm veya geleneksele karşı modernizm veya modernist sanat ve edebiyatı kapsamaktadır ve çift yönlüdür. Modernizm özü yansıtma olarak karşımıza çıkan geç modern tecrübeye dayalı, yenilikçi ve modernliğin geç modern bir öz eleştirisidir. 1960’lardan sonraki dönem çağdaş tarihsel, sosyal ve kültürel durum açısından postmodern veya postmodernlik olarak adlandırılır. Modernizme karşı bir tepki olmakla birlikte bir sıfat olarak edebiyatta ve belki de kültürel tarihte belirli bir döneme ve bir estetik bütünlük sitiline ve prensiplerine işaret eder. Postmodernizmin yansıtıcı mantığı ve sanatsal uygulamaları postmodernizm veya posmodernist sanat ve edebiyat olarak adlandırılır. Dahası postmodernizm dönüşümsel kültürel bir fenomen ya da postmodern dönemin tavrı, estetik bir fenomen ve geç estetik modernite olarak modernizme karşı bir tepkidir. Ama II. Dünya savaşından sonra yaklaşık olarak 10-15 yıl devam eden postmodern dönemden önce gelen savaş sonrası olarak adlandırılan bir dönem mevcuttur. Bir bütün olarak 20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında göze çarpan bir tipoloji geliştiren en üretken ve popüler edebi tür romandır. Angry Young fiction (Öfkeli Genç roman) (Braine, Amis, Brain, Wain), yeni-gerçekçi roman, kampüs roman, felsefi ve hayali roman (Golding, Murdoch), büyülü gerçekçilik (Carter, Rushdie), historiyografik üstkurgu (Swift, Ackroyd), sömürgecilik sonrası roman (Rushdie, Ali) bu döneme örnek olarak verilebilecek tür ve yazarlardır. Bu tezin ana temasını oluşturan Kingsley Amis tarafından yazılan Lucky Jim ve David Lodge tarafından yazılan Changing Places adlı iki roman sırasıyla savaş sonrası dönem ve postmodern dönemi temsil etmektedir. Bu tezde her iki romanın da kampüs roman türüne ait olma sebepleri, farklı dönemlere ve eğilimlere sahip olsalar bile benzerlikleri ve farklılıkları içerik ve anlatım stratejileri ile bağlantılı olarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Kingsley Amis tarafından yazılan Lucky Jim geniş bir sosyal ve kültürel içeriğe açık olan akademik bir özgeçmişe sahip, sosyal, ahlaki ve kahramanın kişisel bilinçlenme süreci açısından İngiliz Edebiyatında Angry Young Men olarak bilinen savaş sonrası döneme ait gerçekçi bir bakış açısına sahiptir. Üretken bir romancı ve edebiyat eleştirmeni olan David Lodge Changing Places adlı kampüs romanında üst kurgusal elementler, metinler arası perspektifler, parça parça anlatımlar ve bunun gibi postmodern özelliklerle birlikte Binary opposition (ikili karşıtlık)’ın yapısal prensibine de öncelikli yer vererek romanı yapısal bir boyutta sunmaktadır.The present thesis focuses on a particular fictional event – the campus novel – having a long developmental history but largely a product of the twentieth century, which is a very complex artistic and literary period encompassing various other literary periods, and also historical and cultural periods, as well as many literary movements and trends. Its first part is twofold consisting of realism or traditional versus modernism or modernist art and literature. Modernism is the late modern experimental and innovative art standing as a self-reflection and a late modern self-criticism of modernity. The period after the 1960s is the contemporary historical, social and cultural condition, which is called postmodern period or postmodernity. It is a reaction to modernity; also, postmodern as adjective refers to a particular period in literary and perhaps cultural history and to a set of aesthetic styles and principles. The reflecting mentality and artistic practice of postmodernity is called postmodernism or postmodernist art and literature; hence postmodernism is a reflexive cultural phenomenon or attitude of the postmodern period, an aesthetic phenomenon, and a reaction to modernism as late aesthetic modernity. But there is also a period after World War 2, which lasted for some ten or fifteen years, called the post-war period and coming before the postmodern one. In the second half of the twentieth century on the whole, the most prolific and popular genre is novel, which developed a remarkable typology: Angry Young fiction (Braine, Amis, Brain, Wain), neo-realist novel, campus novel, philosophical and visionary novel (Golding, Murdoch), magical realism (Carter, Rushdie), historiographic metafiction (Swift, Ackroyd), postcolonial novel (Rushdie, Ali), and so on. The two novels that constitute the main concern of our study – Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis and Changing Places by David Lodge – represent the post-war period and the postmodern period, respectively. We embark on their comparison on the premises that they are both campus novels and as such, even if they belong to different periods and trends, they can be subject to a comparative approach in order to reveal their similarities and differences with regard to both their thematic perspectives and narrative strategies. Having the academic background, which is open to larger social and cultural contexts, as its central element, the campus novel receives in Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis a realist perspective specific to the post-war English literature of the Angry Young Man with its social and moral concerns, and the drama of individual consciousness in constructing the protagonist. A prolific novelist and literary critic, David Lodge provides his campus novel with various postmodern aspects, such as metafictional elements, intertextual perspectives, fragmentariness, and so on, while primarily employing the structuralist principle of “binary opposition” and making it acquire a structural dimension in his Changing Places


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    The aim of this study is to address and analyse pre-service teachers’ mathematical reasoning skills in relation to mathematical thinking processes. For these purposes, pre-service teachers’ mathematical reasoning skills namely generalising/abstraction/modelling, ratiocination, development and creative thinking skills and the relationships among these skills are examined. Apart from these, it is explored whether grade level and gender have an effect on the application of these skills. The study is based on a mixed method research design and is carried out with 197 pre-service teachers of different grade levels in the school of education of a public university. One of the data collection tools used in the study is mathematical thinking and reasoning skills test which was developed by Başaran (2011) and comprises 21 open-ended questions on real-life problems. The second one is the Mathematical Reasoning Skills and Indicators developed by the researchers in the light of a study by Alkan and Taşdan (2011). Content analysis is performed on the data gathered from the pilot study conducted as the first step of the data analysis and the content of the quantitative data analysis is defined. As the second step, some parametric and non-parametric tests are utilized using the SPSS 15.0 software. As a result of the study, it has been revealed that pre-service teachers’ scores on generalising/abstraction/modelling and ratiocination skills are close to average whereas their scores on development and creative thinking skills are below average. It has also been concluded that all the relationships among pre-service teachers’ reasoning skills are significant and that correlations among the skills which are associated with stages that follow one another are stronger than the others. Another result of the study is that, in relation to the gender variable, there is a significant difference among the scores concerning generalising/abstraction/modelling and ratiocination skills, yet there are not any significant differences among the development and creative thinking skills scores. In relation to the grade variable, on the other hand, there aren’t any significant differences among the scores concerning generalising/abstraction/modelling (GAM) and reasoning (R) and improving (İ) skills, yet there are significant differences among the creative thinking skills scores of freshman and sophomore pre-service teachers and among those of the sophomore and junior pre-service teachers.Results of the present study are discussed in relation to the relevant literature and some recommendations for future studies pertaining to the subject and to learning environment quality are presented.  Article visualizations