3 research outputs found

    Orbitofrontal cortex inactivation impairs early reversal learning in male rats during a sexually motivated task

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    Fishes are the phylogenetically oldest vertebrate group, which includes more than one-half of the vertebrates on the planet; additionally, many species have ecological and economic importance. Fish are the first evolved group of organisms with adaptive immune mechanisms; consequently, they are an important link in the evolution of the immune system, thus a potential model for understanding the mechanisms of immunoregulation. Currently, the influence of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) on the cells of the immune system is widely studied in mammalian models, which have provided evidence on ACh production by immune cells (the noncholinergic neuronal system); however, these neuroimmunomodulation mechanisms in fish and lower vertebrates are poorly studied. Therefore, the objective of this review paper was to analyze the influence of the cholinergic system on the immune response of teleost fish, which could provide information concerning the possibility of bidirectional communication between the nervous and immune systems in these organisms and provide data for a better understanding of basic issues in neuroimmunology in lower vertebrates, such as bony fishes. Thus, the use of fish as a model in biomedical research may contribute to a better understanding of human diseases and diseases in other animals. " 2013 G. A. Toledo-Ibarra et al.",,,,,,"10.1155/2013/536534",,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/42240","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84890045313&partnerID=40&md5=d160a095a8a71ba29094534a82c5be4c",,,,,,,,"Clinical and Developmental Immunology",,,,"2013",,"Scopu

    Modulation of Immune Response by Organophosphorus Pesticides: Fishes as a Potential Model in Immunotoxicology

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    Immune response is modulated by different substances that are present in the environment. Nevertheless, some of these may cause an immunotoxic effect. In this paper, the effect of organophosphorus pesticides (frequent substances spilled in aquatic ecosystems) on the immune system of fishes and in immunotoxicology is reviewed. Furthermore, some cellular and molecular mechanisms that might be involved in immunoregulation mechanisms of organophosphorus pesticides are discussedLa respuesta inmunológica está modulada por diferentes sustancias presentes en el medio ambiente. Sin embargo, algunos de estos pueden causar un efecto inmunotóxico. En este trabajo se revisa el efecto de los pesticidas organofosforados (sustancias frecuentes derramadas en los ecosistemas acuáticos) sobre el sistema inmunitario de los peces y en la inmunotoxicología. Además, se discuten algunos mecanismos celulares y moleculares que pueden estar implicados en los mecanismos de inmunoregulación de los plaguicidas organofosforado

    Evaluation of pollution in Camichin estuary (Mexico): Pro-oxidant and antioxidant response in oyster (Crassostrea corteziensis)

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    The physiological system of molluscs, particularly pro-oxidant and antioxidant mechanisms, could be altered by pollutants and induce disturbance on health status and productive parameters of aquatic organisms, such as oyster. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical contamination in water (total metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) and oxidative stress parameters in oysters (Crassostrea corteziensis) in Camichin estuary, located in Mexican Tropical Pacific. The results obtained showed the presence of arsenic, lead and zinc, as well as naphthalene, pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene in concentrations relatively higher than criteria established by local and international guidelines. Regarding the biomarkers of oxidative stress response (H2O2 and O2• concentration, catalase activity, lipid peroxidation, and hydroperoxide concentration), differences between oyster from estuary and control group were significant. These results indicate that these pollutants could be related with oxidative stress detected in oyster.El sistema fisiológico de moluscos, particularmente los mecanismos prooxidantes y antioxidantes, podrían ser alterados por contaminantes e inducir alteraciones en el estado de salud y parámetros productivos de organismos acuáticos, como la ostra. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la contaminación química en agua (metales totales e hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos) y parámetros de estrés oxidativo en ostras (Crassostrea corteziensis) en el estuario de Camichin, ubicado en el Pacífico tropical mexicano. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron la presencia de arsénico, plomo y zinc, así como de naftaleno, pireno y benzo [a] pireno en concentraciones relativamente mayores que los criterios establecidos por las guías locales e internacionales. En cuanto a los biomarcadores de la respuesta al estrés oxidativo (concentración de H2O2 y O2 •, actividad de catalasa, peroxidación de lípidos e hidroperóxido), las diferencias entre la ostra del estuario y el grupo control fueron significativas. Estos resultados indican que estos contaminantes podrían estar relacionados con el estrés oxidativo detectado en la ostra