7 research outputs found

    Nobeyama Cygnus-X Survey: Physical Properties of C18^{18}O clumps in DR-6(W), DR-9 and DR-13S regions

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    Cygnus-X is considered a region of interest for high-energy astrophysics, since the Cygnus OB2 association has been confirmed as a PeVatron in the Cygnus cocoon. In this research note, we present new high-resolution (16'') 12,13^{12,13}CO(J=1\rightarrow0) and C18^{18}O (J=1\rightarrow0) observations obtained with the Nobeyama 45-m radiotelescope, to complement the Nobeyama Cygnus-X Survey. We discovered 19 new C18^{18}O clumps associated with the star-forming regions DR-6W, DR-9, and DR13S. We present the physical parameters of these clumps, which are consistent with the neighboring covered regions. We confirm the clumpy nature of these regions and of a filament located between DR6 and DR6W. These results strongly suggest that star formation occurs in these regions with clumps of sizes \sim101^{-1} pc, masses \sim102^2 M_\odot, and H2_2 densities of \sim104^4 cm3^{-3}.Comment: 8 pages, 3 Figures, 1 Table. https://pos.sissa.it/444/631/pd

    Use of changes in triacylglycerols during ripening of cheeses with high lipolysis levels for detection of milk fat authenticity

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    The triacylglycerol (TAG) compositions by carbon number during ripening of two Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) cheeses were analysed using short capillary column gas chromatography. Lipolysis levels were high in the Cabrales (blue cheese produced from cows’ milk or from blends of cows’ with goats’ milk) and Majorero goats’ milk cheeses at the end of ripening, with free fatty acid (FFA) levels of around 24 000 ppm and significant changes in the TAG composition. The level of lipolysis in an industrial blue cheese made from ewes’ milk was low, with an FFA value of around 6000 ppm and no significant changes in the TAG composition during ripening. The TAG values recorded for each cheese sample were substituted into the multiple regression equations that have been proposed for use in detecting foreign fats in milk fat. The values thus obtained were within the established ranges in early ripening. In the cheeses with high lipolysis levels during ripening, some of the values obtained fell outside the established ranges. These equations can be potentially useful for detecting foreign fats in these cheeses, when employed early in the ripening period. Furthermore, it is important to take into account that before coming to a conclusion about cheese authenticity, several individual samples should be analysed.This work was supported by the CAL01-013 and AGL2003-01712 Research Projects

    Triacylglycerol composition of protected designation of origin cheeses during ripening. Authenticity of milk fat

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    Triacylglycerol (TAG) composition by carbon number in 2 protected designation of origin cheeses, Mahón (cheese from cow milk) and Manchego (cheese from ewe milk) that were manufactured by 3 different producers was analyzed during cheese ripening using gas chromatography with a short capillary column. The TAG composition at different times during cheese ripening was also analyzed in cheeses from different batches produced at the same plant. Lipolysis levels in the Mahón and Manchego cheeses during ripening were low; free fatty acid values ranged from 2,500 to 4,000 ppm at the end of ripening. The TAG composition did not change significantly during ripening. The TAG values obtained from each cheese sample were substituted into the multiple regression equations that have been proposed to detect foreign fats in milk fat. The values obtained using the equations for bovine (proposed by the European Union) and ovine milk (proposed by our laboratory) were within the normal range. Accordingly, these equations can be considered useful for detecting foreign fat in these cheeses during the ripening period contemplated during this study. © American Dairy Science Association, 2006.This work was supported by the Research Projects CAL01-013 and AGL2003-01712

    Detection of foreign fat in cow¿s, ewe¿s and goat¿s milk cheeses during ripening

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    Trabajo presentado en el IV IDF Symposium on Cheese: Ripening, Characterization and Technology, celebrado en la República Checa el 21 de marzo de 2004