9 research outputs found

    Register connection: A new approach to adding registers into instruction set architectures

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    Code optimization and scheduling for superscalar and superpipelined processors often increase the register requirement of programs. For existing instruction sets with a small to moderate number of registers, this increased register requirement can be a factor that limits the e ectiveness of the compiler. In this paper, we introduce a new architectural method for adding a set of extended registers into an architecture. Using a novel concept of connection, this method allows the data stored in the extended registers to be accessed by instructions that apparently reference core registers. Furthermore, we address the technical issues involved in applying the new method toanarchitecture: instruction set extension, procedure call convention, context switching considerations, upward compatibility, e cient implementation, compiler support, and performance. Experimental results based onaprototype compiler and execution driven simulation show that the proposed method can signi cantly improve the performance of superscalar processors with a small or moderate number of registers.

    Abstract Tolerating Data Access Latency with Register Preloading

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    By exploiting ne grain parallelism, superscalar processors can potentially increase the performance of future supercomputers. However, supercomputers typically have a long access delay to their rst level memory which can severely restrict the performance of superscalar processors. Compilers attempt to move load instructions far enough ahead to hide this latency. However, conventional movement of load instructions is limited by data dependence analysis. This paper introduces a simple hardware scheme, referred to as preload register update, to allow the compiler to move load instructions even in the presence of inconclusive data dependence analysis results. Preload register update keeps the load destination registers coherent when load instructions are moved past store instructions that reference the same location. With this addition, superscalar processors can more e ectively tolerate longer data access latencies

    Tolerating Data Access Latency with Register Preloading

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    By exploiting fine grain parallelism, superscalar processors can potentially increase the performance of future supercomputers. However, supercomputers typically have a long access delay to their first level memory which can severely restrict the performance of superscalar processors. Compilers attempt to move load instructions far enough ahead to hide this latency. However, conventional movement of load instructions is limited by data dependence analysis. This paper introduces a simple hardware scheme, referred to as preload register update, to allow the compiler to move load instructions even in the presence of inconclusive data dependence analysis results. Preload register update keeps the load destination registers coherent when load instructions are moved past store instructions that reference the same location. With this addition, superscalar processors can more effectively tolerate longer data access latencies. Keywords: data dependence analysis, load latency, register file, re..

    Register connection

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