589 research outputs found

    Effect of nonmagnetic dilution in honeycomb lattice iridates Na2_2IrO3_3 and Li2_2IrO3_3

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    We have synthesized single crystals of Na2_2(Ir1x_{1-x}Tix_x)O3_3 and polycrystals of Li2_2(Ir1x_{1-x}Tix_x)O3_3 and studied the effect of magnetic depletion on the magnetic properties by measurements of the magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and magnetocaloric effect at temperatures down to 0.1~K. In both systems, the non-magnetic substitution rapidly changes the magnetically ordered ground state into a spin glass, indicating strong frustration. While for the Li system the Weiss temperature ΘW\Theta_{\rm W} remains unchanged up to x=0.55x=0.55, a strong decrease ΘW|\Theta_{\rm W}| is found for the Na system. This suggests that only for the former system magnetic exchange beyond nearest neighbors is dominating. This is also corroborated by the observation of a smeared quantum phase transition in Li2_2(Ir1x_{1-x}Tix_x)O3_3 near x=0.5x=0.5, i.e. much beyond the site percolation threshold of the honeycomb lattice.Comment: 8 pages including supplemental, 12 figure

    Zero-field Quantum Critical Point in CeCoIn5_5

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    Quantum criticality in the normal and superconducting state of the heavy-fermion metal CeCoIn5_5 is studied by measurements of the magnetic Gr\"{u}neisen ratio, ΓH\Gamma_H, and specific heat in different field orientations and temperatures down to 50 mK. Universal temperature over magnetic field scaling of ΓH\Gamma_H in the normal state indicates a hidden quantum critical point at zero field. Within the superconducting state the quasiparticle entropy at constant temperature increases upon reducing the field towards zero, providing additional evidence for zero-field quantum criticality.Comment: submitted to PR

    Spin liquid close to a quantum critical point in Na4_4Ir3_3O8_8

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    Na4_4Ir3_3O8_8 is a candidate material for a 3-dimensional quantum spin-liquid on the hyperkagome lattice. We present thermodynamic measurements of heat capacity CC and thermal conductivity κ\kappa on high quality polycrystalline samples of Na4_4Ir3_3O8_8 down to T=500T = 500 mK and 7575 mK, respectively. Absence of long-range magnetic order down to T=75T = 75 mK strongly supports claims of a spin-liquid ground state. The constant magnetic susceptibility χ\chi below T25T \approx 25 K and the presence of a small but finite linear-TT term in C(T)C(T) suggest the presence of gapless spin excitations. Additionally, the magnetic Gru¨\ddot{\rm{u}}neisen ratio shows a divergence as T0T \rightarrow 0 K and a scaling behavior which clearly demonstrates that Na4_4Ir3_3O8_8 is situated close to a zero-field QCP.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, PRB rapid, in pres

    Uniform Mixing of High-Tc Superconductivity and Antiferromagnetism on a Single CuO2 Plane in Hg-based Five-layered Cuprate

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    We report a site selective Cu-NMR study on under-doped Hg-based five-layered high-TcT_{\rm c} cuprate HgBa2Ca4Cu5Oy with a Tc=72 K. Antiferromagnetism (AF) has been found to take place at TN=290 K, exhibiting a large antiferromagnetic moment of 0.67-0.69uB at three inner planes (IP's). This value is comparable to the values reported for non-doped cuprates, suggesting that the IP may be in a nearly non-doped regime. Most surprisingly, the AF order is also detected with M(OP)=0.1uB even at two outer planes (OP's) that are responsible for the onset of superconductivity (SC). The high-Tc SC at Tc = 72 K can uniformly coexist on a microscopic level with the AF at OP's. This is the first microscopic evidence for the uniform mixed phase of AF and SC on a single CuO2 plane in a simple environment without any vortex lattice and/or stripe order.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To be published in Phys.Rev.Let

    Quantum criticality near the upper critical field of Ce2_2PdIn8_8

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    We report low-temperature specific heat measurements in magnetic fields up to 12 T applied parallel and perpendicular to the tetragonal c-axis of the heavy fermion superconductor Ce2_2PdIn8_8. In contrast to its quasi-two-dimensional (2D) relative CeCoIn5_5, the system displays an almost isotropic upper critical field. While there is no indication for a FFLO phase in Ce2_2PdIn8_8, the data suggest a smeared weak first-order superconducting transition close to Hc22H_{c2}\approx 2 T. The normal state electronic specific heat coefficient displays logarithmically divergent behavior, comparable to CeCoIn5_5 and in agreement with 2D quantum criticality of spin-density-wave type

    Magnetization study on the field-induced quantum critical point in YbRh_2Si_2

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    We study the field-induced quantum critical point (QCP) in YbRh2_2Si2_2 by low-temperature magnetization, M(T)M(T), and magnetic Gr\"uneisen ratio, Γmag\Gamma_{\rm mag}, measurements and compare the results with previous thermal expansion, β(T)\beta(T), and critical Gr\"uneisen ratio, Γcr(T)\Gamma^{cr}(T), data on YbRh2_2(Si0.95_{0.95}Ge0.05_{0.05})2_2. In the latter case, a slightly negative chemical pressure has been used to tune the system towards its zero-field QCP. The magnetization derivative dM/dT-dM/dT is far more singular than thermal expansion, reflecting a strongly temperature dependent pressure derivative of the field at constant entropy, (dH/dP)S=Vmβ/(dM/dT)(dH/dP)_S=V_m\beta/(dM/dT) (VmV_m: molar volume), which saturates at (0.15±0.04)(0.15\pm 0.04) T/GPa for T0T\to 0. The line T(H)T^\star(H), previously observed in Hall- and thermodynamic measurements, separates regimes in TT-HH phase space of stronger (ϵ>1(\epsilon>1) and weaker (ϵ<1(\epsilon<1) divergent Γmag(T)Tϵ\Gamma_{\rm mag}(T)\propto T^{-\epsilon}.Comment: 4 Pages, 3 Figures, submitted to Proceedings of ICM 2009 (Karlsruhe

    Multiple metamagnetic quantum criticality in Sr3_3Ru2_2O7_7

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    Bilayer strontium ruthenate Sr3_3Ru2_2O7_7 displays pronounced non-Fermi liquid behavior at magnetic fields around 8 T, applied perpendicular to the ruthenate planes, which previously has been associated with an itinerant metamagnetic quantum critical end point (QCEP). We focus on the magnetic Gr\"uneisen parameter ΓH\Gamma_{\rm H}, which is the most direct probe to characterize field-induced quantum criticality. We confirm quantum critical scaling due to a putative two-dimensional QCEP near 7.845(5) T, which is masked by two ordered phases A and B, identified previously by neutron scattering. In addition we find evidence for a QCEP at 7.53(2) T and determine the quantum critical regimes of both instabilities and the effect of their superposition

    Ferromagnetic quantum critical fluctuations in YbRh_2(Si_{0.95}Ge_{0.05})_2

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    The bulk magnetic susceptibility χ(T,B)\chi(T,B) of YbRh2_2(Si0.95_{0.95}Ge0.05_{0.05})2_2 has been investigated %by ac-and dc-magnetometry at low temperatures and close to the field-induced quantum critical point at Bc=0.027B_c=0.027 T. For B0.05B\leq 0.05 T a Curie-Weiss law with a negative Weiss temperature is observed at temperatures below 0.3 K. Outside this region, the susceptibility indicates ferromagnetic quantum critical fluctuations: χ(T)T0.6\chi(T)\propto T^{-0.6} above 0.3 K, while at low temperatures the Pauli susceptibility follows χ0(BBc)0.6\chi_0\propto (B-B_c)^{-0.6} and scales with the coefficient of the T2T^2 term in the electrical resistivity. The Sommerfeld-Wilson ratio is highly enhanced and increases up to 30 close to the critical field.Comment: Physical Review Letters, to be publishe

    Divergence of the Magnetic Gr\"{u}neisen Ratio at the Field-Induced Quantum Critical Point in YbRh2_2Si2_2

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    The heavy fermion compound YbRh2_2Si2_2 is studied by low-temperature magnetization M(T)M(T) and specific-heat C(T)C(T) measurements at magnetic fields close to the quantum critical point (Hc=0.06H_c=0.06 T, HcH\perp c). Upon approaching the instability, dM/dTdM/dT is more singular than C(T)C(T), leading to a divergence of the magnetic Gr\"uneisen ratio Γmag=(dM/dT)/C\Gamma_{\rm mag}=-(dM/dT)/C. Within the Fermi liquid regime, Γmag=Gr(HHcfit)\Gamma_{\rm mag}=-G_r(H-H_c^{fit}) with Gr=0.30±0.01G_r=-0.30\pm 0.01 and Hcfit=(0.065±0.005)H_c^{fit}=(0.065\pm 0.005) T which is consistent with scaling behavior of the specific-heat coefficient in YbRh2_2(Si0.95_{0.95}Ge0.05_{0.05})2_2. The field-dependence of dM/dTdM/dT indicates an inflection point of the entropy as a function of magnetic field upon passing the line T(H)T^\star(H) previously observed in Hall- and thermodynamic measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Figure