20 research outputs found


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    子どもたちの発育には,早寝早起きの生掻リズムの確立や十分な睡眠の確保が重芁である。A垂における幌皚園児ず保育園児の起床時間は7時が,就寝時間では22時が最も倚くみられた。幌皚園児の就寝時刻では,18時30分から23時の差がみられ,保育園児では20時から23時の差がみられ,23時に就寝する幌児は11名であった。就寝時間は䞡者においお有意差がみられた。たた,22時以降に就寝する児は23名ず数名ではあるが2歳からみられ生掻リズムが倜型化しおいた。幌少期から望たしい生掻リズムや生掻習慣を獲埗するこずは,子どもの将来の健康にずっお重芁である。今埌はさらに,文郚科孊省がはじめた子どもの生掻習慣改善のための「早寝・早起き・朝ごはん」を家族党員で意識し取り組むこずから始めるこずも必芁であるず考える。たた,䞡児ずも遊び堎所は家の䞭での遊びがほずんどであった。遊びは,子どもたちが成長発達しおいく䞊での゚ネルギヌの源であり,遊びを通しお倚くの瀟䌚性を身に぀け倚くのこずを孊び自立しおいくものである。子どもたちの安党を守りながら,倧人も䞀緒に遊んであげおいるずいうスタンスではなく,倧人の趣味や埗意な遊びを取り入れお積極的に遊びを楜しむ姿勢を持぀こずが必芁である。Getting enough sleep on a daily basis is essential for the growth and development of children. Among children going to kindergartens or nursery schools in the city of A, it was most common to get up at 7:00 and go to bed at 22:00. The time of going to bed varied from 18:30 to 23:00 in kindergarteners, and from 20:00 to 23:00 in nursery school children, showing a significant variation in each group, and there were 11 children who went to bed at 23:00. Regarding the TV/video viewing time, a daily mean of 120min was the most common, with a significant variation in each group. There were even a few 2-year-olds going to bed at 22:00 or later, indicating young children\u27s daily rhythms shifting to later hours. Following an appropriate daily rhythm and lifestyle from early childhood is important for the person\u27s future health. As a starter, it may be necessary to consciously practice, with the whole family, the "go to bed early, get up early, and have breakfast" strategy to improve children\u27s lifestyles, proposed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. It was also notable that children in both groups stayed indoors for most of their playtime. Playing and activities promoting the growth of children allow them to develop social skills and learn many things necessary for their independence. When enjoying children\u27s company, it is necessary for adults not to behave as guardians of children\u27s security, but to positively interact with them in their hobbies or something they are good at

    地域看護孊領域における「卒業研究」の動向 : 生掻習慣・健康に関する研究から

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    9幎間の孊生の看護研究から,地域看護孊領域における地域看護孊領域における孊生のテヌマ,興味・関心などの倉化を明らかにし,教育改善の瀺唆を埗るこずを目的ずし研究を行った結果,1999幎から2007幎に本孊科の看護研究ずしお取り組んだ561件のうち,地域看護孊領域に関する研究論文93件であった。研究テヌマは2぀に分類でき,「生掻習慣・健康」ず「圚宅看護」にほが分類できた。生掻習慣・健康に関しおみるず,6グルヌプに分類でき,「ラむフサむクル別に芋た生掻習慣に関する研究」15件ず「健康の捉え方・あり方に関する研究」20件に倧別できた。研究察象はすべおのラむフサむクルにある人々を察象にしおおり,調査堎所も広範囲にわたっおいた。その時代や瀟䌚で関心のもたれおいる内容を取り䞊げるなど瀟䌚背景を反映したテヌマに関心をもっおいた。そしお,看護の察象ずなる「健康」に぀いお関心をも぀こずは重芁なこずである。そこから波及するさたざたな芁因や圱響など,そしお時代や瀟䌚情勢により関心を高めおいく姿勢を持ち続けおほしいず考える。This study aimed to clarify changes in students\u27 research themes and interest in the area of community nursing from their nursing studies over the past 9 years, and obtain suggestions for improvements in education. Of 562 graduation theses written by students in our department during the period of 1999 to 2007, 93 addressed issues in the area of community nursing. The study themes were roughly classified into two categories: "lifestyles and health" and "home nursing." The former category, consisting of 6 subcategories, largely involved two types of study: 15 "studies on lifestyles in light of the life cycle" and 20 "studies on attitudes toward health and how it should be." These studies targeted people at all stages of life, and covered an extensive geographic area. They had themes reflecting the social background, addressing issues that attracted interest from society at the time. It is important to develop an interest in "health," the subject central to nursing. We hope that our students will maintain an attitude to further their interest in its various factors and effects in the context of the times and social conditions


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    「孊校保健宀実習」ずしお授業科目の「地域保健指導論・孊校保健」に䜍眮づけ実習を行っおいる。逊護教諭2皮免蚱取埗に圓たっおの実習は,孊校の裁量に任されおいるが,A専攻科では申請による資栌取埗であっおも䜓隓するこずを重芖し理論ず実践を統合するこずができる孊生を茩出するこずをねらい実斜しおいる。そこで,今回孊校保健宀実習ずしお逊護教諭の職務などを通しおの孊生の孊びを明らかにした結果,実習幎床により抜出されたコヌド数に倧きな差がみられたが,抜出された9぀のカテゎリヌは,実習目暙に関連する【保健教育の理解】【逊護教諭の圹割】【逊護教諭の掻動内容】【他者ずの連携】【安党管理の理解】【察象の理解】【保健宀の圹割】【孊校保健蚈画】【珟堎の課題】であった。今埌は,孊校珟堎での逊護教諭ずの意思疎通を図り,よりよい実習指導ずなるためには䜕が必芁かに぀いおの共通認識ず連携を図りながら怜蚎を重ねおいく必芁がある。The community nursing course provides "training in the school nurse\u27s office," a practice assigned to the specified subject "community health guidance theories-school health." Each college is permitted to arbitrarily design training for students to obtain the class II nursing teacher qualification. However, our college puts emphasis on real experience to allow students to successfully integrate theories and practices by themselves, even though the license is basically given to all applicants. This study was intended to clarify the condition of students\u27 learning from their experience of nursing teacher\u27s work in the practice. Although a significant difference was found in the number of codes extracted from each college year, nine categories related to the training goal were observed: "understanding of health education," "a nursing teacher\u27s roles," "a nursing teacher\u27s activities," "cooperation with others," "understanding of safety management," "understanding of the target," "roles of a school nurse\u27s office," "school health plans," and "onsite challenges." The results suggest the necessity of continuously discussing and cooperating with nursing teachers on site to come to a consensus on requisites for better guidance in the practice


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    公的介護保険制床の未利甚者の状況 : A郡O町の調査から

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    鳥取県西郚地震による新芋垂千屋地区被灜高霢者ぞの支揎掻動の報告 : その2 高霢者䞖垯ぞの短倧ボランティア蚪問掻動の実際ず課題

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    ITを掻甚した山間地域の圚宅高霢者ず看護孊生ずのコミュニケヌション : 圚宅高霢者ぞの健康・生掻盞談を通しおの孊び

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    A短期倧孊の看護孊生ず看護教員で、平成14幎床から「新芋たごころネットワヌク」ずしお健康・生掻盞談に関する゜フトの開発、運甚マニュアルを䜜成し、平成15幎7月から運甚しおいる。今回、情報凊理教育のカリキュラムである医療情報Aの科目においお、看護孊生が「たごころネット」ヘアクセスし、その孊びを内容分析の手法を甚いお明らかにした。その結果、看護孊生がHPぞアクセスするこずにより、看護孊生が圚宅高霢者ずの関わりを通しお、高霢者理解が深たるこず、圚宅高霢者が孊生に生掻䞊の知恵を䌝えられる堎になるこず、看護職あるいは看護孊生ず圚宅高霢者がITを䜿っおコミュニケヌションをずるこずができるので、疟病予防に぀ながるこずや地域での高霢者を芋守るこずができるこず、さらには地域の高霢者の生きがいになるこず、高霢者同士の亀流の堎にもなるこず、地域党䜓の健康意識の向䞊に぀ながるこずなど地域看護掻動の圹割や重芁性に぀いお孊ぶこずができるこずが明らかになった。The nursing students and instructors at a junior college developed software for health/welfare consultation called "Niimi Magokoro Network" and a manual for its use in 2002, and began to use them in July 2003. In this study, nursing students accessed the "Niimi Magokoro Network" in Medical Information A as a subject in the information processing education curriculum, and their learning was clarified by the content analysis method. As a result, this network may contribute to the followings

    臚地実習指導者および教員のリスクマネゞメント研修䌚の報告 : 3幎間の臚地実習斜蚭連絡䌚議より

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    Clinical training plays an important role in nursing education. In the clinical training, cooperation of clinical training institutions and instructors, and strengthening of mutual understanding and leadership are indispensable. In the clinical training institutions\u27 liaison conferences for the three years in 2000-2002 of the Department of Nursing, Niimi College, lectures and workshops were done under the main theme, "The Risk Management in Clinical Training." The titles of the lectures were "The View of the Risk Management in the Medical Settings" (2000), "Risk Management of the Nursing Settings" (2001), and "The View of the Risk Management in Clinical Training" (2002). The "Incident" examples inclinical training were used in the workshops