1,713 research outputs found

    Personality and Work Success among Expatriate Educational Leaders in the United Arab Emirates

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    Few studies have examined expatriate leadership in higher education in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where expatriates make up the majority of higher education leaders. Such leaders need to be able to effectively interact with diverse colleagues despite possibly limited prior international experience and understanding of cultural differences. Such challenges can be seen to increase employee turnover, which challenges the success of Emirati higher education. This essay examines the impact of emotional intelligence, hardiness, and openness on self-reported probability of finishing contract and contract renewal of expatriate leaders in higher education in the UAE. The research can contribute to an improvement in the educational services in the UAE, and other Middle Eastern countries which feature high rates of employment of expatriate workers in higher education.published_or_final_versio

    \'n Filosofiese besinning oor die vroulike en vroulikheid van die godheid

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    A philosophical discussion of the feminine and femininity of the divine: This article considers the importance of the feminine of the divine (or ā€˜the goddess\') from the perspective of a philosophy of sexual difference, as the latter is proposed mainly by French feminist philosopher, Luce Irigaray. The article considers why we have lost the feminine of the divine, why she is making a comeback, and the strongest reasons ā€“ philosophically speaking ā€“ for retrieving some of those elements for the sake of the world and humanity today. HTS Theological Studies Vol. 64 (2) 2008: pp. 977-100

    Screening for retinopathy of prematurity in a provincial hospital in Port Elizabeth, South Africa

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    Background. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is an emerging public health problem in many middle-income countries where improvedĀ neonatal survival rates coupled with inadequate health resources have created a new epidemic. There are limited available data on theĀ magnitude of the problem, and screening in South African (SA) hospitals has not been uniformly practised.Objective. To describe the results of various interventions implemented over a 6-year period while developing a new ROP screening serviceĀ in a provincial hospital in Port Elizabeth, SA.Method. A retrospective case folder review of ROP screening at Dora Nginza Hospital, Port Elizabeth, SA, over the 6-year period 2009 -Ā 2014 was conducted.Results. A total of 919 new cases were seen. Fifteen patients received treatment for type 1 ROP (T1ROP), 223 had type 2 (T2) or earlier ROP,Ā 1 had stage 4 ROP and 6 had stage 5 ROP. The combination of healthcare worker education, improved equipment and human resources andĀ the introduction of dual responsibility for case referrals resulted in an increase in the number of new infants screened from 33 in year 1 toĀ 292 in year 6. The number of infants who were screened late decreased from 33/33 (100%) in year 1, prior to the interventions, to 23/292Ā in the final year (7.9%). Improved oxygen delivery and adequate oxygen saturation monitoring contributed to a decrease in the incidenceĀ of T1ROP from 1.5% to 1% over 1 year and in the incidence of T2 or earlier ROP from 30.3% to 24%.Conclusions. Better management of ROP can be achieved through adequate provision of healthcare professionals and material resourcesĀ coupled with education and a well-supported referral system. A close working relationship between paediatricians and ophthalmologistsĀ results in a more efficient screening programme

    The relationship of overweight and obesity to the motor performance of children living in South Africa

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    Objectives: This study aimed to determine the relationship between overweight and obesity and the motor performance of nine- to 13-year-old South African children.Design: The study used a one-way cross-sectional design based on baseline measurements.Settings and subjects: The research group comprised 280 Grade 4, 5 and 6 learners (128 boys and 152 girls) from two schools that represented a distribution of socio-economic status, race and gender.Outcome measures: Anthropometric [(body mass index (BMI) and fat percentage] and motor performance measurements (fine manual control, manual coordination, body coordination and strength and agility) were obtained by means of the Fitnessgram and the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-II. International age-specific cut-off points were used to classify the childrenā€™s body composition as normal weight, overweight or obese. Data were analysed by means of descriptive statistics, correlation matrices and analysis of variance, followed by a Tukey post hoc analysis.Results: The results showed that running speed and agility decreased significantly with an increase in BMI. Muscular strength also decreased significantly with a smaller practical significance, while fine manual control, manual coordination, and body coordination showed the weakest relationship to BMI. Analysis of variance showed significant relationships between BMI and running speed and agility (p-value < 0.05). These relationships were influenced differently by gender and ethnicity.Conclusion: The motor performance of young South African children was negatively influenced by overweight and obesity. Intervention strategies are recommended to reduce the consequences of overweight and obesity in the overall development of such children.S Afr Fam Pract 2012;54(5):429-43

    Using a tree theme to develop language skills

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    A teaching prograrrrne is described in which trees are used as a unifying theme for developing language skills at the lower primary level

    The red eye

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    The red eye is a clinical problem that is encountered regularly in most primary healthcare settings. A wide spectrum of diseases may cause a red eye. Fortunately, most are relatively benign, but many potentially sight-threatening conditions may manifest in a similar way. From the history and examination, the primary care physician must be able to differentiate between features that make primary care treatment possible and high-risk features that necessitate immediate referral. This article includes a discussion on features that distinguish benign from sight-threatening causes of red eye. Unilateral red eye, pain (a deep ache), deep redness, decreased visual acuity and photophobia signify more sinister causes. The red eye has an extensive differential diagnosis. Some of the common causes are conjunctivitis, subconjunctival haemorrhage, episcleritis, scleritis, anterior uveitis and acute glaucoma. Generally, patients who present with red eye can be divided into two groups: those who can be treated at primary care level and those who need secondary or tertiary level care. Other distinguishing features include a pattern to the redness, the type of discharge, the presence of increased lacrimation and photophobia, as well as corneal haze. However, these are not always easily employed as differentiating factors. Therefore, this article lists specific and basic features which can be used to identify the various causes of the red eye

    Monitoring the Effect of Micro-oxygenation before Malolactic Fermentation on South African Pinotage Red Wine with Different Colour and Phenolic Analyses

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    The use of micro-oxygenation and its effect on the quality of the red wine varietal, Pinotage, is largelyunknown. The influence of adding different oxygen dosages before malolactic fermentation on thephenolic composition and colour stabilisation of wine made from Pinotage was studied, and thesuitability of certain spectrophotometric and RP-HPLC analyses to determine these changes wereassessed in tanks of commercial lengths. Total oxygen dosages of 0 mg/L, 16 mg/L and 32 mg/L wereapplied, after which the wines underwent malolactic fermentation and maturation in the same tanks fortwo additional months. Decreases in anthocyanin concentration showed a strong inversely proportionalcorrelation with increasing polymeric pigment concentration. This suggests that the addition ofoxygen contributed to the early stabilisation of wine colour in Pinotage red wine. Overall, tanninconcentrations were not significantly influenced by the oxygen treatments, although lower levels wereobserved in wines treated with oxygen. An important finding of the study was that there appeared to belittle difference in the colour and phenolic composition of the wines between the 16 mg/L and 32 mg/Loxygen treatments. Good correlations were found between certain spectrophotometric techniques andthe RP-HPLC analysis used to study changes induced by micro-oxygenation (total anthocyanins, totalphenols). The colour and phenolic composition of Pinotage wine can be influenced before malolacticfermentation by micro-oxygenation. Some spectrophotometric phenolic analyses showed the sametendencies as observed with RP-HPLC (anthocyanins, monomeric flavan-3-ols, tannins), indicating theirsuitability to follow phenolic and colour changes induced by micro-oxygenation in Pinotage red wine

    Quality of life in South Africa: measurement and analysis

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    Case report of sudden death in a child with Williams syndrome following administration of anaesthesia

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    Williams syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by distinctive personality traits, facial features (so called ā€œelfin faceā€) and cardiac abnormalities, of which supravalvular aortic stenosis is the most common lesion found. The cause is a deletion of a group of genes on chromosome 7q11.23. Administration of anaesthesia to these patients carries a higher risk for sudden death due to the cardiac defects. The purpose of this case study is to demonstrate the entity in the South African population, to review the literature, to put emphasis on the multi-disciplinary approach in the pre-operative management, and to review the medico-legal investigation of intra-operative deaths. Furthermore, administration of anaesthesia in the remote location and to syndromic children will also be discussed.Keywords: deletion of genes on chromosone 7q11.23, intra-operative deaths, sudden death, supravalvular aortic stenosis, Williams syndrom
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