23 research outputs found

    The number sense in the human brain

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    The nature of magnitude integration: Contextual interference versus active magnitude binding

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    Magnitude dimensions such as duration and numerosity have been shown to systematically interact, biasing each other in a congruent fashion: the more numerous a set of items is, the longer it is perceived to last in time. This integration between dimensions plays an important role in defining how we perceive magnitude. So far, however, the nature of magnitude integration remains unclear. Is magnitude integration a contextual interference, occurring whenever different types of information are concurrently available in the visual field, or does it involve an active "binding" of the different dimensions of the same object? To address these possibilities, we measured the integration bias induced by numerosity on perceived duration, in two cases: with duration and numerosity conveyed by distinct stimuli, or by the same stimulus. We show that a congruent integration effect can be observed only when the two magnitudes belong to the same stimulus. Instead, when the two magnitudes are conveyed by distinct stimuli, we observed an opposite effect. These findings demonstrate for the first time that a congruent integration occurs only between the dimensions of the same stimulus, suggesting the involvement of an active mechanism integrating the different dimensions of the same object in a unified percept

    The more numerous the longer: how the integration between numerosity and time leads to a common neural response

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    If you are stuck in a traffic jam, the more numerous the queuing cars are, the longer you expect to wait. Time and numerosity are stimulus dimensions often associated in the same percept and whose interaction can lead to misjudgements. At brain level it is unclear to which extent time and numerosity recruit same/different neural populations and how their perceptual integration leads to changes in these populations' responses. Here we used high-spatial-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging with neural model-based analyses to investigate how the topographic representations of numerosity and time change when these dimensions are varied together on the same visual stimulus in a congruent (the more numerous the items, the longer the display time) or incongruent manner. Compared to baseline conditions, where only one dimension was changed at a time, the variation of both stimulus dimensions led to changes in neural population responses that became more sensitive either to the two features or to one of them. Magnitude integration led also to degradation of topographies and shifts in response preferences. These changes were more pronounced in the comparison between parietal and frontal maps. Our results while pointing to partially distinct representations of time and numerosity show a common neural response to magnitude integratio

    Distortions of visual time induced by motor adaptation

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    Evidence for an A-Modal Number Sense: Numerosity Adaptation Generalizes Across Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Stimuli

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    Humans and other species share a perceptual mechanism dedicated to the representation of approximate quantities that allows to rapidly and reliably estimate the numerosity of a set of objects: an Approximate Number System (ANS). Numerosity perception shows a characteristic shared by all primary visual features: it is susceptible to adaptation. As a consequence of prolonged exposure to a large/small quantity (“adaptor”), the apparent numerosity of a subsequent (“test”) stimulus is distorted yielding a robust under- or over-estimation, respectively. Even if numerosity adaptation has been reported across several sensory modalities (vision, audition, and touch), suggesting the idea of a central and a-modal numerosity processing system, evidence for cross-modal effects are limited to vision and audition, two modalities that are known to preferentially encode sensory stimuli in an external coordinate system. Here we test whether numerosity adaptation for visual and auditory stimuli also distorts the perceived numerosity of tactile stimuli (and vice-versa) despite touch being a modality primarily coded in an internal (body-centered) reference frame. We measured numerosity discrimination of stimuli presented sequentially after adaptation to series of either few (around 2 Hz; low adaptation) or numerous (around 8 Hz; high adaptation) impulses for all possible combinations of visual, auditory, or tactile adapting and test stimuli. In all cases, adapting to few impulses yielded a significant overestimation of the test numerosity with the opposite occurring as a consequence of adaptation to numerous stimuli. The overall magnitude of adaptation was robust (around 30%) and rather similar for all sensory modality combinations. Overall, these findings support the idea of a truly generalized and a-modal mechanism for numerosity representation aimed to process numerical information independently from the sensory modality of the incoming signals

    The Shared Numerical Representation for Action and Perception Develops Independently From Vision

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    Humans share with other animals a number sense, a system allowing a rapid and approximate estimate of the number of items in a scene. Recently, it has been shown that numerosity is shared between action and perception as the number of repetitions of self-produced actions affects the perceived numerosity of subsequent visual stimuli presented around the area where actions occurred. Here we investigate whether this interplay between action and perception for numerosity depends on visual input and visual experience. We measured the effects of adaptation to motor routines (finger tapping) on numerical estimates of auditory sequences in sighted and congenitally blind people. In both groups, our results show a consistent adaptation effect with relative under- or over-estimation of perceived auditory numerosity following rapid or slow tapping adaptation, respectively. Moreover, adaptation occurred around the tapping area irrespective of the hand posture (crossed or uncrossed hands), indicating that motor adaptation was coded using external (not hand-centred) coordinates in both groups. Overall, these results support the existence of a generalized interaction between action and perception for numerosity that occurs in external space and manifests independently of visual input or even visual experience

    The perception of average numerosity over time

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