3 research outputs found

    Tactile numerosity is coded in external space

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    Humans, and several non-human species, possess the ability to make approximate but reliable estimates of the number of objects around them. Alike other perceptual features, numerosity perception is susceptible to adaptation: exposure to a high number of items causes underestimation of the numerosity of a subsequent set of items, and vice versa. Several studies have investigated adaptation in the auditory and visual modality, whereby stimuli are preferentially encoded in an external coordinate system. As tactile stimuli are primarily coded in an internal (body-centered) reference frame, here we ask whether tactile numerosity adaptation operates based on internal or external spatial coordinates as it occurs in vision or audition. Twenty participants performed an adaptation task with their right hand located either in the right (uncrossed) or left (crossed) hemispace. Tactile adaptor and test stimuli were passively delivered either to the same (adapted) or different (non-adapted) hands. Our results show a pattern of over- and under-estimation according to the rate of adaptation (low and high, respectively). In the uncrossed position, we observed stronger adaptation effects when adaptor and test stimuli were delivered to the “adapted” hand. However, when both hands were aligned in the same spatial position (crossed condition), the magnitude of adaptation was similar irrespective of which hand received adaptor and test stimuli. These results demonstrate that numerosity information is automatically coded in external coordinates even in the tactile modality, suggesting that such a spatial reference frame is an intrinsic property of numerosity processing irrespective of the sensory modality

    Perceptual History Biases Are Predicted by Early Visual-Evoked Activity

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    What we see in the present is affected by what we saw in the recent past. Serial dependence - a bias making a current stimulus to appear more similar to a previous one - has been indeed shown to be ubiquitous in vision. At the neural level, serial dependence is accompanied by a signature of stimulus history (i.e., past stimulus information) emerging from early visual-evoked activity. However, whether this neural signature effectively reflects the behavioural bias is unclear. Here we address this question by assessing the neural (electrophysiological) and behavioural signature of stimulus history in human subjects (both male and female), in the context of numerosity, duration, and size perception. First, our results show that while the behavioural effect is task-dependent, its neural signature also reflects task-irrelevant dimensions of a past stimulus, suggesting a partial dissociation between the mechanisms mediating the encoding of stimulus history and the behavioural bias itself. Second, we show that performing a task is not a necessary condition to observe the neural signature of stimulus history, but that in the presence of an active task such a signature is significantly amplified. Finally, and more importantly, we show that the pattern of brain activity in a relatively early latency window (starting at ∌35-65 ms after stimulus onset) significantly predicts the behavioural effect. Overall, our results thus demonstrate that the encoding of past stimulus information in neural signals does indeed reflect serial dependence, and that serial dependence occurs at a relatively early level of visual processing.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT:What we perceive is determined not only by the information reaching our sensory organs, but also by the context in which the information is embedded in. What we saw in the recent past (perceptual history) can indeed modulate the perception of a current stimulus in an attractive way - a bias that is ubiquitous in vision. Here we show that this bias can be predicted by the pattern of brain activity reflecting the encoding of past stimulus information, very early after the onset of a stimulus. This in turn suggests that the integration of past and present sensory information mediating the attractive bias occurs early in the visual processing stream, and likely involves early visual cortices

    Serial dependence in time and numerosity perception is dimension-specific

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    The perception of a visual event (e.g., a flock of birds) at the present moment can be biased by a previous perceptual experience (e.g., the perception of an earlier flock). Serial dependence is a perceptual bias whereby a current stimulus appears more similar to a previous one than it actually is. Whereas serial dependence emerges within several visual stimulus dimensions, whether it could simultaneously operate across different dimensions of the same stimulus (e.g., the numerosity and the duration of a visual pattern) remains unclear. Here we address this question by assessing the presence of serial dependence across duration and numerosity, two stimulus dimensions that are often associated and can bias each other. Participants performed either a duration or a numerosity discrimination task, in which they compared a constant reference with a variable test stimulus, varying along the task-relevant dimension (either duration or numerosity). Serial dependence was induced by a task-irrelevant inducer, that is, a stimulus presented before the reference and always varying in both duration and numerosity. The results show systematic serial dependencies only within the task-relevant stimulus dimension, that is, stimulus numerosity affects numerosity perception only, and duration affects duration perception only. Additionally, at least in the numerosity condition, the task-irrelevant dimension of the inducer (duration) had an opposite, repulsive effect. These findings thus show that attractive serial dependence operates in a highly specific fashion and does not transfer across different stimulus dimensions. Instead, the repulsive influence, possibly reflecting perceptual adaptation, can transfer from one dimension to another