7 research outputs found

    Terapia antiinflamatorie în bronhopneumopatie cronică obstructivă

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    Tratamentul complex modern al BPCO cu folosirea macrolidelor sau a cefalosporinelor , remediului antiinamator Erespal permite a dirija real dinamica atât a simptomelor clinice, cât şi a parametrilor funcţionali ai maladiei. Posibilitatea diminuării simptomelor clinice ale BPCO, ameliorarea permiabilităţii bronşiale prin cuparea reacţiilor inamatorii şi cu folosirea remediilor bronhodilatatoare corespund principiilor contemporane de management al acestei maladii, care au fost propuse în anul 2003 de către iniţiativa globală GOLD

    Optimizarea tratamentului hepatitei cronice virale B

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    Includerea în tratamentul de bază al pacienţilor cu hepatita cronică etiologie virală B a produselor entomologice biologic active duce la diminuarea mai rapidă sau chiar la dispariţia sindroamelor asteno-vegetativ şi dispeptic, fapt ce asigură stoparea sindromului de citoliză şi a infl amaţiei mezenchimale. Atât Imupurina, cât şi Imuheptina au efect antioxidant, manifestat prin diminuare veridică a POL şi activarea unor fermenţi ai SAO

    Dinamics of the ecocardiographic and hemodynamic parameters under the influence of lisinopril, losartan and their association

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    Catedra „Boli ocupaționale”, Departamentul „Medicină internă”, Clinica Medicală nr.6, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The aim of the study was to appreciate the effects of the ACE inhibitor lisinopril, AT-I receptors inhibitor losartan and their combination on the dynamics of the main ecocardiographical, hemodynamical and neurohormonal parameters in 65 patients with chronic heart failure with the ejection fraction of the left ventricle less then 45%. In all three groups, the administrated therapy determined a partial resolution of the dispnoea, peripheral edemas and increase of the tolerance to physical work, but the combined therapy hurried these effects by 3-4 days sooner then in monotherapy. At the end of the treatment period, the functional class of the CHF decreased in patients taking lisinopril by 25,8%; losartan – by 28,1% and their association – by 36,4%, while the ejection fraction of the left ventricle increased by 26,8%, 17,2% and 40,1%, respectively. Scopul studiului a fost de a studia eficienţa inhibitorului ECA lisinopril, a inhibitorului receptorilor AT-I losartan şi asocierii lor asupra evoluţiei indicilor ecocardiografici, hemodinamici şi neurohormonali la 72 de pacienţi cu insuficienţă cardiacă cronică şi fracţia de ejecţie a ventriculului stâng mai mică de 45%. Tratamentul administrat a determinat abolirea parţială a dispneei, a edemelor periferice şi majorarea toleranţei la efort fizic, însă terapia asociată a grăbit aceste efecte cu 3-4 zile în comparaţie cu monoterapia. La finele perioadei de tratament la bolnavii care au administrat lisinopril clasa funcţională a ICC a diminuat cu 25,8%, losartan – cu 28,1% şi asocierea lor – cu 36,4%, iar FE a VS s-a majorat cu 26,8%, 17,2% şi 40,1%, respecti

    Prospects of Single Tax Payers

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    The article speaks about problem aspects of taxation, which were set by the state for the single tax administering due to permanent and system changes in the tax legislation. It shows the necessity of search for alternative methods of administering in the process of taxation of single tax payers by fiscal services. The goal of the article is the study of prospects of further taxation of entrepreneurs – single tax payers on the basis of analysis of conditions and principles created by the state for the business. The article used methods of system analysis, comparison, forecasting and modelling. It analyses the process of evolution of the simplified taxation system, accounting and reporting from the moment of its adoption until today. The article presents the structure of the quantitative composition of single tax payers depending on the selected groups. It marks out and characterises administrative and fiscal factors that do not facilitate further development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine. In the result of the conducted studies the article outlines problem aspects of organisation of taxation of the small business and offers specific and real ways of their overcoming or partial solution


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    Potrzeba dalszej restrukturyzacji ukraińskiego rolnictwa w kontekście zadeklarowanych intencji integracji europejskiej wymaga oceny możliwości dostosowania się do obowiązujących zasad funkcjonowania rolnictwa w Unii Europejskiej, w szczególności w zakresie wsparcia państwa dla tego ważnego sektora ukraińskiej gospodarki. Artykuł przedstawia istotę, orientację i główne kie-runki, problemy, wewnętrzne osobliwości i sprzeczności. Wsparcie państwa dla rolnictwo na Ukra-inie jako ważny element kształtowania celowej zintegrowanej polityki agrarnej.The restructuring of Ukraine agriculture is needed for future in the context of declared European integration intentions necessitates an assessment of the possibilities for adapting to the prevailing principles of functioning of agriculture in the European Union, in particular regarding the state support of this important sector of Ukraine economy. The article presents the essence, orientations and main directions, problems, internal peculiarities and contradiction of state support of agriculture in Ukraine as an important component of the formation of purposeful integrated agrarian policy

    Influence of complex treatment with Ozono in patients with gastroduodenal erosions in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    Clinica medicală nr. 6, Disciplina Boli ocupaţionale, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The inclusion of ozonotherapy in the complex therapy of patients with acute gastroduodenal erosions against the background of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has a pozitive impact in the treatment of the patients in a shorter period of time. This study confirms the advantage of using the ozone in order to reduces terms of epithelization erosions, reduces the inflammatory process and promotes improvement of indicators of the immune status. Administrarea ozonoterapiei în tratamentul complex al bolnavilor cu eroziuni gastroduodenale în asociere cu bronhopneumopatia cronică obstructivă estimează o evoluţie pozitivă mai precoce în tratament. Acest studiu argumentează eficacitatea indicaţiei ozonului în tratamentul complex prin reduerea perioadei de cicatrizare, diminuarea procesului inflamator şi ameliorării indicilor statutului imun

    Hepatita cronică virală C la adult: protocol clinic național

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    PREFAŢĂ Acest protocol a fost elaborat de grupul de lucru al Ministerului Sănătăţii (MS) al Republicii Moldova, constituit din specialiştii Clinicii Medicale nr. 4 – disciplina Gastroenterologie, Departamentul Medicină Internă, ai Laboratorului de Gastroenterologie şi ai Catedrei Boli Infecţioase, Tropicale şi Parazitologie Medicală a Universităţii de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”. Protocolul naţional este elaborat în conformitate cu ghidurile internaţionale actuale privind hepatita cronică virală C la persoanele adulte şi va servi drept bază pentru elaborarea protocoalelor instituţionale. La recomandarea MS, pentru monitorizarea protocoalelor instituţionale pot fi folosite formulare suplimentare, care nu sunt incluse în protocolul clinic naţional