16 research outputs found

    Redox Parameters in Blood of Thyroid Cancer Patients After the Radioiodine Ablation

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    The radioactive iodine (I-131) ablation is a well-accepted treatment modality for differentiated thyroid cancer patients. Unfortunately, the radiation induces the oxidative stress and damages cells and tissues, simultaneously activating the mechanisms of antioxidative defense. Since the mechanisms of those processes are not completely known, we wanted to examine the changes in the most important reactive oxygen species and antioxidative components, as well as their correlation and significance for lipid peroxidation. Our results showed that the level of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances was increased during the first 30 days after the radiotherapy. Among antioxidant components, superoxide dismutase was increased in the 3rd and 30th day; catalase in 7th and reduced glutathione in 3rd and 7th day after the radiotherapy. As regards the prooxidants, the reduction of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was recorded in 7th and 30th day, and superoxide anion radical (O-2(center dot-)) was unchanged after the exposure to I-131. These results indicate that differentiated thyroid cancer patients are under constant oxidative stress despite the observed increase in antioxidative and reduction in prooxidative parameters. The understanding of these early processes is important since their progress determines the latter effects of I-131 therapy

    Istraživanje osnovnih parametara mehanizacije u cilju unapređenja proizvodnje, uštede energije i očuvanja životne sredine u poljoprivredi

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    Project 12M12 is realized in the scope of ten subproject in accordance with program, which is defined by agreement of ministry for period 1996-2000. There were about 120 scouter included in started year and about 80 scouter in final year. 911 papers were published in domestic or foreign journals or on scientific meetings. 25 monographs were published and 5 dissertation and 5 M. Sc. thesis were defended in the scope of project based on research. The situation of agricultural technique has been researched, necessities have been estimated and directions of development of power machines, tractors, processing technique, agricultural machines, vegetable production, animal husbandry, fruit growing, viticulture, mechanization for production salutary, spices and aromatic plants have been defined. The available methods have been advanced and the new methods have been developed for selection and forming tractor's systems and optimization structure and composition of engineering park in the agriculture. The soil compaction has been researched and changes have been established under effect of tractor's wheels, machines and transport vehicles and criterions have been set for reduction and supervision of soil compaction. The damages, appeared because of overmuch compaction, were estimated on 250- 300 USA /haperyear.Thenewmethodsandequipmentforpresciencepulloftractorhavebeenrecommended.Thepowerfulfactorsoffuelconsumptionhavebeenaffirmedandtechnologyforproductionandrelianceofalternativefuels(biodieselandgeneratorgas)havebeendefined.Thereliabilityoftractorsandmachineshasbeenresearched.Thenewandavailabletechnologyandtechnicalsolutionsofworkingofthesoil,seedingandplanting,mechanicalandchemicalcare,collecting,finishingandstorageagriculturalproductshavebeendevelopedandreformed.Theprobabilityofapplicationofsceaningmethod,methodfinalledelements,regressionanalysis,multicriterionoptimization,fuzzylogicandneuronsnetworks,numericanalysisandothersmethodsinprocessofoutlay,projectingandconcurringthenewsettlementsofagriculturalmachineshavebeenresearched.ProjekatMinistarstvanaukeRepublikeSrbije,br.12M12realizovanjeuokvirudesetpotprojekatapremaprogramukojijedefinisanugovoromsaministarstvomzaperiod19962000.godine.Uizradiprojektaucˇestvovalojeoko120istrazˇivacˇaupocˇetnojgodiniioko80uzavrsˇnojgodini.Objavljenoje911radovaudomacˊimiliinostranimcˇasopisimailinanaucˇnimskupovima.Naosnovuistrazˇivanjauokviruprojektaobjavljenoje25monografijaiodbranjenopetdoktorskihipetmagistarskihteza.Istrazˇenojestanjepoljoprivrednetehnike,procenjenepotrebeidefinisanipravcirazvojapogonskihmasˇina,traktora,procesnetehnike,mehanizacijeuratarstvu,povrtarstvu,stocˇarstvu,vocˊarstvu,vinogradarstvu,mehanizacijezaproizvodnjulekovitog,zacˇinskogiaromaticˇnogbilja.Unapređenesupostojecˊeirazvijenenovemetodezaizboriformiranjetraktorskihsistemaioptimizacijustruktureisastavmasˇinskogparkaupoljoprivredi.Istrazˇivanojesabijanjezemljisˇtaiutvrđenesupromenenastalepoddejstvomtocˇkovatraktora,masˇinaitransportnihvozilaipredlozˇenesumerezasmanjenjeikontrolusabijanja.Procenjenesusˇtetenastaleusledprekomernogsabijanjazemljisˇtaod250do300USA/ha per year. The new methods and equipment for prescience pull of tractor have been recommended. The powerful factors of fuel consumption have been affirmed and technology for production and reliance of alternative fuels (bio-diesel and generator gas) have been defined. The reliability of tractors and machines has been researched. The new and available technology and technical solutions of working of the soil, seeding and planting, mechanical and chemical care, collecting, finishing and storage agricultural products have been developed and reformed. The probability of application of sceaning method, method finalled elements, regression analysis, multicriterion optimization, fuzzy logic and neuron's networks, numeric analysis and others methods in process of outlay, projecting and concurring the new settlements of agricultural machines have been researched.Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 12M12 realizovan je u okviru deset potprojekata prema programu koji je definisan ugovorom sa ministarstvom za period 1996-2000. godine. U izradi projekta učestvovalo je oko 120 istraživača u početnoj godini i oko 80 u završnoj godini. Objavljeno je 911 radova u domaćim ili inostranim časopisima ili na naučnim skupovima. Na osnovu istraživanja u okviru projekta objavljeno je 25 monografija i odbranjeno pet doktorskih i pet magistarskih teza. Istraženo je stanje poljoprivredne tehnike, procenjene potrebe i definisani pravci razvoja pogonskih mašina, traktora, procesne tehnike, mehanizacije u ratarstvu, povrtarstvu, stočarstvu, voćarstvu, vinogradarstvu, mehanizacije za proizvodnju lekovitog, začinskog i aromatičnog bilja. Unapređene su postojeće i razvijene nove metode za izbor i formiranje traktorskih sistema i optimizaciju strukture i sastav mašinskog parka u poljoprivredi. Istraživano je sabijanje zemljišta i utvrđene su promene nastale pod dejstvom točkova traktora, mašina i transportnih vozila i predložene su mere za smanjenje i kontrolu sabijanja. Procenjene su štete nastale usled prekomernog sabijanja zemljišta od 250 do 300 USA /ha godišnje. Predložene su nove metode i oprema za predviđanje vuče traktora na van putnim podlogama. Utvrđeni su uticajni faktori na potrošnju goriva i maziva i definisana je tehnologija za proizvodnju i korišćenje alternativnih goriva (biodizel i prirodni gas). Istraživana je pouzdanost traktora i mašina. Razvijene su nove ili poboljšane postojeće tehnologije i nova ili poboljšana tehnička rešenja u obradi zemljišta, setvi i sadnji, mehaničkoj i hemijskoj nezi, ubiranju, doradi i čuvanju poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Istražena je mogućnost primene metoda skeniranja, metoda konačnih elemenata, regresione analize, višekriterijumske optimizacije, fuzzy logike i neuronskih mreža, numeričke analize i drugih metoda u procesu proračuna, projektovanja i osvajanja novih rešenja poljoprivrednih mašina

    Evaluation of mortality attributed to air pollution in the three most populated cities in Serbia

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    The subject of this study was a mid-term evaluation of cardiovascular, respiratory and total non-accidental mortalities attributed to exposure to PM 10 , O 3 , NO 2 and SO 2 in the cities of Belgrade, Novi Sad and Nis, representing about 25% of the population of Serbia. The analysis was performed using AirQ+ modelling, by linking annual baseline mortality rates and daily pollutant exposure levels in 2011–2015 based on the cause-specific concentration–response functions. Estimated shares of annual mortality attributed to these pollutants, thanks to harmonizing of assessment methodologies, may stand next to and be compared with results obtained in previously conducted studies. The obtained premature deaths estimated within 95% confidence interval (in parentheses) and attributed to PM 10 , O 3 , NO 2 and SO 2 exposure were 2013 (1344–2677), 1411 (685–2086), 831 (555–1107) and 443 (333–530), respectively. Total non-accidental mortalities due to O 3 and NO 2 exposure were in the range of findings for other regions, while mortalities attributed to PM 10 were higher. It was also found that cardiovascular mortality caused by these four pollutants was higher than respiratory mortality. Based on our results, efficient implementation of abatement strategies that would reduce PM 10 , O 3 and SO 2 concentrations to daily air quality limit values set by the World Health Organization could respectively prevent, in the three cities together, about 233 (156–310), 40 (19–59) and 71 (53–85) premature deaths per year. © 2019, Islamic Azad University (IAU)

    Characterization of PM(2.5)sources in a Belgrade suburban area: a multi-scale receptor-oriented approach

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    Designated as the most harmful for health, PM(2.5)aerosol fraction was a subject of our study. It was collected for all four seasons during 2014/15 in the suburban area of Belgrade (Serbia) and analysed for Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, As, Ba and Pb elements and for NH4+, NO(3)(-)and SO(4)(2-)ions by particle-induced X-ray emission and ion chromatography techniques, respectively. Obtained concentrations have been treated by a combination of several receptor-oriented models to reveal source contributions to the suburban PM(2.5)at different spatial scales. Applied positive matrix factorization analysis indicated five main groups of emission sources: biomass burning (14.5%), traffic (3.9%), regional combustion/secondary sulphates (28.8%), local combustion/secondary nitrates (29.7%) and soil (5.4%). Local heating units had been pointed out as dominant contributors by long-range transport and ground-wind circulation analyses. Air masses circulating over the Balkan Peninsula denoted regional emissions as responsible for the high concentrations of secondary sulphates. Local and long-range transport analyses combined suggested that the BB and the LC/NO(3)originated from the wider urban area. Several Saharan dust episodes were detected as well. Presented results might be a basis for the development of air pollution mitigation strategies in the continental Balkan area, considered one of the most polluted and under-investigated European regions

    Immunotoxicity of epicutaneously applied anticoagulant rodenticide warfarin: evaluation by contact hypersensitivity to DNCB in rats

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    The immunotoxicity of epicutaneously administered anticoagulant rodenticide warfarin (WF) was examined in this work by using experimental contact hypersensitivity (CHS) reaction to hapten dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB). WF (0.05 and 0.5 mg/kg) administration 24 h before the induction of CHS does not change expression of CHS evaluated by ear swelling assay. Regional draining lymph node response during sensitization phase was characterized by decreased cellularity but increased spontaneous and IL-2 stimulated proliferation of draining lymph node cells (DLC). No changes in IL-2 production and in numbers of CD25(+) cells were noted and even decreased proliferative index (ratio of IL-2 stimulated to unstimulated DLC proliferation) was detected. Increase in granulocyte activity (MTT reduction and adhesion to plastic) was noted following application of WF solely with further increase following subsequent application of DNCB, when granulocyte activation (NBT reduction) was noted also. Access of WF into general circulation might be responsible for observed changes, what was supported by ex vivo changes in DLC and granulocyte functions assessed before initiation of sensitization and by in vitro effect of exogenous WF as well. Differential effects of WF on lymphocytes and granulocytes noted in this study highlight the need for simultaneous testing of both cell type activity what might constitute a more integrated approach in immunotoxicity studies. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.nul

    Redox parameters in blood of thyroid cancer patients after the radioiodine ablation

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    The radioactive iodine (131I) ablation is a well-accepted treatment modality for differentiated thyroid cancer patients. Unfortunately, the radiation induces the oxidative stress and damages cells and tissues, simultaneously activating the mechanisms of antioxidative defense. Since the mechanisms of those processes are not completely known, we wanted to examine the changes in the most important reactive oxygen species and antioxidative components, as well as their correlation and significance for lipid peroxidation. Our results showed that the level of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances was increased during the first 30 days after the radiotherapy. Among antioxidant components, superoxide dismutase was increased in the 3rd and 30th day; catalase in 7th and reduced glutathione in 3rd and 7th day after the radiotherapy. As regards the prooxidants, the reduction of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was recorded in 7th and 30th day, and superoxide anion radical (O×-) was unchanged after the exposure to 131I. These results indicate that differentiated thyroid cancer patients are under constant oxidative stress despite the observed increase in antioxidative and reduction in prooxidative parameters. The understanding of these early processes is important since their progress determines the latter effects of 131I therapy. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. III41007 and Grant no. 175007