408 research outputs found
Solid-state diffusion in amorphous zirconolite
his research utilised Queen Mary's MidPlus computational facilities, supported by QMUL Research-IT and funded by EPSRC grant EP/K000128/1. We are grateful to E. Maddrell for discussions and to CSC for support
Molecular dynamics study of CO2 absorption and desorption in zinc imidazolate frameworks
This research utilised two high-performance computing facilities. Development of the force field was carried out using Queen Mary's MidPlus computational facilities, supported by QMUL Research-IT and funded by EPSRC grant EP/K000128/1. The molecular dynamics simulations were carried out using the ARCHER UK National Supercomputing Service (http://www.archer.ac.uk), with access made available through our membership of the UK's HEC Materials Chemistry Consortium, which is funded by EPSRC (EP/L000202). MG and CY were supported by both the China Scholarship Council and Queen Mary University of London. AM was supported by a European Union Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship
The integrated DL_POLY/DL_FIELD/DL_ANALYSER software platform for molecular dynamics simulations for exploration of the synthonic interactions in saturated benzoic acid/hexane solutions
Three separately developed software Molecular Dynamics packages at Daresbury Laboratory, namely DL_FIELD (DL_F), DL_POLY and DL_ANALYSER, have been integrated to form an efficient computational infrastructure to investigate the detailed solution chemistry of saturated benzoic acid in hexane solutions. These software capabilities are demonstrated, in combination with the Synthonic Engineering tools and density functional theory (DFT) calculations, to assess the extent that the solute-solute intermolecular synthonic interactions in solution mirrors the synthons in the crystal structure. The results show that the majority of the COOH groups are forming OH … O H-bonds, which are a combination of classic OH … O homo-dimers and three membered H-bonding clusters. The formation of pi-pi stacking interactions is observed, but in far fewer numbers than observed for the OH … O interactions. The DFT simulations of the IR spectra of the multiple benzoic acid aggregates extracted from the MD trajectories provides further in-depth analysis of previously published IR data, by matching simulated peaks to the experimental peaks, hence identifying the exact bonding modes that are responsible for such peaks. This study demonstrates the value of a multi-scale and multi-technique approach to exploring the molecular transition pathway from solution to crystal structure
The nature of high-energy radiation damage in iron.
Understanding and predicting a material's performance in response to high-energy radiation damage, as well as designing future materials to be used in intense radiation environments, requires knowledge of the structure, morphology and amount of radiation-induced structural changes. We report the results of molecular dynamics simulations of high-energy radiation damage in iron in the range 0.2-0.5 MeV. We analyze and quantify the nature of collision cascades both at the global and the local scale. We observe three distinct types of damage production and relaxation, including reversible deformation around the cascade due to elastic expansion, irreversible structural damage due to ballistic displacements and smaller reversible deformation due to the shock wave. We find that the structure of high-energy collision cascades becomes increasingly continuous as opposed to showing sub-cascade branching as reported previously. At the local length scale, we find large defect clusters and novel small vacancy and interstitial clusters. These features form the basis for physical models aimed at understanding the effects of high-energy radiation damage in structural materials
Conformal Ward-Takahashi Identity at Finite Temperature
We study conformal Ward-Takahashi identities for two-point functions in
-dimensional finite-temperature conformal field theory. We first show
that the conformal Ward-Takahashi identities can be translated into the
intertwining relations of conformal algebra . We then show
that, at finite temperature, the intertwining relations can be translated into
the recurrence relations for two-point functions in complex momentum space. By
solving these recurrence relations, we find the momentum-space two-point
functions that satisfy the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger thermal equilibrium condition.Comment: 11 pages, 1 eepic figure, talk given at the Xth International
Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS-10), Varna, Bulgaria, 19-25
June 2017; typos corrected, references adde
On relativization of the Sommerfeld-Gamow-Sakharov factor
The Sommerfeld-Gamow-Sakharov factor is considered for the general case of
arbitrary masses and energies. It is shown that the scalar triangular one-loop
diagram gives the Coulomb singularity in radiative corrections at the
threshold. The singular part of the correction is factorized at the complete
Born cross section regardless of its partial wave decomposition. Different
approaches to generalize the factor are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures; references and discussion are extende
MCM2 - a promising marker for premalignant lesions of the lung: a cohort study
BACKGROUND: Because cells progressing to cancer must proliferate, marker proteins specific to proliferating cells may permit detection of premalignant lesions. Here we compared the sensitivities of a classic proliferation marker, Ki-67, with a new proliferation marker, MCM2, in 41 bronchial biopsy specimens representing normal mucosa, metaplasia, dysplasia, and carcinoma in situ. METHODS: Parallel sections were stained with antibodies against MCM2 and Ki-67, and the frequencies of staining were independently measured by two investigators. Differences were evaluated statistically using the two-sided correlated samples t-test and Wilcoxon rank sum test. RESULTS: For each of the 41 specimens, the average frequency of staining by anti-MCM2 (39%) was significantly (p < 0.001) greater than by anti-Ki-67 (16%). In metaplastic lesions anti-MCM2 frequently detected cells near the epithelial surface, while anti-Ki-67 did not. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that MCM2 is detectable in 2-3 times more proliferating premalignant lung cells than is Ki-67. The promise of MCM2 as a sensitive marker for premalignant lung cells is enhanced by the fact that it is present in cells at the surface of metaplastic lung lesions, which are more likely to be exfoliated into sputum. Future studies will determine if use of anti-MCM2 makes possible sufficiently early detection to significantly enhance lung cancer survival rates
Conformal algebra: R-matrix and star-triangle relation
The main purpose of this paper is the construction of the R-operator which
acts in the tensor product of two infinite-dimensional representations of the
conformal algebra and solves Yang-Baxter equation. We build the R-operator as a
product of more elementary operators S_1, S_2 and S_3. Operators S_1 and S_3
are identified with intertwining operators of two irreducible representations
of the conformal algebra and the operator S_2 is obtained from the intertwining
operators S_1 and S_3 by a certain duality transformation. There are
star-triangle relations for the basic building blocks S_1, S_2 and S_3 which
produce all other relations for the general R-operators. In the case of the
conformal algebra of n-dimensional Euclidean space we construct the R-operator
for the scalar (spin part is equal to zero) representations and prove that the
star-triangle relation is a well known star-triangle relation for propagators
of scalar fields. In the special case of the conformal algebra of the
4-dimensional Euclidean space, the R-operator is obtained for more general
class of infinite-dimensional (differential) representations with nontrivial
spin parts. As a result, for the case of the 4-dimensional Euclidean space, we
generalize the scalar star-triangle relation to the most general star-triangle
relation for the propagators of particles with arbitrary spins.Comment: Added references and corrected typo
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