7 research outputs found

    Summary of Space Environment Magnetometer and Particle Replacement Experiment (SEMPRE) Study

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    As part of the GOES-R series follow on architecture study following the NOAA Satellite Observing System Architecture (NSOSA) study, a study team evaluated the feasibility of accommodating the GOES in-situ instruments (Magnetometer and Particle Detectors) on a dedicated spacecraft with no impact to the overall baseline mission cost assuming two large observatories. The accommodations cost on a primary operational type observatory are non-negligible requiring: a large non-magnetic boom to reduce the impact of the spacecraft interference on the magnetometer; and strict contamination control and magnetic cleanliness to prevent magnetic contamination near the magnetometers. These, along with the additional interface complexities greatly increase the cost of larger spacecraft by extending integration time with a large marching army. By contrast, a dedicated mission provides flexibility in location and refresh rate not afforded when these sensors are launched as secondary payloads. This study performed an informal industry survey of small form-factor instruments currently flying or in process of being developed. The study identified three potential particle detector suites and multiple magnetometers that will satisfy the requirements while having low enough volume and mass to allow accommodation on a rideshare class spacecraft. Using the largest of the identified particle detector suites, the Goddard Space Flight Center Mission Design Lab developed a design for a rideshare spacecraft that will accommodate the particle detector suite and magnetometer. The cost of the spacecraft, based on multiple cost models, is comparable to the cost of accommodating the magnetometer and particle detector suite on two (East and West) larger main observatories

    Assessing and Ensuring GOES-R Magnetometer Accuracy

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    The GOES-R magnetometer accuracy requirement is 1.7 nanoteslas (nT). During quiet times (100 nT), accuracy is defined as absolute mean plus 3 sigma. During storms (300 nT), accuracy is defined as absolute mean plus 2 sigma. To achieve this, the sensor itself has better than 1 nT accuracy. Because zero offset and scale factor drift over time, it is also necessary to perform annual calibration maneuvers. To predict performance, we used covariance analysis and attempted to corroborate it with simulations. Although not perfect, the two generally agree and show the expected behaviors. With the annual calibration regimen, these predictions suggest that the magnetometers will meet their accuracy requirements

    Assessing and Ensuring GOES-R Magnetometer Accuracy

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    The GOES-R magnetometer subsystem accuracy requirement is 1.7 nanoteslas (nT). During quiet times (100 nT), accuracy is defined as absolute mean plus 3 sigma. During storms (300 nT), accuracy is defined as absolute mean plus 2 sigma. Error comes both from outside the magnetometers, e.g. spacecraft fields and misalignments, as well as inside, e.g. zero offset and scale factor errors. Because zero offset and scale factor drift over time, it will be necessary to perform annual calibration maneuvers. To predict performance before launch, we have used Monte Carlo simulations and covariance analysis. Both behave as expected, and their accuracy predictions agree within 30%. With the proposed calibration regimen, both suggest that the GOES-R magnetometer subsystem will meet its accuracy requirements

    Extended Coronal Imaging with GOES-R Solar UltraViolet Imager

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    Solar corona in 17.1nm and 19.5nm wavelengths up to three solar radii from Sun center was observed by the Solar UltraViolet Imager (SUVI) on the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) 16 and GOES17. The nominally Sunpointed SUVI was offpointed to the left and to the right of the Sun center at a regular cadence and a composite Extended Coronal Imaging (ECI) frame was created. The imaging area in the composite is about three times the nominal image area in the EastWest direction (about 5*R(sub Sun) versus 1.6*R(sub Sun) for nominal images). The campaign was conducted in February (4 hours), June (72 hours), and AugustSeptember of 2018 (5 weeks). Limited solar CME activity during the 5week campaign was observed in both the SUVI and LASCO C2 imagers. Some of the observations during this campaign include structures up to a few solar radii off the solar limb, and interesting coronal activity both on and off the solar disk. They are presented here

    Post-Launch Calibration and Testing of Space Weather Instruments on GOES-R Satellite

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    The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite - R (GOES-R) is the first of a series of satellites to be launched, with the first launch scheduled for October 2016. The three instruments - Solar Ultra Violet Imager (SUVI), Extreme ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Sensor (EXIS), and Space Environment In-Situ Suite (SEISS) provide the data needed as inputs for the product updates National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) provides to the public. SUVI is a full-disk extreme ultraviolet imager enabling Active Region characterization, filament eruption, and flare detection. EXIS provides inputs to solar backgrounds/events impacting climate models. SEISS provides particle measurements over a wide energy-and-flux range that varies by several orders of magnitude and these data enable updates to spacecraft charge models for electrostatic discharge. EXIS and SEISS have been tested and calibrated end-to-end in ground test facilities around the United States. Due to the complexity of the SUVI design, data from component tests were used in a model to predict on-orbit performance. The ground tests and model updates provided inputs for designing the on-orbit calibration tests. A series of such tests have been planned for the Post-Launch Testing (PLT) of each of these instruments, and specific parameters have been identified that will be updated in the Ground Processing Algorithms, on-orbit parameter tables, or both. Some of SUVI and EXIS calibrations require slewing them off the Sun, while no such maneuvers are needed for SEISS. After a six-month PLT period the GOES-R is expected to be operational. The calibration details are presented in this paper

    GOES-R Solar UltraViolet Imager Extended Coronal Imaging

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    GOES-16 and GOES-17 each hosts a Solar UltraViolet Imager (SUVI) that images the Sun in six extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wavelengths: 9.4 nm, 13.1nm, 17.1nm, 19.5nm, 28.4nm, and 30.4nm. The SUVI is nominally Sun-pointed and has a four-minute imaging sequence covering all the channels and meeting the dynamic range requirements. Based on the SUVI capabilities observed on-orbit, a campaign to image the extended solar corona was undertaken in 2018. This was performed by off-pointing the SUVI line-of-sight to the left and right of the Sun and producing a composite image by stitching together the off-pointed and the Sun-centered images. The imaging area in the composite is about three times the nominal image area in the East-West direction (about 5 RSun versus 1.8 RSun for nominal images). The campaign was conducted in February (4 hours), June (72 hours), and August-September of 2018 (5 weeks). Results from the campaign indicated the presence of solar corona to three solar radii, even in the quiet Sun part of the solar cycle. NOAA can operationalize this concept by tasking the SUVI on one of GOES-E and GOES-W. Such long-term operation will provide data that is needed to establish the much needed connectivity between the EUV and white light coronagraph data for the CME events

    GOES-16 Magnetometers Anomaly Solar-Angle Based Characterization and Correction

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    GOES-R launched aboard an Atlas V 541 rocket from Space Launch Complex-41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, on November 19, 2016. The first satellite in the series, GOES-R, was renamed GOES-16 upon reaching geostationary orbit GOES-16 at GOES-Checkout location (89.5 degrees West Longitude) during PLT (Post-Launch Testing). The GOES-16 magnetometer boom was deployed on December 7, 2016 and magnetometer checkout began. GOES-16 replaced GOES-13 as NOAA's operational GOES-East satellite on December 18, 2017. The GOES-16 satellite operational location (GOES-East) is at 75.2 degrees West Longitude