2,147 research outputs found

    Status of the Italian Freshwater Gastrotricha Biodiversity, with the Creation of an Interactive GIS-Based Web Map

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    Gastrotricha are microscopic benthic animals found in almost all water bodies. To date, over 890 species distributed in 71 genera, 18 families, and two orders are known. There are 376 freshwater species, and several are also found in Italy; however, a compendium of the studies carried out so far, and a georeferenced distribution of the species, still need to be provided. This project summarizes information about the diversity and geographic distribution of Italian gastrotrichs. Diversity data, acquired over 239 years, were reviewed and corrected based on taxonomic and nomenclatural updates and, in addition to distribution information, were organized into a data matrix valuable for statistical analysis. The data were fed into geographic information system software to understand the overall figures more easily. The results indicated that Italy is one of the best-known countries regarding freshwater gastrotrichs. With 92 species in 17 genera and three families from 61 investigated localities, Italy counts 17 type localities and 19 endemic species. Despite this high biodiversity, many Italian regions still need to be investigated, and should, therefore, be the focus of future research. The implementation of a web-mapping plugin enabled the creation of interactive maps for an easy and modern method for sharing the work done, and the information acquired

    Not too big for its mouth: direct evidence of a macrodasyidan gastrotrich preyed in nature by a dileptid ciliate

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    Nearly ubiquitous and usually speciose in most aquatic habitats, the meiofaunal-sized gastrotrichs are recognized as an important component of marine and freshwater ecosystems. The common observations that gastrotrichs feed on bacteria, microalgae and biodetritus strongly imply that they play a relevant role in linking the microbial loop to the higher trophic levels. Which are the organisms that in turn prey on gastrotrichs is, however, a substantially unexplored question. Inspecting meiofauna samples collected from shallow sites of the Tyrrhenian coast, we had the chance to spot a wild case of a macrodasyidan gastrotrich predated by a dileptid ciliate. This case is documented here with a set of in-vivo photos, jointly with an unequivocal taxonomic identification of the preyed gastrotrich with Paraturbanella teissieri and a tentative identification of the predator ciliate with Pseudomonilicaryon marinus

    MiR-205-5p inhibition by locked nucleic acids impairs metastatic potential of breast cancer cells

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    Mir-205 plays an important role in epithelial biogenesis and in mammary gland development but its role in cancer still remains controversial depending on the specific cellular context and target genes. We have previously reported that miR-205-5p is upregulated in breast cancer stem cells targeting ERBB pathway and leading to targeted therapy resistance. Here we show that miR-205-5p regulates tumorigenic properties of breast cancer cells, as well as epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Silencing this miRNA in breast cancer results in reduced tumor growth and metastatic spreading in mouse models. Moreover, we show that miR-205-5p knock-down can be obtained with the use of specific locked nucleic acids oligonucleotides in vivo suggesting a future potential use of this approach in therapy

    Use of weaning concentrate in the feeding suckling kids: effects on meat quality

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    The effect of a feeding supplementation with starter concentrate on “Capretto” meat production and its qualitative characteristics was investigated. The results showed that the effect of concentrate supplementation did not influence the slaughter weight, slaughter and dissection data, tissue composition and meat chemical composition of the pelvic limb. No differences were found for rheological characteristics of LD meat, except cohesiveness values, which were higher in the concentrate group kids

    A New Species of Paraturbanella Remane, 1927 (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida) from the Brazilian Coast, and the Molecular Phylogeny of Turbanellidae Remane, 1926

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    The family Turbanellidae includes Paraturbanella and five other genera. Despite the fact that the monophyly of these genera were not satisfactorily tested, species belonging to the genus Paraturbanella are distinguished from turbanellids by sharing a peculiar group of tubes on the ventrolateral side of the anterior pharyngeal region known as “dohrni” tubes. In this study, Paraturbanella tricaudata species nova (sp. nov.) from the intertidal zone of a sandy beach in Trindade (Rio de Janeiro State) and the sublittoral sand of Prumirim Island (São Paulo State), Brazil, is described. The new species can be distinguished from all other Paraturbanella species by the presence of three caudal cones (one medial and two laterals to it) and peculiar arrangement of the male system. This is the first description of a Paraturbanella species from Brazil and the third registered from the Southern Hemisphere (as opposed to 19 species in the Northern Hemisphere); thus, knowledge of marine gastrotrichs biodiversity in this region is far from satisfactory

    A new species of Turbanellidae (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida) from Jamaica, with a key to species of Paraturbanella

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    The study falls within the framework of a wider research programme aimed at investigating the gastrotrich diversity of the Tropical North-Western Atlantic (TNWA). A new macrodasyidan gastrotrich is described from fine-medium sand collected at Duncans Bay, Jamaica. The description is based on observations carried out on living specimens using differential interference contrast microscopy. Paraturbanella xaymacana sp. n., the third gastrotrich taxon reported from Jamaica, is a mid-sized species, up to 564 \u3bcm long, with a feeble peribuccal swelling. The most obvious autapomorphic traits pertain to the testes and the male pore, both of which are located approximately at mid body, rather than at- or near the pharyngo-intestinal junction as occur in the other species of the genus. Additional differences with congeners are discussed and a key to the Paraturbanella species is provided, in the hope it will be useful to both gastrotrich experts and marine ecologists who discover these microscopic metazoans during their research

    Short term strength behavior of two-component backfilling in shield tunneling: comparison between standard penetrometer test results and UCS

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    The two-component backfilling system is the most frequently used method to fill the annular gap created during the shield machine advancement. This gap, due to the head overcut, the shield thickness and conicity and the tail brushes size should be filled continuously in order to avoid mainly surface displacement and linings movements. Nowadays this technology is the most chosen due to operative (both components are chemically and physically stable) and technical (mechanical performance start to grow up just immediately after the injection) advantages that mean money and time saving.The main mechanical parameter used for the two-component grout characterization is the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS). In order to assess this parameter, a laboratory press and suitable hardened samples are needed but, expressly at short curing time, the penetrometer use is also diffused.This research pertains the study of two-component grout uniaxial compressive strength, its evolution in function of time and its correlation with penetrometer tests data

    BiodiversitĂ  e biogeografia dei Gastrotrichi tra tradizione e approcci innovativi

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    Gastrotrichi sono un phylum (Gastrotricha) di microscopici invertebrati bentonici (da 80 µm a 3-5 mm in lunghezza) ubiquitari e spesso abbondanti nei diversi ecosistemi acquatici del mondo. Il clade conta al momento 870 specie suddivise in due ordini, Macrodasyida e Chaetonotida, i cui rappresentanti sono facilmente riconoscibili. I gastrotrichi Macrodasyida sono infatti di aspetto vermiforme ed ermafroditi e si rinvengono quasi esclusivamente nelle sabbie marine, mentre i Chaetonotida hanno una caratteristica forma a birillo con l'estremità posteriore bifida e sono per lo più partenogenetici e dulciacquicoli, anche se due famiglie includono esclusivamente specie marine ermafrodite. La classificazione dei gastrotrichi, tradizionalmente basata sulle caratteristiche anatomiche, e spesso sulle sole ornamentazioni cuticolari, negli ultimi anni ha beneficiato dei risultati dell'applicazione delle moderne tecniche di indagine, sia microscopiche sia molecolari, spesso integrate tra loro. Attualmente lo spettro tassonomico di entrambi gli ordini appare alquanto articolato e meglio definito rispetto agli inizi del secolo. Le 380 specie di Macrodasyida risultano infatti ripartite in 37 generi e 10 famiglie, mentre le 490 specie di Chaetonotida sono distribuite in 33 generi e otto famiglie. Il miglioramento delle conoscenze tassonomiche, a diverso livello gerarchico, è avvenuto anche grazie a studi svolti nei laboratori di UniMORE, alcuni dei quali vengono brevemente illustrati in questa occasione. Anche la comprensione dei dati biogeografici può trovare giovamento se proposti con metodi innovativi, come nel caso delle WebMap interattive su base GIS che stiamo sviluppando per le specie marine e dulciacquicole italiane

    Atherosclerosis and Its Related Laboratory Biomarkers

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    Atherosclerosis constitutes a persistent inflammatory ailment, serving as the predominant underlying condition for coronary artery disease (CAD), peripheral artery disease (PAD), and cerebrovascular disease. The progressive buildup of plaques within the walls of medium- and large-caliber arteries characterizes the atherosclerotic process. This accumulation results in significant narrowing that impedes blood flow, leading to critical tissue oxygen deficiency. Spontaneous blockage of thrombotic vessels can precipitate stroke and myocardial infarction, which are complications representing the primary global causes of mortality. Present-day models for predicting cardiovascular risk incorporate conventional risk factors to gauge the likelihood of cardiovascular events over a ten-year span. In recent times, researchers have identified serum biomarkers associated with an elevated risk of atherosclerotic events. Many of these biomarkers, whether used individually or in combination, have been integrated into risk prediction models to assess whether their inclusion enhances predictive accuracy. In this review, we have conducted a comprehensive analysis of the most recently published literature concerning serum biomarkers associated with atherosclerosis. We have explored the potential utility of incorporating these markers in guiding clinical decisions

    First record of Chaetonotus (Primochaetus) heideri(Gastrotricha, Chaetonotida) from India

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    This study briefly reports a newly recorded gastrotrich species, Chaetonotus (Primochaetus) heideri Brehm, 1917, which was isolated from the water sample collected from the Ramsar site Khajjiar Lake, Himachal Pradesh, India. A brief description of the Indian population, based on photomicrographs taken from live specimens, is presented here. The species is reporte
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