1,279 research outputs found

    Impiego di batteri lattici autoctoni per il miglioramento igienico-sanitario del Pecorino Siciliano DOP

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    Il Pecorino Siciliano DOP \ue8 considerato il pi\uf9 antico formaggio prodotto in Sicilia e, probabilmente, d\u2019Europa. Le citazioni storiche sulla sua antica origine risalgono al IX secolo a.C. in uno dei passi pi\uf9 famosi dell\u2019odissea di Omero, quando Ulisse incontra Polifemo. In seguito, anche Aristotele e Plinio esaltano il gusto unico di questo formaggio. In particolare, proprio Plinio, nella sua opera \u201cNaturalis Historia\u201d, redige una carta dei formaggi nella quale vengono citati, tra i migliori pecorini,quelli provenienti da Agrigento. Fra le caratteristiche peculiari del Pecorino Siciliano DOP vanno annoverati il sapore leggermente piccante e l\u2019incantevole profumo di pascolo. Il Pecorino Siciliano DOP \ue8 un formaggio a pasta dura, semicotto, prodotto con latte intero crudo di pecora. L\u2019areale di produzione si estende su tutta la regione Sicilia. La forma \ue8 cilindrica a facce piane o lievemente concave, pesa dai 4 ai 12 kg, lo scalzo \ue8 di 10-18 cm. La crosta \ue8 bianca-giallognola,con la superficie rugosa per la modellatura lasciata dal canestro in giunco dove avviene la formatura, spesso viene cappata con olio. La pasta \ue8 compatta, di colore bianco o giallo paglierino, con occhiatura scarsa. Il sapore \ue8 piccante e caratteristico, l\u2019aroma \ue8 intenso. La stagionatura minima prevista dal disciplinare \ue8 di 4 mesi. Il Pecorino Siciliano ha acquisito la certificazione DO nel 1955 e la DOP nel 1996 con regolamento CE n. 1107/96 della Commissione del 12 giugno 1996 (Gazzetta Ufficiale Comunit\ue0 Europea L 148 del 21/6/1996). Attualmente, le attivit\ue0 di promozione, valorizzazione e vigilanza sono affidate al Consorzio di tutela del Pecorino Siciliano DOP, che \ue8 stato riconosciuto dal ministero delle Politiche agricole, alimentari e forestali (Mi- Paaf) dal 2005 a oggi. L\u2019elevata eterogeneit\ue0 del prodotto osservata nelle forme presenti sul mercato \ue8 dovuta sia ai metodi di produzione artigianali sia al vecchissimo disciplinare di produzione, risalente al 1956. Ci\uf2 ha indotto il consorzio di tutela a intraprendere una proficua collaborazione tecnico-scientifica con l\u2019Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Palermo prima e l\u2019Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sicilia, il Corfilac e l\u2019Universit\ue0 di Catania successivamente, con l\u2019obiettivo di migliorare la qualit\ue0 igienico-sanitaria del formaggio Pecorino Siciliano DOP e ridurre l\u2019eccessiva variabilit\ue0 qualitativa fra le forme ottenute da differenti caseificazioni

    Evidence of a biodiversity crisis documented on a peritidal carbonate succession from western Tethys (Sicily): new data on the End Triassic Mass Extinction

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    A biodiversity crisis was observed in the latest Triassic on both macro-and micro-benthic communities from a western Tethyan carbonate platform. The studied succession represented by the Monte Sparagio section consists of a continuous Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic peritidal limestones organized in shallowing upward cycles. The subtidal facies in the lower part of this section (Unit A) contains very abundant and highly diverse fossiliferous assemblages consisting of very large megalodontoids (up to 40 cm). Up-section, a reduction of biodiversity, abundance and shell size of megalodontoids (up to 15 cm) tipifies Unit B. Similarly, in this last Unit, the average dimensions of the benthic foraminifer T. hantkeni decreases (ca. 30%). After a short interval marked by a bloom of the problematic alga T. parvovesiculifera, the overlying Unit C accounts for the recovery of the Jurassic benthic community. The geochemical analyses of stable isotopes (C, O and S) seem correlative to the drastic reduction in the Rhaetian biodiversity between Unit A and Unit B. These biodiversity crises in the Rhaetian horizons can be interpreted as a precursor of the End Triassic Extinction and provide new insights into the existence of two extinction pulses at the end of Triassic. These data are in accordance with the environmental parameters of survival in a modern tropical shallow water platform (T-factory). In particular, the sea surface temperature (SST) of a T-factory ranges from 18 degrees C to 30.5 degrees C representing respectively the minimum SST for the carbonate factory persistence and the maximum SST that a T-factory can tolerate

    Rural-urban migration in d-dimensional lattices

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    The rural-urban migration phenomenon is analyzed by using an agent-based computational model. Agents are placed on lattices which dimensions varying from d=2 up to d=7. The localization of the agents in the lattice define their social neighborhood (rural or urban) not being related to their spatial distribution. The effect of the dimension of lattice is studied by analyzing the variation of the main parameters that characterizes the migratory process. The dynamics displays strong effects even for around one million of sites, in higher dimensions (d=6, 7).Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, to be published in International Journal of Modern Physics C 1

    Ablation loading of barium ions into a surface electrode trap

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    Trapped-ion quantum information processing may benefit from qubits encoded in isotopes that are practically available in only small quantities, e.g. due to low natural abundance or radioactivity. Laser ablation provides a method of controllably liberating neutral atoms or ions from low-volume targets, but energetic ablation products can be difficult to confine in the small ion-electrode distance, micron-scale, microfabricated traps amenable to high-speed, high-fidelity manipulation of ion arrays. Here we investigate ablation-based ion loading into surface-electrode traps of different sizes to test a model describing ion loading probability as a function of effective trap volume and other trap parameters. We demonstrate loading of ablated and photoionized barium in two cryogenic surface-electrode traps with 730 Ό\mum and 50 Ό\mum ion-electrode distances. Our loading success probability agrees with a predictive analytical model, providing insight for the confinement of limited-quantity species of interest for quantum computing, simulation, and sensing

    Investigation by raman spectroscopy of the decomposition process of HKUST-1 upon exposure to air

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    We report an experimental investigation by Raman spectroscopy of the decomposition process of Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) HKUST-1 upon exposure to air moisture (T=300 K, 70% relative humidity). The data collected here are compared with the indications obtained from a model of the process of decomposition of this material proposed in literature. In agreement with that model, the reported Raman measurements indicate that for exposure times longer than 20 days relevant irreversible processes take place, which are related to the occurrence of the hydrolysis of Cu-O bonds. These processes induce small but detectable variations of the peak positions and intensities of the main Raman bands of the material, which can be related to Cu-Cu, Cu-O, and O-C-O stretching modes. The critical analyses of these changes have permitted us to obtain a more detailed description of the process of decomposition taking place in HKUST-1 upon interaction with moisture. Furthermore, the reported Raman data give further strong support to the recently proposed model of decomposition of HKUST-1, contributing significantly to the development of a complete picture of the properties of this considerable deleterious effect

    Interleukin-30 feeds breast cancer stem cells via CXCL10 and IL23 autocrine loops and shapes immune contexture and host outcome

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    Background Breast cancer (BC) progression to metastatic disease is the leading cause of death in women worldwide. Metastasis is driven by cancer stem cells (CSCs) and signals from their microenvironment. Interleukin (IL) 30 promotes BC progression, and its expression correlates with disease recurrence and mortality. Whether it acts by regulating BCSCs is unknown and could have significant therapeutic implications. Methods Human (h) and murine (m) BCSCs were tested for their production of and response to IL30 by using flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, proliferation and sphere-formation assays, and PCR array. Immunocompetent mice were used to investigate the role of BCSC-derived IL30 on tumor development and host outcome. TCGA PanCancer and Oncomine databases provided gene expression data from 1084 and 75 hBC samples, respectively, and immunostaining unveiled the BCSC microenvironment. Results hBCSCs constitutively expressed IL30 as a membrane-anchored glycoprotein. Blocking IL30 hindered their proliferation and self-renewal efficiency, which were boosted by IL30 overexpression. IL30 regulation of immunity gene expression in human and murine BCSCs shared a significant induction of IL23 and CXCL10. Both immunoregulatory mediators stimulated BCSC proliferation and self-renewal, while their selective blockade dramatically hindered IL30-dependent BCSC proliferation and mammosphere formation. Orthotopic implantation of IL30-overexpressing mBCSCs, in syngeneic mice, gave rise to poorly differentiated and highly proliferating MYC + KLF4 + LAG3 + tumors, which expressed CXCL10 and IL23, and were infiltrated by myeloid-derived cells, Foxp3 + T regulatory cells and NKp46 + RORÎ 3t + type 3 innate lymphoid cells, resulting in increased metastasis and reduced survival. In tumor tissues from patients with BC, expression of IL30 overlapped with that of CXCL10 and IL23, and ranked beyond the 95th percentile in a Triple-Negative enriched BC collection from the Oncomine Platform. CIBERSORTx highlighted a defective dendritic cell, CD4 + T and Î 3ήT lymphocyte content and a prominent LAG3 expression in IL30 high versus IL30 low human BC samples from the TCGA PanCancer collection. Conclusions Constitutive expression of membrane-bound IL30 regulates BCSC viability by juxtacrine signals and via second-level mediators, mainly CXCL10 and IL23. Their autocrine loops mediate much of the CSC growth factor activity of IL30, while their paracrine effect contributes to IL30 shaping of immune contexture. IL30-related immune subversion, which also emerged from computational analyses, strongly suggests that targeting IL30 can restrain the BCSC compartment and counteract BC progression

    Apoptosis induced by a HIPK2 full-length-specific siRNA is due to off-target effects rather than prevalence of HIPK2-Δe8 isoform.

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    Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are widely used to study gene function and extensively exploited for their potential therapeutic applications. HIPK2 is an evolutionary conserved kinase that binds and phosphorylates several proteins directly or indirectly related to apoptosis. Recently, an alternatively spliced isoform skipping 81 nucleotides of exon 8 (Hipk2-∆e8) has been described. Selective depletion of Hipk2 full-length (Hipk2-FL) with a speci c siRNA that spares the Hipk2-∆e8 isoform has been shown to strongly induce apoptosis, suggesting an unpredicted dominant- negative effect of Hipk2-FL over the ∆e8 isoform. From this observation, we sought to take advantage and assessed the therapeutic potential of generating Hipk2 isoform unbalance in tumor-initiating cells derived from colorectal cancer patients. Strong reduction of cell viability was induced in vitro and in vivo by the originally described exon 8-speci c siRNA, supporting a potential therapeutic application. However, validation analyses performed with additional exon8-speci c siRNAs with different stabilities showed that all exon8-targeting siRNAs can induce comparable Hipk2 isoform unbalance but only the originally reported e8-siRNA promotes cell death. These data show that loss of viability does not depend on the prevalence of Hipk2- ∆e8 isoform but it is rather due to microRNA-like off-target effects

    Microenvironment in neuroblastoma: Isolation and characterization of tumor-derived mesenchymal stromal cells

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    Background: It has been proposed that mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) promote tumor progression by interacting with tumor cells and other stroma cells in the complex network of the tumor microenvironment. We characterized MSCs isolated and expanded from tumor tissues of pediatric patients diagnosed with neuroblastomas (NB-MSCs) to define interactions with the tumor microenvironment. Methods: Specimens were obtained from 7 pediatric patients diagnosed with neuroblastoma (NB). Morphology, immunophenotype, differentiation capacity, proliferative growth, expression of stemness and neural differentiation markers were evaluated. Moreover, the ability of cells to modulate the immune response, i.e. inhibition of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and natural killer (NK) cytotoxic function, was examined. Gene expression profiles, known to be related to tumor cell stemness, Wnt pathway activation, epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and tumor metastasis were also evaluated. Healthy donor bone marrow-derived MSCs (BM-MSC) were employed as controls. Results: NB-MSCs presented the typical MSC morphology and phenotype. They showed a proliferative capacity superimposable to BM-MSCs. Stemness marker expression (Sox2, Nanog, Oct3/4) was comparable to BM-MSCs. NB-MSC in vitro osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation was similar to BM-MSCs, but NB-MSCs lacked adipogenic differentiation capacity. NB-MSCs reached senescence phases at a median passage of P7 (range, P5-P13). NB-MSCs exhibited greater immunosuppressive capacity on activated T lymphocytes at a 1:2 (MSC: PBMC) ratio compared with BM-MSCs (p = 0.018). NK cytotoxic activity was not influenced by co-culture, either with BM-MSCs or NB-MSCs. Flow-cytometry cell cycle analysis showed that NB-MSCs had an increased number of cells in the G0-G1 phase compared to BM-MSCs. Transcriptomic profiling results indicated that NB-MSCs were enriched with EMT genes compared to BM-MSCs. Conclusions: We characterized the biological features, the immunomodulatory capacity and the gene expression profile of NB-MSCs. The NB-MSC gene expression profile and their functional properties suggest a potential role in promoting tumor escape, invasiveness and metastatic traits of NB cancer cells. A better understanding of the complex mechanisms underlying the interactions between NB cells and NB-derived MSCs should shed new light on potential novel therapeutic approaches

    Studio retrospettivo sulla qualit\ue0 igienico-sanitaria delle ricotte prodotte in Sicilia

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    La ricotta \ue8 un prodotto lattiero caseario estremamente diffuso nei paesi del Mediterraneo ottenuto per termocoagulazione acida del siero. Scopo del lavoro \ue8 stato valutare la qualit\ue0 igienico sanitaria delle ricotte siciliane mediante uno studio retrospettivo; sono stati analizzati i dati dei campioni conferiti all\u2019ZS della Sicilia per controllo ufficiale, autocontrollo o progetti di ricerca. Dal 2002 ad oggi sono state esaminate 1295 ricotte fresche, nella maggior parte dei campioni sono stati ricercati L. monocytogenes (1156), Salmonella sp. (998), Brucella sp. (721), Stafilococchi coagulasi positivi (639) e E. coli (598). Su un numero di campioni variabile fra 98 e 371 \ue8 stata eseguita la determinazione della CBT, la numerazione di B. cereus, Pseudomonas sp., spore di anaerobi, lieviti e muffe, enterococchi, flora lattica e determinazione del pH. Le analisi sono state effettuate con metodi normati o con metodi interni validati, alcuni batteri lattici isolati sono stati genotipizzati mediante analisi della sequenza del gene 16S rDNA. Nessun campione \ue8 risultato positivo a L. monocytogenes, Salmonella sp. e Brucella sp. Nel 16% dei campioni era presente B. cereus in concentrazioni fra 1 e 6 log ufc/g; nel 21% erano presenti Enterobacteriaceae (1-7 log), nel 13% E. coli (1-4 log) e nel 14% lieviti e muffe (1-3 log). Nel 2% dei campioni sono stati ritrovati Pseudomonas sp. (2 log) e Stafilococchi coagulasi positivi (1-5 log). I valori di CBT erano compresi fra 2 e 8 log ufc/g (valore medio 5.12\ub11.64), gli enterococchi (1-6 log, valore medio 3.62\ub11.24) e flora lattica fra 1 e 7 log ufc/g. Le ricotte presentavano valori medi di pH pari a 6,39. La maggior parte dei batteri lattici apparteneva alle specie Lactococcus lactis e Lactobacillus casei. I risultati ottenuti evidenziano una buona qualit\ue0 delle ricotte siciliane per l\u2019assenza dei patogeni; la presenza di microrganismi indicatori di igiene evidenzia la necessit\ue0 di migliorare le condizione igieniche di produzione considerato che la ricotta, per le sue caratteristiche chimico-fisiche, rappresenta un buon substrato per lo sviluppo di microrganismi (Fadda et al., 2012)

    The remittances behaviour of the second generation in Europe: altruism or self-interest?

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    Whereas most research on remittances focuses on first-generation migrants, the aim of this paper is to investigate the remitting behaviour of the host country-born children of migrants - the second generation - in various European cities. Some important studies found that migrant transnationalism is not only a phenomenon for the first generation, but also apply to the second and higher generations, through, among other things, family visits, elder care, and remittances. At the same time, the maintenance of a strong ethnic identity in the ‘host’ society does not necessarily mean that second-generation migrants have strong transnational ties to their ‘home’ country. The data used in this paper is from “The Integration of the European Second Generation” (TIES) project. The survey collected information on approximately 6,250 individuals aged 18-35 with at least one migrant parent from Morocco, Turkey or former Yugoslavia, in 15 European cities, regrouped in 8 ‘countries’. For the purpose of this paper, only analyses for Austria (Linz and Vienna); Switzerland (Basle and Zurich); Germany (Berlin and Frankfurt); France (Paris and Strasbourg); the Netherlands (Amsterdam and Rotterdam); Spain (Barcelona and Madrid); and Sweden (Stockholm) will be presented.
