158 research outputs found

    Evaluating the fully automatic multi-language translation of the Swiss avalanche bulletin

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    The Swiss avalanche bulletin is produced twice a day in four languages. Due to the lack of time available for manual translation, a fully automated translation system is employed, based on a catalogue of predefined phrases and predetermined rules of how these phrases can be combined to produce sentences. The system is able to automatically translate such sentences from German into the target languages French, Italian and English without subsequent proofreading or correction. Our catalogue of phrases is limited to a small sublanguage. The reduction of daily translation costs is expected to offset the initial development costs within a few years. After being operational for two winter seasons, we assess here the quality of the produced texts based on an evaluation where participants rate real danger descriptions from both origins, the catalogue of phrases versus the manually written and translated texts. With a mean recognition rate of 55%, users can hardly distinguish between the two types of texts, and give similar ratings with respect to their language quality. Overall, the output from the catalogue system can be considered virtually equivalent to a text written by avalanche forecasters and then manually translated by professional translators. Furthermore, forecasters declared that all relevant situations were captured by the system with sufficient accuracy and within the limited time available

    Preparing for the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: creation and implementation of new recommendations

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    During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in 2020, departments of anesthesiology worldwide have encountered new and unique challenges. In this short communication, we present and assess our recommendations for orotracheal intubation, a frequent high-risk procedure. We will point out that interdisciplinary cooperation with “non-patient care” departments like the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene tremendously helped us in creating this and other new, clear standards for anesthesiological procedures. Moreover, to reliably implement our newly created measures, we distributed incisive posters and organized comprehensive training sessions. Eventually, we summarize and analyze the occurring problems of our suggestions for intubation during their realization

    DAXplus family: Ein Aktienindex zur Darstellung der Performance von Familienunternehmen

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    In January 2010 the Deutsche Börse Group introduced two family firm stock indices. Both indices are calculated as price and performance indices and extend the number of investment strategy indices of Deutsche Börse Group. The DAXplus Family is an all-share index whereas the DAXplus Family 30 represents a selection index of the 30 largest and most liquid Prime Standard family firms of Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE). The index development traces back to a mutual research project between Deutsche Börse Group and Technische Universität München (TUM). In order to be applicable for DAXplus Family index inclusion, a firm has to fulfil a founding family definition: the founder(s) and/or related family members have to control at least 25% of voting rights or at least 5% voting rights if the founder or the family is not only shareholder but also active management or supervisory board member. Out of 123 family firms that were included in the DAXplus Family at index introduction in January 2010, about 95% (117 firms) qualified with both elements of the definition - required control of voting rights and board representation. Only 23% of the index firms are characterised by blockholdings of the family below 25%. The DAXplus Family 30 has a correlation of 99.6% with the all-share index DAXplus Family and a correlation of 83.6% with the German blue chip index DAX. A performance backtesting of the DAXplus Family 30 from June 2002 to July 2010 revealed an annualized return of 11.5% at an annualized volatility of 24%. Further details about the indices' theoretical and empirical foundation, underlying concept, main features as well as descriptive characteristics are presented in this primer. --Family Firm,Style Index,Ownership Structure,Corporate Governance

    Image quality to estimate ventricular ejection fraction by last year medical students improves after short courses of training

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    Background: Transthoracic echocardiography is the primary imaging modality for diagnosing cardiac conditions but medical education in this field is limited. We tested the hypothesis that a structured theoretical and supervised practical course of training in focused echocardiography in last year medical students results in a more accurate assessment and more precise calculation of left ventricular ejection fraction after ten patient examinations. Methods: After a theoretical introduction course 25 last year medical students performed ten transthoracic echocardiographic examination blocks in postsurgical patients. Left ventricular function was evaluated both with an eye-balling method and with the calculated ejection fraction using diameter and area of left ventricles. Each examination block was controlled by a certified and blinded tutor. Bias and precision of measurements were assessed with Bland and Altman method. Results: Using the eye-balling method students agreed with the tutor’s findings both at the beginning (88%) but more at the end of the course (95.7%). The variation between student and tutor for calculation of area, diameter and ejection fraction, respectively, was significantly lower in examination block 10 than in examination block 1 (each p < 0.001). Students underestimated both the length and the area of the left ventricle at the outset, as complete imaging of the left heart in the ultrasound sector was initially unsuccessful. Conclusions: A structured theoretical and practical transthoracic echocardiography course of training for last year medical students provides a clear and measurable learning experience in assessing and measuring left ventricular function. At least 14 examination blocks are necessary to achieve 90% agreement of correct determination of the ejection fraction

    Combining Structural Optimization and Process Assurance in Implicit Modelling for Casting Parts

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    The structural optimization of manufacturable casting parts is still a challenging and time-consuming task. Today, topology optimization is followed by a manual reconstruction of the design proposal and a process assurance simulation to endorse the design proposal. Consequently, this process is iteratively repeated until it reaches a satisfying compromise. This article shows a method to combine structural optimization and process assurance results to generate automatically structure- and process-optimized die casting parts using implicit geometry modeling. Therefore, evaluation criteria are developed to evaluate the current design proposal and qualitatively measure the improvement of manufacturability between two iterations. For testing the proposed method, we use a cantilever beam as an example of proof. The combined iterative method is compared to manual designed parts and a direct optimization approach and evaluated for mechanical performance and manufacturability. The combination of topology optimization (TO) and process assurance (PA) results is automated and shows a significant enhancement to the manual reconstruction of the design proposals. Further, the improvement of manufacturability is better or equivalent to previous work in the field while using less computational effort, which emphasizes the need for suitable metamodels to significantly reduce the effort for process assurance and enable much shorter iteration times

    Stability of Propofol (2,6-Diisopropylphenol) in Thermal Desorption Tubes during Air Transport

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    The anesthetic propofol and other exhaled organic compounds can be sampled in Tenax sorbent tubes and analyzed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The aim of this study was to evaluate the stability of propofol in Tenax sorbent tubes during overseas shipping. This is relevant for international pharmacokinetic studies on propofol in exhaled air. Tenax sorbent tube propofol samples with concentrations between 10 and 100 ng were prepared by liquid injection and with a calibration gas generator. For each preparation method, one reference set was analyzed immediately after preparation, a second set was stored at room temperature, and a third one was stored refrigerated. The fourth set was sent from Germany by airmail to USA and back. The shipped set of tubes was analyzed when it returned after 55 days elapsed. Then, the room temperature samples and the refrigerated stored samples were also analyzed. To evaluate the stability of propofol in the stored and shipped tubes, we calculated the recovery rates of each sample set. The mean recovery in the stored samples was 101.2% for the liquid preparation and 134.6% for the gaseous preparation at 4°C. At 22°C, the recovery was 96.1% for liquid preparation and 92.1% for gaseous preparation, whereas the shipped samples had a recovery of 85.3% and 111.3%. Thus, the deviation of the shipped samples is within a range of 15%, which is analytically acceptable. However, the individual values show significantly larger deviations of up to -32.1% (liquid) and 30.9% (gaseous). We conclude that storage of propofol on Tenax tubes at room temperature for 55 days is possible to obtain acceptable results. However, it appears that due to severe temperature and pressure variations air shipment of propofol samples in Tenax tubes without cooling shows severe deviations from the initial concentration. Although it was not tested in this study, we assume that refrigerated transport might be necessary to obtain comparable results as in the stored samples

    Stability of Propofol (2,6-Diisopropylphenol) in Thermal Desorption Tubes during Air Transport

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    The anesthetic propofol and other exhaled organic compounds can be sampled in Tenax sorbent tubes and analyzed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The aim of this study was to evaluate the stability of propofol in Tenax sorbent tubes during overseas shipping. This is relevant for international pharmacokinetic studies on propofol in exhaled air. Tenax sorbent tube propofol samples with concentrations between 10 and 100 ng were prepared by liquid injection and with a calibration gas generator. For each preparation method, one reference set was analyzed immediately after preparation, a second set was stored at room temperature, and a third one was stored refrigerated. The fourth set was sent from Germany by airmail to USA and back. The shipped set of tubes was analyzed when it returned after 55 days elapsed. Then, the room temperature samples and the refrigerated stored samples were also analyzed. To evaluate the stability of propofol in the stored and shipped tubes, we calculated the recovery rates of each sample set. The mean recovery in the stored samples was 101.2% for the liquid preparation and 134.6% for the gaseous preparation at 4°C. At 22°C, the recovery was 96.1% for liquid preparation and 92.1% for gaseous preparation, whereas the shipped samples had a recovery of 85.3% and 111.3%. Thus, the deviation of the shipped samples is within a range of 15%, which is analytically acceptable. However, the individual values show significantly larger deviations of up to -32.1% (liquid) and 30.9% (gaseous). We conclude that storage of propofol on Tenax tubes at room temperature for 55 days is possible to obtain acceptable results. However, it appears that due to severe temperature and pressure variations air shipment of propofol samples in Tenax tubes without cooling shows severe deviations from the initial concentration. Although it was not tested in this study, we assume that refrigerated transport might be necessary to obtain comparable results as in the stored samples

    Exhaled Aldehydes as Biomarkers for Lung Diseases : A Narrative Review

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    Breath analysis provides great potential as a fast and non-invasive diagnostic tool for several diseases. Straight-chain aliphatic aldehydes were repeatedly detected in the breath of patients suffering from lung diseases using a variety of methods, such as mass spectrometry, ion mobility spectrometry, or electro-chemical sensors. Several studies found increased concentrations of exhaled aldehydes in patients suffering from lung cancer, inflammatory and infectious lung diseases, and mechanical lung injury. This article reviews the origin of exhaled straight-chain aliphatic aldehydes, available detection methods, and studies that found increased aldehyde exhalation in lung diseases
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