838 research outputs found
A generalization of Strassen's Positivstellensatz
Strassen's Positivstellensatz is a powerful but little known theorem on
preordered commutative semirings satisfying a boundedness condition similar to
Archimedeanicity. It characterizes the relaxed preorder induced by all monotone
homomorphisms to in terms of a condition involving large powers.
Here, we generalize and strengthen Strassen's result. As a generalization, we
replace the boundedness condition by a polynomial growth condition; as a
strengthening, we prove two further equivalent characterizations of the
homomorphism-induced preorder in our generalized setting.Comment: 24 pages. v6: condition (d) in Theorem 2.12 has been correcte
Quantum logic is undecidable
We investigate the first-order theory of closed subspaces of complex Hilbert
spaces in the signature , where `' is the
orthogonality relation. Our main result is that already its quasi-identities
are undecidable: there is no algorithm to decide whether an implication between
equations and orthogonality relations implies another equation. This is a
corollary of a recent result of Slofstra in combinatorial group theory. It
follows upon reinterpreting that result in terms of the hypergraph approach to
quantum contextuality, for which it constitutes a proof of the inverse sandwich
conjecture. It can also be interpreted as stating that a certain quantum
satisfiability problem is undecidable.Comment: 11 pages. v3: improved exposition. v4: minor clarification
Curious properties of free hypergraph C*-algebras
A finite hypergraph consists of a finite set of vertices and a
collection of subsets which we consider as partition
of unity relations between projection operators. These partition of unity
relations freely generate a universal C*-algebra, which we call the "free
hypergraph C*-algebra" . General free hypergraph C*-algebras were first
studied in the context of quantum contextuality. As special cases, the class of
free hypergraph C*-algebras comprises quantum permutation groups, maximal group
C*-algebras of graph products of finite cyclic groups, and the C*-algebras
associated to quantum graph homomorphism, isomorphism, and colouring.
Here, we conduct the first systematic study of aspects of free hypergraph
C*-algebras. We show that they coincide with the class of finite colimits of
finite-dimensional commutative C*-algebras, and also with the class of
C*-algebras associated to synchronous nonlocal games. We had previously shown
that it is undecidable to determine whether is nonzero for given .
We now show that it is also undecidable to determine whether a given
is residually finite-dimensional, and similarly whether it only has
infinite-dimensional representations, and whether it has a tracial state. It
follows that for each one of these properties, there is such that the
question whether has this property is independent of the ZFC axioms,
assuming that these are consistent. We clarify some of the subtleties
associated with such independence results in an appendix.Comment: 19 pages. v2: minor clarifications. v3: terminology 'free hypergraph
C*-algebra', added Remark 2.2
Operator system structures on the unital direct sum of C*-algebras
This work is motivated by Radulescu's result on the comparison of C*-tensor
norms on C*(F_n) x C*(F_n). For unital C*-algebras A and B, there are natural
inclusions of A and B into their unital free product, their maximal tensor
product and their minimal tensor product. These inclusions define three
operator system structures on the internal sum A+B, the first of which we
identify as the coproduct of A and B in the category of operator systems.
Partly using ideas from quantum entanglement theory, we prove various
interrelations between these three operator systems. As an application, the
present results yield a significant improvement over Radulescu's bound on
C*(F_n) x C*(F_n). At the same time, this tight comparison is so general that
it cannot be regarded as evidence for a positive answer to the QWEP conjecture.Comment: 17 pages, to appear in Rocky Mountain J. Mat
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