27 research outputs found

    Business success in perception of Polish and Romanian farmers

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    Roumanian rural space characterization from Western region

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    The rural space represents the relationship that is established between man and nature, interdependency relations establishing between social actions and the natural environment where these actions occur, as well as the essence of material and spiritual civilization that emerge and evolve on a certain territory. Thus, the rural space includes many areas, communities, natural landscapes, farmlands, forests, habitats and traditional cultures, being actually the place where most resources of national economy are concentrated. Romanian rural area faces with many weaknesses. The main problems specific for rural areas are low economic development, aging, migration towards urban areas, poorly developed infrastructure and low population density. The rural space has some distinct features which are transferred within the individuality, specificity and authenticity, compared to other areas. The Western Region is one of the eight regions of development established nationally on October 28, 1998. This region consists of four counties: Arad, Caras-Severin, Hunedoara and Timis

    The role of management strategies for the rural communities development

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    The study wants to analyze the importance of management, and especially the importance of management strategies for the rural communities development, so for a better analysis of this fact we studied Ghizela commune from Timis county and based on this analysis a development model should be established. The studied commune is located in the NorthEastern part of Timis county, in the hill area of the county, at 30 km from Lugoj town and 60 km from Timisoara city. From territorial administrative point of view the commune is composed by the following villages: Ghizela, which is also the administrative center, Hisias, Paniova and Sanovita. The reason for which this commune was selected is that it does not have a high level of demographic, economic and intrastructural development and is located at an average distance from the main urbanistic centers of the county (Timisoara and Lugoj). The proposed strategy model is based mainly on solving the problems identified in the analysis of the studied commune, thus in order to facilitate the strategy development and implementation process, the identified problems were classified in different categories (infrastructure, local economy, life quality, involvement of the locals in the local development)

    Aspects concerning the demographical compound of the romanian rural space

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    Considered both an action and a consume factor, the population bares an important role in the diagnosis analysis of the rural space, mostly because the demographical compound appears as a development potential. Considering the fact that, at the moment, the demographical compound does not offer great hopes for the development of the rural space, the present paper, based on a simple analysis of the Romanian rural space, from a demographical point of view, and by using a variety of demographical indicators, portrays the current situation of the demographical compound of the Romanian rural space. In the beginning of the year 1990, Romania’s rural population consisted of 10.6 million souls, a number that has known a severe decrease in the last 20 years. The most recent statistical data shows that the number of inhabitants in rural areas has reached 9.64 million on the first of January, 2010. The paper also identifies the main causes that generated this negative state, like the negative rate of natural increase, the work force’s migration abroad and the aging of the population. The population’s aging reflects the alterations, in time, of the ratio between the young and the aged population, in the sense of a weight factor growth of the latter, from the population’s total. The phenomenon is explained though the evolution of the basic population indicators, which determine alterations in the population’s structure, according to age and the territorial movement (migrations). The situation recorded in the present, in the rural space as well as at the level of the entire country, should consist a warning signal for authorities, which should draw their attention towards finding economical solutions that will encourage the growth of the birth rate and slow down, or even stop, the external migration

    Business Success in Perception of Polish and Romanian Farmers

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    A business represents the organized effort of a group of individuals who seek to obtain and market goods and services that meet the demands of society in order to make a profit. Agricultural business are unique in that they requires the application of a specific set of principles and concepts. Business success has different dimensions, some business owners associate success with financial rewards, while others can define success as satisfaction and completion. In the present article authors want to reveal the perception of Polish and Romanian farmers regarding business success.  The perception of farmers regarding business success is emphasized by a study based on a quantitative method. Data were collected through a survey, using as research instrument a questionnaire. The research methodology involved: questionnaire design, questionnaire testing, application the questionnaire, analysis and interpretation of data and drawing conclusions. The survey was made using the application provided by Google (Google Forms), questionnaires were filled online. The questionnaire, was applied among farmers from 2 countries, all respondents manage small and medium sized farms. More precise, authors want to reveal what means success for farmers, which are the factors that determines success in their opinion, what do they do to obtain success in their busines