6 research outputs found

    Impulse Control Disorders in the Polish Population of Patients with Parkinson’s Disease

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    Background and Objectives: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases in the world. It is characterized by the presence of not only typical motor symptoms but also several less known and aware non-motor symptoms (NMS). The group of disorders included in the NMS is Impulse Control Disorders (ICDs). ICDs are a group of disorders in which patients are unable to resist temptations and feel a strong, pressing desire for specific activities such as gambling, hypersexuality, binge eating, and compulsive buying. The occurrence of ICDs is believed to be associated primarily with dopaminergic treatment, with the use of dopamine agonists (DA), and to a lesser extent with high doses of L-dopa. The aim of our study was to develop a profile of Polish ICDs patients and assess the frequency of occurrence of ICDs, as well as determine the risk factors associated with these disorders against the background of the PD population from other countries. Materials and Methods: Our prospective study included 135 patients with idiopathic PD who were hospitalized between 2020 and 2022 at the Neurological Department of University Central Hospital in Katowice. In the assessment of ICDs, we used the Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson’s Disease (QUIP). Other scales with which we assessed patients with PD were as follows: MDS-UPDRS part III and modified Hoehn–Yahr staging. Clinical data on age, gender, disease duration and onset, motor complications, and medications were collected from electronic records. Results: ICDs were detected in 27.41% of PD patients (binge eating in 12.59%, hypersexuality in 11.11%, compulsive buying in 10.37%, and pathological gambling occurred in only 5.19% of patients. In total, 8.89% had two or more ICDs). The major finding was that ICDs were more common in patients taking DA than in those who did not use medication from this group (83.78% vs. 54.07%, respectively; p = 0.0015). Patients with ICDs had longer disease duration, the presence of motor complications, and sleep disorders. An important finding was also a very low detection of ICDs in a routine medical examination; only 13.51% of all patients with ICDs had a positive medical history of this disorder. Conclusions: ICDs are relatively common in the population of Polish PD patients. The risk factors for developing ICDs include longer duration of the disease, presence of motor complications, sleep disorders, and use of DA and L-dopa. Due to the low detectability of ICDs in routine medical history, it is essential for physicians to pay more attention to the possibility of the occurrence of these symptoms, especially in patients with several risk factors. Further prospective studies on a larger group of PD patients are needed to establish a full profile of Polish PD patients with ICDs

    Impulse Control Disorders in Parkinson’s Disease and Atypical Parkinsonian Syndromes—Is There a Difference?

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    Background and Objectives: Impulse control disorders (ICDs) are characterized by potentially harmful actions resulting from disturbances in the self-control of emotions and behavior. ICDs include disorders such as gambling, hypersexuality, binge eating, and compulsive buying. ICDs are known non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and are associated primarily with the use of dopaminergic treatment (DRT) and especially dopamine agonists (DA). However, in atypical parkinsonism (APS), such as progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) or multiple system atrophy (MSA), there are only single case reports of ICDs without attempts to determine the risk factors for their occurrence. Moreover, numerous reports in the literature indicate increased impulsivity in PSP. Our study aimed to determine the frequency of individual ICDs in APS compared to PD and identify potential factors for developing ICDs in APS. Materials and Methods: Our prospective study included 185 patients with PD and 35 with APS (27 patients with PSP and 9 with MSA) hospitalized between 2020 and 2023 at the Neurological Department of University Central Hospital in Katowice. Each patient was examined using the Questionnaire for Impulsive–Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson’s Disease (QUIP) to assess ICDs. Additionally, other scales were used to assess the advancement of the disease, the severity of depression, and cognitive impairment. Information on age, gender, age of onset, disease duration, and treatment used were collected from medical records and patient interviews. Results: ICDs were detected in 23.39% of patients with PD (including binge eating in 11.54%, compulsive buying in 10.44%, hypersexuality in 8.79%, and pathological gambling in 4.40%), in one patient with MSA (hypersexuality and pathological gambling), and in 18.52% of patients with PSP (binge eating in 3.70%, compulsive buying in 7.41%, and hypersexuality in 11.11%). We found no differences in the frequency of ICDs between individual diseases (p = 0.4696). We confirmed that the use of higher doses of DA and L-dopa in patients with PD, as well as a longer disease duration and the presence of motor complications, were associated with a higher incidence of ICDs. However, we did not find any treatment effect on the incidence of ICDs in APS. Conclusions: ICDs are common and occur with a similar frequency in PD and APS. Well-described risk factors for ICDs in PD, such as the use of DRT or longer disease duration, are not fully reflected in the risk factors for ICDs in APS. This applies especially to PSP, which, unlike PD and MSA, is a tauopathy in which, in addition to the use of DRT, other mechanisms related to the disease, such as disorders in neuronal loops and neurotransmitter deficits, may influence the development of ICDs. Further prospective multicenter studies recruiting larger groups of patients are needed to fully determine the risk factors and mechanisms of ICD development in APS

    Pacjenci poudarowi – częstotliwość i skuteczność rehabilitacji i terapii logopedycznej

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    The study presented here was conducted on post-stroke patients in the years 2014–2017. Data was collected using a survey questionnaire based on single-choice questions, Barthel ADL Index and the modified Rankin Scale (mRS). As many as 128 out of 135 respondents (94.8%) were referred for further treatment after initial rehabilitation. Of these, 33.6% did not continue their rehabilitation. Most of the remaining ones chose outpatient (32.9%) or inpatient rehabilitation in a hospital (29.4%). After the second examination of the physical condition of the patients, improvement was noted in those who participated in long-term rehabilitation. This feeling was also declared by the patients themselves. Out of all respondents, 92 people suffered from speech disorders, of which only 21.7% participated in speech therapy, and in this group 90% noticed a significant improvement in verbal communication. A small percentage of patients with aphasia recognize and follow speech therapy recommendations. Patients and their carers should be informed in more detail about the benefits of rehabilitation and speech therapy.Prezentowane badania dotyczące pacjentów po przebytym udarze mózgu przeprowadzono w latach 2014–2017. Dane zebrano za pomocą kwestionariusza ankiety opartego na pytaniach jednokrotnego wyboru, skali Barthel (Barthel ADL Index) i zmodyfikowanej skali Rankina (mRS). Aż 128 ze 135 badanych (94,8%) po wstępnej rehabilitacji skierowano na dalsze leczenie. Spośród nich 33,6% nie kontynuowało rehabilitacji. Większość pozostałych wybrała rehabilitację ambulatoryjną (32,9%) lub stacjonarną w szpitalu (29,4%). Po drugim zbadaniu fizycznej kondycji pacjentów zauważono poprawę stanu tych, którzy uczestniczyli w długotrwałej rehabilitacji. Takie odczucie deklarowali też sami pacjenci. Spośród wszystkich badanych 92 osoby cierpiały na zaburzenia mowy, z tego tylko 21,7% korzystało z pomocy logopedycznej, a w tej grupie 90% zauważyło znaczącą poprawę w komunikacji werbalnej. Niewielki odsetek pacjentów z afazją uznaje i stosuje zalecenia logopedyczne. Należy bardziej szczegółowo informować pacjentów i ich opiekunów o korzyściach płynących z rehabilitacji i terapii logopedycznej

    The Influence of Serum Uric Acid Level on Non-Motor Symptoms Occurrence and Severity in Patients with Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease and Atypical Parkinsonisms—A Systematic Review

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    Background and Objectives: A growing number of studies correlated higher levels of serum uric acid (UA) with both: lower risk of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) occurrence and slower progression of the disease. Similar conclusions were made where studies correlated UA with atypical Parkinsonisms (AP) progression. A few researchers have studied the issue of the influence of serum UA on the occurrence of non-motor symptoms (NMS) in PD and AP. Our systematic review is the first review completely dedicated to this matter. Materials and Methods: A comprehensive evaluation of the literature was performed to review the relationship between UA and NMS in PD and AP. The systematic review was conducted according to PRISMA Statement guidelines. The following databases were searched starting in April 2021: MEDLINE via PubMed, Embase, and Scopus. During the research, the following filters were used: >2010, articles in English, concerning humans. The study was not registered and received no external funding. Results: Seven articles meeting all inclusion criteria were included in this study. Collectively, data on 1104 patients were analyzed. A correlation between serum UA concentration and a few NMS types has been provided by the analyzed studies. In four papers, sleep disorders and fatigue were related to UA for both advanced and early PD. Other commonly appearing NMS domains were Attention/memory (4 studies), Depression/anxiety (3 studies), Cardiovascular (3 studies), Gastrointestinal (1 study), Perceptual (1 study), and Miscellaneous (1 study). For AP, no significant correlation between UA and worsening of NMS has been found. Conclusions: Based on the analyzed studies, a correlation between serum UA level and the occurrence and worsening of NMS in PD and APs cannot be definitively determined. Large-scale studies with a more diverse patient population and with more accurate methods of NMS assessment in Parkinsonism are needed

    Validation of the Polish version of the Unified Dyskinesia Rating Scale (UDysRS)

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    Background. In 2008, the Movement Disorders Society published the Unified Dyskinesia Rating Scale (UDysRS). This has become the established tool for assessing the severity and disability associated with dyskinesia in patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD). We translated and validated the Polish version of the UDysRS, explored its dimensionality, and compared it to the Spanish version, which is the Reference Standard for UDysRS translations.Material and methods. The UDysRS was translated into Polish by a team led by JS and GO. The back-translation, completed by colleagues fluent in both Polish and English who were not involved in the original translation, was reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee of the MDS Rating Scales Programme. Then the translated version of the UDysRS underwent cognitive pretesting, and the translation was modified based on the results. The approved version was considered to be the Official Working Document of the Polish UDysRS and was tested on 250 Polish PD patients recruited at movement disorder centres. Data was compared to the Reference Standard used for validating UDysRS translations. Results. The overall factor structure of the Polish version was consistent with that of the Reference Standard version, as evidenced by the high Confirmatory Fit Index score (CFI = 0.98). The Polish UDysRS was thus confirmed to share a common factor structure with the Reference Standard.Conclusions. The Official Polish UDysRS translation is recommended for use in clinical and research settings. Worldwide use of uniform rating measures offers a common ground to study similarities and differences in disease manifestations and progression across cultures.