169 research outputs found

    Deleterious effects of soluble extracellular polymeric substances on polyacrylamide demand for conditioning of anaerobically digested sludge

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. High polyacrylamide (polymer) demand for conditioning of sludge, especially anaerobically digested sludge (ADS), is a major issue for the water industry. Currently, this problem is being investigated and the reasons for doing so are varied. It has been demonstrated that excess amounts of soluble extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) can lead to high polymer demand for conditioning. This study developed a simple and unique yet effective method for quantifying the contribution of soluble EPS to conditioning polymer demand. It did this by measuring absorbance at 191.5 nm wavelength of the supernatant derived from conditioned ADS. Experimental results confirmed that approximately 87 wt% of soluble EPS interacted with polyacrylamides during the conditioning process. Furthermore, they revealed that a specified amount of soluble EPS could not be removed by polymer flocculation despite high polymer dosage. This study concluded that about 86 wt% of the polyacrylamide used for conditioning was consumed solely by soluble EPS. These results confirm the important role of reducing this EPS fraction in ADS in order to curtail significant chemical costs for sludge conditioning and dewatering

    Menstrual cycle associated changes in hormone-related gene expression in oestrogen receptor positive breast cancer.

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    The major changes in hormone levels that occur through the menstrual cycle have been postulated to affect the expression of hormone-regulated and proliferation-associated genes (PAGs) in premenopausal ER+ breast cancer. Whilst previous studies have demonstrated differences in gene expression, here, we investigated if there are within patient changes in the expression of oestrogen- and progesterone-regulated genes (ERGs and PRGs) and PAGs in ER+ breast cancer during the menstrual cycle. Samples from 96 patients in two independent prospective studies of the effect of menstrual cycle on ER+ breast cancer were used. Plasma hormone measurements were used to assign tumours to one of three pre-defined menstrual cycle windows: W1 (days 27-35 and 1-6; low oestradiol and low progesterone), W2 (days 7-16; high oestradiol and low progesterone) and W3 (days 17-26; intermediate oestradiol and high progesterone). RNA expression of 50 genes, including 27 ERGs, 11 putative PRGs and seven PAGs was measured. The AvERG (geomean of PGR, GREB1, TFF1 and PDZK1) was used as a composite measure of ERG expression and showed significant changes between the three windows of the menstrual cycle increasing over 2.2-fold between W1 and W2 and decreasing between W2 and W3 and between W3 and W1. Proliferation gene expression also varied significantly, following the same pattern of changes as ERG expression, but the changes were of lower magnitude (1.4-fold increase between W1 and W2). Significant changes in the expression of eight individual ERGs, including GREB1, PGR and TFF1, and two PAGs were observed between W1 and either W2 or W3 with all genes showing higher levels in W2 or W3 (1.3-2.4-fold; FDR 0.016-0.05). The AvProg, a composite measure of PRG expression, increased significantly (1.5-fold) in W3 compared to W1 or W2 but no significant changes were observed for individual PRGs. In conclusion, we observed significant changes in ERG, PRG and PAG expression in ER+ breast tumours during the menstrual cycle that may affect the assessment and interpretation of prominent biomarkers (e.g. PgR) and commonly used multigene prognostic signatures in premenopausal ER+ breast cancer

    Identification of a Danish breast/ovarian cancer family double heterozygote for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations

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    Mutations in the two breast cancer susceptibility genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 are associated with increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Patients with mutations in both genes are rarely reported and often involve Ashkenazi founder mutations. Here we report the first identification of a Danish breast and ovarian cancer family heterozygote for mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. The BRCA1 nucleotide 5215G > A/c.5096G > A mutation results in the missense mutation Arg1699Gln, while the BRCA2 nucleotide 859 + 4A > G/c.631 + 4A > G is novel. Exon trapping experiments and reverse transcriptase (RT)–PCR analysis revealed that the BRCA2 mutation results in skipping of exon 7, thereby introducing a frameshift and a premature stop codon. We therefore classify the mutation as disease causing. Since the BRCA1 Arg1699Gln mutation is also suggested to be disease-causing, we consider this family double heterozygote for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations

    Overview of the Canadian pediatric end-stage renal disease database

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Performing clinical research among pediatric end-stage renal disease patients is challenging. Barriers to successful initiation and completion of clinical research projects include small sample sizes and resultant limited statistical power and lack of longitudinal follow-up for hard clinical end-points in most single center studies.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>Existing longitudinal organ failure disease registry and administrative health datasets available within a universal access health care system can be used to study outcomes of end-stage renal disease among pediatric patients in Canada. To construct the Canadian Pediatric End-Stage Renal Disease database, registry data were linked to administrative health data through deterministic linkage techniques creating a research database which consists of socio-demographic variables, clinical variables, all-cause hospitalizations, and relevant outcomes (death and renal allograft loss) for this patient population. The research database also allows study of major cardiovascular events using previously validated administrative data definitions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Organ failure registry linked to health administrative data can be a powerful tool to perform longitudinal studies in pediatric end-stage renal disease patients. The rich clinical and demographic information found in this database will facilitate study of important medical and non-medical risk factors for death, graft loss and cardiovascular disease among pediatric end-stage renal disease patients.</p

    Molecular changes in premenopausal oestrogen receptor-positive primary breast cancer in Vietnamese women after oophorectomy.

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    For premenopausal women with primary ER + breast cancer, oophorectomy (OvX) is an evidence-based cost-effective option and is standard treatment in many countries. However, there is virtually no data describing the effects of OvX on breast tumour biology. We therefore, characterised the endocrine and genome-wide transcriptional impact of OvX in 56 premenopausal women with ER + breast cancer for 2 weeks prior to mastectomy. Plasma estradiol concentrations decreased from 406 ± 41 to 20.7 ± 2.6 pmol/l (mean ± sem) 24 h after OvX, and to 8.1 ± 0.8 pmol/l 2 weeks later at mastectomy. Ki67 decreased in 33/36 (91.7%) tumours. The expression of 655 genes changed significantly (FDR < 1%) with an absolute mean fold-change (FC) ≥ 1.25 (257 up, 398 down). Archetypal oestrogen-regulated genes (TFF1, GREB1, PGR and PDZK1) showed large decreases in expression (FC = 0.20-0.69; p < 1e-6-1e-7). Proliferation-associated genes (e.g. TOP2A, AURKA and UBE2C) were also strongly downregulated (FC = 0.38-0.56; p < 1e-7) along with putative progesterone-regulated genes (e.g. FKBP4, MYB; FC = 0.64-0.68; p < 1e-4-1e-7). The gene expression changes did not differ according to HER2 status and correlated strongly with the changes reported previously after aromatase inhibitor (AI) treatment in postmenopausal women (rho = 0.55, p < 1e-04). However, after OvX the mean FC was significantly higher compared to AI (p < 1e-04). In conclusion, changes in tumoural gene expression after OvX were largely similar, but of a greater magnitude to those observed after AI in postmenopausal patients; however, OvX appeared to have a greater effect on progesterone-regulated genes than AI

    Understanding client satisfaction with a health insurance scheme in Nigeria: factors and enrollees experiences

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    Abstract Background Health insurance schemes have been widely introduced during this last decade in many African countries, which have strived for improvements in health service provision and the promotion of health care utilization. Client satisfaction with health service provision during the implementation of health insurance schemes has often been neglected since numerous activities take place concurrently. The satisfaction of enrollees and its influencing factors have been providing evidence which have assisted in policy and decision making. Our objective is to determine the enrollee's satisfaction with health service provision under a health insurance scheme and the factors which influence the satisfaction. Methods This retrospective, cross-sectional survey took place between May and September 2008. Two hundred and eighty (280) enrollees insured for more than one year in Zaria-Nigeria were recruited using two stage sampling. Enrollee's satisfaction was categorized into more satisfied and less satisfied based on positive responses obtained. Satisfaction, general knowledge and awareness of contribution were each aggregated and assessed as composite measure. Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze factors that influenced the satisfaction of enrollees. Results A high satisfaction rate with the health insurance scheme was observed (42.1%). Marital status (p Conclusions This study highlighted the potential effects of general health insurance knowledge and awareness of contributions by end-users (beneficiaries) of such new program on client satisfaction which have significant importance. The findings provided evidence which have assisted the amendment and re-prioritization of the medium term strategic plan of operations for the scheme. Future planning efforts could consider the client satisfaction and the factors which influenced it regularly.</p

    A novel de novo BRCA1 mutation in a Chinese woman with early onset breast cancer

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    Germline mutations in the two breast cancer susceptibility genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2 account for a significant portion of hereditary breast/ovarian cancer. De novo mutations such as multiple exon deletion are rarely occurred in BRCA1 and BRCA2. During our mutation screening for BRCA1/2 genes to Chinese women with risk factors for hereditary breast/ovarian cancer, we identified a novel germline mutation, consisting of a deletion from exons 1 to 12 in BRCA1 gene, in a patient diagnosed with early onset triple negative breast cancer with no family history of cancer. None of her parents carried the mutation and molecular analysis showed that this novel de novo germline mutation resulted in down-regulation of BRCA1 gene expression

    The socioeconomic burden of SLE.

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, relapsing-remitting, multisystemic autoimmune inflammatory disorder that predominantly affects women of childbearing age. Much has been written about the clinical course and long-term damage associated with SLE, as well as the reduced life expectancy of patients with this condition. In addition, studies have emphasized the socioeconomic and psychosocial impact of SLE, although the monetary cost of caring for patients with the disorder has only been evaluated in a modest number of studies and a restricted number of countries. SLE has a negative impact on quality of life and is associated with high health-care costs and significant productivity loss. Factors associated with increased cost of SLE include long disease duration, high disease activity and damage, poor physical and mental health, and high education and employment levels. Similarly, high disease activity and damage, poor physical health, certain disease manifestations, as well as poor family and social support are associated with poor health-related quality of life outcomes. SLE incurs a great burden on both the patient and society. Long-term prospective studies should be encouraged to monitor the costs and psychosocial impact of this condition, and to better understand the factors that are associated with poor outcomes.postprin