8 research outputs found

    Actual Problems of Creating General Logistics System in the Ukraine Defense Forces

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    Purpose: identify the main problems of the logistics as a management governing organ to support the defense system of Ukraine and to suggest ways to solve them. Design/Method/Approach: the main research methods are methods of statistical analysis, military-economic analysis, expert forecasting methods. Findings: from the mentioned problematic issues, there is a need to create the state logistics, as a system of logistics flow management and the definition of state standards, a clear conceptual framework for logistics, both state and military (military). Theoretical implications: in the article, the authors made an attempt and proposed to improve the system of material resources support and services of the Ukraine Defense Forces and create a united logistics system of the state, as management system of material, information and human flows which based on their optimization. Papertype: descriptive and analytical

    Analysis of the Implementation of the Budget and Defence Planning in the Ministry Defence of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Context of Weapons and Military Equipment

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    The article discusses the main approaches to the organization of budgetary and defense planning in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the context of the development of weapons and military equipment. The study focuses on the feasibility and necessity of bringing budgetary and defense planning to the best world practices applied by the world's leading countries, including on arms development planning, taking into account the life-cycle costs of weapons and military equipment. The generalized and substantiated views in the scientific and practical environment in Ukraine on the ways and problematic issues of introducing foreign experience of planning arms development into domestic practice. According to the results of the research, recommendations were made for the formation of technical and economic indicators of the life cycle of weapons and military equipment, which take place in the scientific and practical environment of customers and contractors of weapons

    Problems Pricing for Defense Products and Solutions

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    The article considers the role of prices for defense products to meet the needs of defense in material resources for the re-equipment of the armed forces. It is noted that the uncontrolled growth of prices against the background of a significant increase in total costs for the purchase of products of defense industry does not improve the quality and innovation of products, does not meet the requirements of rational use of budgetary financial resources for defense needs, is one of the factors inhibiting modernization. needs of the country's defense capabilities. The shortcomings of the current in Ukraine costing system of pricing for industrial and scientific and technical products for defense purposes are analyzed. The necessity of improvement of the pricing system, strengthening of the state management of pricing for rational (effective) spending of budgetary financial resources is substantiated

    The Expediency of Identifying Strategic Alternatives to the Development of the State's Economic Security System Through SWOT Analysis

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    The outcomes of the conducted research presented in the article will be valuable for managers of all levels involved in strategic planning and management of the modern economy of the state. The article addresses the urgent issue of identifying certain strategic alternatives in the development of the state's economic security system. The analysis of existing threats to the economic security of the state is conducted; the approaches to the definition of economic security are analyzed. The study emphasizes the complex political, social and economic situation in Ukraine due to the difficult situation in eastern Ukraine and the temporary occupation of the Republic of Crimea. It draws attention to the place of Ukraine in the ranking of International organizations and provides information on the main forecast macroeconomic indicators of economic and social development of Ukraine for 2020-2022. It is determined that the economic security of the state is based on self-sufficiency, stability and development of all constituent elements of the economy, and their list is given. The article emphasizes the priority development of the economic security system in the conditions of continuous improvement of the scientific and technical market, constant modernization of production, development of educational institutions, creation of a favorable climate for investment, significant state support of innovative activity. The possibility of using SWOT analysis as a tool for determining strategic alternatives has been investigated and confirmed. The article analyzes information and gives a detailed description of the elements (components) of SWOT analysis. The algorithm of estimation with use of SWOT analysis is graphically presented. The method of carrying out SWOT analysis with corresponding detail of each stage is presented. The study identified and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of using SWOT analysis in comparison with other methods

    Struggle Against Financing Terrorism in the World and Ukraine by the Way of Strengthening the State Financial Control and Audit System

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    As the title implies the article describes essential world problem – financing of terrorism. It is specially noted the role state finance control in the preditictions of financing of terrorism. During the 21st century the topic of terrorism has become one of the most dangerous and large-scale global challenges to the world community. Since the events of September 11, 2001 in the United States of America, the phenomenon of terrorism has become more violent, bloody and cynical. The number of states that have experienced the horrific consequences of acts of terrorism is on the rise, and in turn, bears human toll, destruction of infrastructure, intimidation of people and more. The article shows how terrorist organizations are adapting to the current situation and finding new methods and ways of meeting their specific goals with the use of different sources of funding, and what the methods of counteracting them in International practice and in Ukraine. Also, It draws our attention to to analyze the notion of terrorist financing and International experience in opposing it. Much attention is given to analyze the manifestations of terrorist financing in Ukraine

    Improvement of Cavitation Erosion Characteristics of the Centrifugal Inducer Stage with the Inducer Bush

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    The impact of the inducer bush, which is a stator bush with longitudinal straight grooves installed over the inducer in the model centrifugal stage on its performance, was studied. A physical experiment was performed with the use of the experimental design techniques to solve the problem of geometrical parameter optimization of the stator bush with longitudinal straight grooves in the multi-factorial problem regarding the improvement of cavitation erosion characteristics of the centrifugal inducer stage using the inducer bush. The frequency spectrum of excited oscillations of the studied centrifugal inducer stage caused by cavitation was determined in order to use the cavitation erosion resistance parameter as an optimization parameter. The optimal dimensions of the inducer bush of the studied centrifugal inducer stage were experimentally determined: Z=32, b=14, l1=20, and l2=20. This data allowed us to improve the cavitation erosion resistance of the centrifugal inducer stage without changing its overall dimensions and deteriorating head and power characteristics. An additional physical experiment was performed using an alternative method for determining the cavitation and erosion characteristics in order to confirm the results obtained in the study due to inducer bushes installed in the centrifugal inducer stage. The use of inducer bushes as a part of the centrifugal inducer stage was mainly intended to improve the centrifugal stage cavitation performance. This study proposes to use this part to overcome the negative effects of cavitation erosion. The possibility of such use was confirmed and research and methodological design recommendations for inducer bushes as part of the centrifugal inducer stage were developed. The installation of the improved first centrifugal stages with inducer bushes in the existing centrifugal pumps will increase the operating time to failure, which is relevant for all industries where centrifugal pumps are used