321 research outputs found

    Noise and information transmission in promoters with multiple internal states

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    Based on the measurements of noise in gene expression performed during the last decade, it has become customary to think of gene regulation in terms of a two-state model, where the promoter of a gene can stochastically switch between an ON and an OFF state. As experiments are becoming increasingly precise and the deviations from the two-state model start to be observable, we ask about the experimental signatures of complex multi-state promoters, as well as the functional consequences of this additional complexity. In detail, we (i) extend the calculations for noise in gene expression to promoters described by state transition diagrams with multiple states, (ii) systematically compute the experimentally accessible noise characteristics for these complex promoters, and (iii) use information theory to evaluate the channel capacities of complex promoter architectures and compare them to the baseline provided by the two-state model. We find that adding internal states to the promoter generically decreases channel capacity, except in certain cases, three of which (cooperativity, dual-role regulation, promoter cycling) we analyze in detail.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Discrete modes of social information processing predict individual behavior of fish in a group

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    Individual computations and social interactions underlying collective behavior in groups of animals are of great ethological, behavioral, and theoretical interest. While complex individual behaviors have successfully been parsed into small dictionaries of stereotyped behavioral modes, studies of collective behavior largely ignored these findings; instead, their focus was on inferring single, mode-independent social interaction rules that reproduced macroscopic and often qualitative features of group behavior. Here we bring these two approaches together to predict individual swimming patterns of adult zebrafish in a group. We show that fish alternate between an active mode in which they are sensitive to the swimming patterns of conspecifics, and a passive mode where they ignore them. Using a model that accounts for these two modes explicitly, we predict behaviors of individual fish with high accuracy, outperforming previous approaches that assumed a single continuous computation by individuals and simple metric or topological weighing of neighbors behavior. At the group level, switching between active and passive modes is uncorrelated among fish, yet correlated directional swimming behavior still emerges. Our quantitative approach for studying complex, multi-modal individual behavior jointly with emergent group behavior is readily extensible to additional behavioral modes and their neural correlates, as well as to other species

    Stochastic proofreading mechanism alleviates crosstalk in transcriptional regulation

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    Gene expression is controlled primarily by interactions between transcription factor proteins (TFs) and the regulatory DNA sequence, a process that can be captured well by thermodynamic models of regulation. These models, however, neglect regulatory crosstalk: the possibility that non-cognate TFs could initiate transcription, with potentially disastrous effects for the cell. Here we estimate the importance of crosstalk, suggest that its avoidance strongly constrains equilibrium models of TF binding, and propose an alternative non-equilibrium scheme that implements kinetic proofreading to suppress erroneous initiation. This proposal is consistent with the observed covalent modifications of the transcriptional apparatus and would predict increased noise in gene expression as a tradeoff for improved specificity. Using information theory, we quantify this tradeoff to find when optimal proofreading architectures are favored over their equilibrium counterparts.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamics of transcription factor binding site evolution

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    Evolution of gene regulation is crucial for our understanding of the phenotypic differences between species, populations and individuals. Sequence-specific binding of transcription factors to the regulatory regions on the DNA is a key regulatory mechanism that determines gene expression and hence heritable phenotypic variation. We use a biophysical model for directional selection on gene expression to estimate the rates of gain and loss of transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) in finite populations under both point and insertion/deletion mutations. Our results show that these rates are typically slow for a single TFBS in an isolated DNA region, unless the selection is extremely strong. These rates decrease drastically with increasing TFBS length or increasingly specific protein-DNA interactions, making the evolution of sites longer than ~10 bp unlikely on typical eukaryotic speciation timescales. Similarly, evolution converges to the stationary distribution of binding sequences very slowly, making the equilibrium assumption questionable. The availability of longer regulatory sequences in which multiple binding sites can evolve simultaneously, the presence of "pre-sites" or partially decayed old sites in the initial sequence, and biophysical cooperativity between transcription factors, can all facilitate gain of TFBS and reconcile theoretical calculations with timescales inferred from comparative genetics.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figure

    Evolution of new regulatory functions on biophysically realistic fitness landscapes

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    Regulatory networks consist of interacting molecules with a high degree of mutual chemical specificity. How can these molecules evolve when their function depends on maintenance of interactions with cognate partners and simultaneous avoidance of deleterious "crosstalk" with non-cognate molecules? Although physical models of molecular interactions provide a framework in which co-evolution of network components can be analyzed, most theoretical studies have focused on the evolution of individual alleles, neglecting the network. In contrast, we study the elementary step in the evolution of gene regulatory networks: duplication of a transcription factor followed by selection for TFs to specialize their inputs as well as the regulation of their downstream genes. We show how to coarse grain the complete, biophysically realistic genotype-phenotype map for this process into macroscopic functional outcomes and quantify the probability of attaining each. We determine which evolutionary and biophysical parameters bias evolutionary trajectories towards fast emergence of new functions and show that this can be greatly facilitated by the availability of "promiscuity-promoting" mutations that affect TF specificity

    Extending the dynamic range of transcription factor action by translational regulation

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    A crucial step in the regulation of gene expression is binding of transcription factor (TF) proteins to regulatory sites along the DNA. But transcription factors act at nanomolar concentrations, and noise due to random arrival of these molecules at their binding sites can severely limit the precision of regulation. Recent work on the optimization of information flow through regulatory networks indicates that the lower end of the dynamic range of concentrations is simply inaccessible, overwhelmed by the impact of this noise. Motivated by the behavior of homeodomain proteins, such as the maternal morphogen Bicoid in the fruit fly embryo, we suggest a scheme in which transcription factors also act as indirect translational regulators, binding to the mRNA of other transcription factors. Intuitively, each mRNA molecule acts as an independent sensor of the TF concentration, and averaging over these multiple sensors reduces the noise. We analyze information flow through this new scheme and identify conditions under which it outperforms direct transcriptional regulation. Our results suggest that the dual role of homeodomain proteins is not just a historical accident, but a solution to a crucial physics problem in the regulation of gene expression.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Positional information, positional error, and read-out precision in morphogenesis: a mathematical framework

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    The concept of positional information is central to our understanding of how cells in a multicellular structure determine their developmental fates. Nevertheless, positional information has neither been defined mathematically nor quantified in a principled way. Here we provide an information-theoretic definition in the context of developmental gene expression patterns and examine which features of expression patterns increase or decrease positional information. We connect positional information with the concept of positional error and develop tools to directly measure information and error from experimental data. We illustrate our framework for the case of gap gene expression patterns in the early Drosophila embryo and show how information that is distributed among only four genes is sufficient to determine developmental fates with single cell resolution. Our approach can be generalized to a variety of different model systems; procedures and examples are discussed in detail