4 research outputs found

    Faktor Pembeda Prevalensi Gizi Kurang dan Buruk pada Balita di Daerah Tidak Miskin

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    Generally, the area with low-poverty has low-prevalence of underweight among children underfives. However, there are some districts with low­poverty, but they have high prevalence of underweight among children underfives, that called as negative deviance. Objectives: The aim of data analysis was to study the difference factors of prevalence of underweight among children underfives in the districts with low-poverty. Method: Data of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2007 was used for the analysis. The sample is households that have child underfives in the district with low-poverty. The total number of samples are 1051 households. Variables were consisted of parents education level, occupation, environmental sanitation, infant morbidity, infant growth monitoring, maternal hygiene, access to health services and immunization. The statistically analysis was conducted with X2 statistical test. Results: There was a significant difference on parents education level, occupation, the number of household members, economic status, distance to health services (hospitals, co-health-centers [PustuJ), household waste disposal channels, acute respiratory infection, mothers hygiene (hand washing habits), and the frequency of infants weighing with the prevalence of underweight among children underfives (p<0.05). Conclusion: The factor that distinguishes the prevalence of underweight among children underfives are lack of education of the parents, occupation, the number of household members, household economic status, distance to health services (hospitals, health centers, physician practices), environmental sanitation, infants weighing frequency, mother's hand-washing habits, and respiratory disease in infants. In the low-prevalence areas, the factors have a better condition than the high prevalence area

    Penelitian Pemberian Tambahan Pengetahuan Gizi dan Kesehatan pada Murid Sekolah Dasar

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    Study on addition of the nutrition and health education conducted for elementary school children. The study conducted in 8 elementary school in Bogor, covered 252 school children (treatment group) and 269 school children (control group). Design of study is case control with pre and post test. The knowledge of nutrition and health consists: knowledge of the function of food and nutrition, food and nutrition resources, sanitary and health, other nutrition\u27s knowledge such as food for pregnant women and lactating women, diarrhea and food for child development. The result of the study showed that after treatment (1-3 month), the knowledge for food and nutrition function increase from 47-50 percent becomes 70-83 percent. The knowledge for food and nutrition resources increase from 47-64 percent becomes 82-84 percent. The knowledge for sanitary and health increase from 50-78 percent becomes 85-91 percent. Other nutrition\u27s knowledge increases from 45-66 percent becomes 68-84 percent. The best method is that teacher provides the material with special time (more than 90 percent student with true answer). Other methods, the teachers give material through ORKES topics (more than 80 percent with true answer). Base on the result of the study, the program to improve nutrition and health knowledge for elementary school children should be done. The program could be integrated with the curriculum

    Hasil Survey Konsumsi Makanan dan Keadaan Gizi Petani di Daerah Pengairan Jatiluhur, Jawa Barat

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    Jatiluhur irrigation project was started in 1964; and it is developed to obtain approximately 240,000 hectares of new rice-field areas in sue that estimated 300,000 tons of rice will be produced on top of the product usually achieved per year. The consequence of it one might expect that when the yield of rice is increased, then the welfare state of the corresponding farmers living on the areas would be also improved, i.e. in the district of Karawang, Subang and Purwakarta. Results of the survey show, that the daily food consumption of the farmers living at those areas was likely similar in term of quality and variability of foodstuffs. Less than 1/2 kg of rice were consumed daily, by the landowners and the labor-farmers, as well per person. It seems there was no seasonal variation on the food consumption pattern. Daily calorie and protein intake per person were below the requirement. More than half of the farmers were underweight, and approximately 10% of the labor-farmers living at the coastal area were severely underweight