39 research outputs found


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    Hasil pelaksanaan penyuluhan dan pelatihan ditemukan permasalahan dari cerobong asap yang mitra gunakan menimbulkan polusi pada daerah sekitarnya. Kemudian Tim mencoba mengganti pengasapan tradisonal dengan mengunakan bahan bakar kayu yang langsung dibakar dengan mengunakan alat pirolisator melalui metode pengasapan cair, sehingga asap tidak muncul akibat pembakaran kayu. Permasalahan selanjutnya ditemukan pada mitra adalah kurangnya pemahaman tentang cara produksi produk pangan yang baik dan manajemen wirausaha mikro yang terintegrasi. Telah dilakukan penyuluhan cara produksi produk pangan yang baik (CPPB) dan manajemen wirausaha mikro yang terintegrasi untuk kedua mitra. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah penyuluhan, pelatihan dan pendampingan tentang pelaksanaan manajemen wirausaha. Kesimpulan dari pengabdian ini adalah telah dilaksanakan penyuluhan pembuatan desain pelabelan, pencetakan kemasan ikan Lele Asap dan pengurusan izin produksi (P-IRT) ditandai dengan telah diperoleh sertifikat P-IRT. Target yang hendak dicapai pada produk ikan asap yang dijual ke pasaran harus sesuai spesifikasi produk (SNI  2013) ikan asap. Kata kunci: Asap cair, ikan lele, P-IRT ABSTRACT The results of the implementation of counseling and training found problems from the chimney that partners use causing pollution to the surrounding area. Then the team tried to replace traditional smoking by using wood fuel which was directly burned using a pyrolysis device through the liquid smoking method, so that smoke did not appear due to burning wood. The next problem found in partners is the lack of understanding of how to produce good food products and integrated micro-entrepreneurial management. There has been counseling on how to produce good food products and integrated micro-entrepreneur management for both partners. The method used in this service was counseling, training and assistance on the implementation of entrepreneurial management. The conclusion of this service was that counseling has been carried out on the manufacture of labeling designs, printing of smoked catfish packaging and processing of production permits marked by having obtained Home Industry Products certificate. The target to be achieved on smoked fish products sold to the market must be in accordance with the product specifications (INS 2013) of smoked fish. Keywords: Catfish, liquid smoke, Home Industry Product (HIP

    Characteristics Of Smoked Catfish (Hemibagrus Nemurus) Prepared Frompond Culture, Cage And Wild Fish

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    This study was aimed to evaluate the sensory quality, proximate composition, amino acids and fatty acids profiles of smoked catfish prepared from pond, cage culture and wild fish. Catfish samples 300-350 grams in weight wastaken respectualy from wild (Kampar river), pond and cage culture in Sungai Paku, Kampar. The fish was smoked using hot smoking method, and the smoked fish was evaluated for smoking yield, sensory quality, proximate composition, amino acid and fatty acid profile.The smoking yield value for smoked fish prepared from pond culture fish was the highest, and then followed by that prepared from cage culture fish and wild fish. The highest fat and moisture composition was found in smoked fish prepared from pond culture fish, then followed by cage culture fish and wild fish. Protein and ash was the highest in smoked fish prepared from wild fish then followed by cage and pond culture fish. Overally, sensory quality and essential amino acid profile of smoked fish was not much different among the fish from different sourcer. However, PUFA was the highest in the smoked fish prepared from cage culture fish them followed by wild fish and pond fish

    Rancang Bangun Instrumen Dehidrator untuk Pengasapan dan Pengeringan Hasil-hasil Perikanan

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    Study on the dehydrator engineering for fish dehydration has beenconducted. The study was aimed to engineer, to built and to assess the existension,effectivity and efficiency of the fish dehydrator and the quality of dehydratedgiant catfish (Pangasius hypopthalmus) yielded by its application. The dehydratorhad three main chamber, namely: smoking furnace, smoking chamber, and dryingchamber. Its volume was measured 120 X 180 X 200 Cm3, and its smoking anddrying capacity were 100 kg.The result showed that both smoking and drying process could be aplliedsimultaneously. Therefore, the smoking fuel used could be saved. It spent 5kg/hour of coconut shell or 3.5 kg/hour of rubber wood (Hevea Brasilliensis). Itwas not detected smoke contamination into the drying chamber. The rate oftemperature and RH in smoking chamber was 63o C and 43%, meanwhile, indrying chamber was 50o C and 49%. The consumer acceptance and the quality ofthe dehidrated fish yielded by smoking was not significantly different to it yieldedby drying. To get the maximum water content 40% in the fish, smoking processneeded 8 hours, meanwhile drying process needed 12 hours. The dehydrated fishcould be stored for 9 days at room temperature (30-32 oC)

    Application of Liquid Smoke Rambutan on Wood Fishery Products Catfish (Pangasius Hypopthalmus) Smoke Community XIII Koto Kampar

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    The aim of this study was to develop science and technology for the public to provide information on the quality of smoked fish that are processed using traditional liquid smoke and fumes. The use of liquid smoke and fumes traditionally expected to be an alternative curing methods that are environmentally friendly, pose no danger carcinogens, as well as producing good quality smoked fish. The study uses the completely randomized design (CRD).The treatment is traditionally smoked catfish (At), catfish pyrolysis liquid smoke (Ap) and cathish liquid smoke destillate (Ad) to repeat 3 times.Results of research conducted on smoked catfish with different curing that panelists preferred the rough catfish liquid smoke (pyrolysis). Based on organoleptic assessment (fine aroma, taste and texture), catfish with AP treatment has the best quality compared to other treatments with such characteristics intact, clean, brown, shiny very specific kind. Less fragrant aroma, smell smoke enough without additional intrusive. Taste and less savory. Dense texture is compact, dry, tightly categorized between good tissue and meet (SNI.2725.1: 2009) as well as chemical assessment protein content, ash content and moisture content are also the best value while nilaipH AP treatment and total phenol best value, namely the treatment of AD

    The Effect of the Addition of Liquid Smoke on the Quality of Shredded Tuna (Euthynnusaffinis) During at Room Temperature Storage

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    The research aimed to determine the effect of liquid smoke to the quality of shredded tuna (Euthynnus affinis) during at room temperature storage. The method used in this study was experimental study by using Randomized Completely Block Design. The treatment was addition of liquid at variet composition, those were: no smoke liquid added as a control (A0), added with liquid smoke 4 ml (A1), 8 ml (A2), and 12 ml (A3), calculated based on gramsfish meat. The product of sheredded fish were stored at room temperature and observed on the right after processing, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 6 weeks. The parameters used in this study were the organoleptic evaluation, included: appearance, texture, odor, and flavor, followed by proximate analyses, included: moisture, protein, fat, and ash, content of total phenols and total acid, pH and the value of TBA. The results showed that the highest quality of shredded tuna fish was produced by the addition of 4 ml liquid smoke (A1), with such criteria 7.4, texture 6.7, smell 6.7, flavor 7.3, water content 8.15%, protein content 39.84, fat content 24.10%, ash content 6.0%, total phenolic 12.78%, total acid 3.92%, pH 5.69, TBA value 3.02mg malonaldehid/kg sample. TBA value indicates the addition of 4 ml liquid smoke could reduce the increase of TBA value in shredded tuna fish and so extend this shelf life

    Pemanfaatan Buah Mangrove Pedada (Sonneratia Caseolaris) sebagai Pembuatan Sirup terhadap Penerimaan Konsumen

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan buah mangrove pedada(Sonneratia caseolaris) sebagai pembuatan sirup terhadap penerimaan konsumen. Rancanganpercobaan menggunakan model Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) non faktorial,dengan 4 taraf perlakuan yaitu sirup buah mangrove pedada dengan kadar gula45 % (G1), sirup buah mangrove pedada dengan kadar gula 50 % (G2), sirup buah mangrovepedada dengan kadar gula 55 % (G3), dan sirup buah mangrove pedada dengankadar gula 60 % (G4), parameter yang diukur yaitu rasa, rupa, aroma dan kekentalan,nilai kadar air, nilai pH, dan kadar total asam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwanilai sensoris (rupa, aroma, tekstur, dan rasa) dari setiap perlakuan tidak berpengaruhnyata. Pada analisis kimia tidak berpengaruh nyata pada nilai kadar air dan pH, danberpengaruh nyata pada total asam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwaperlakuan yang terbaik adalah penambahan gula 55 % (G3) yang memiliki karakteristiksirup buah pedada dengan rupa 97,50 %, aroma 98,75%, tekstur 98,75%, rasa 96,25%,dan mengandung 48,77% kadar air, pH 4,91%, dan 9,92% total asam

    The Effect Of Varied Concentration And Soaking TIME In Corncob (Zea Mays L) Liquid Smoke At On The Quality Of Smoked Catfish (Pangasius Pangasius)

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    This research had been conducted in April 2015 in purpose todetermine the effect of varied concentration of corncob liquid smoke and soakingtime on the quality of smoked catfish (Pangasius pangasius). The method used inthis study was experimental, designed as Completely Randomized Design (CRD)and composed factorially 3x2. The catfish was eviscerated and then soaked in asolution of corncob liquid smoke at different concentration 4% (K4), 6% (K6) and8% (K8) for 1 hour (L1) and 2 hours (L2). After soaked, the fish were then driedusing an oven at the temperature of 55o C for 12 hours. The quality parametersused were the characteristic of organoleptic, water content, total phenols, totalacids and pH values. The results showed that the differences of concentration andsoaking time in a solution of liquid smoke affected significantly on the quality ofsmoke catfish as show on the score of the appearance, total acids and pH values,but not significantly affected on the score of the texture, odor, taste, water contentand total phenols. The best quality of smoke flavored catfish is produced bysoaking the catfish in a solution of corncob liquid smoke at concentration 6-8%for 2 hours. The characteristics of smoke flavored catfish were showing cleansurface of the meat, neat, and attractive colors (golden yellow). The smoked fishhad the specific odor of smoked fish, delicious taste and distinctive flavor ofsmoked fish, less salty, and a compact and soft texture of the meat. The smokeflavored catfish contained the water 12,88-9,14%, total phenols 0,15-0,21 ppm,total acids 3,73-5,20 and pH value 5,38-5,98

    Chemical Characteristics of Pyrolysis Liquid Smoke Some Types of Woodsmoke

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    Liquid smoke can be used to preserve and add to the taste of food. The quality of liquid smoke is determined by the type of wood smoke used. This study aimed to evaluate the yield and chemical composition of the liquid smoke made from wood kandis, wood Laban, Ubar wood and coconut shell. The fourth type of timber is made of liquid smoke with condensation method using a pyrolysis. Parameters danalisis consists of the chemical composition of wood, the yield of liquid smoke, phenols, acids, pH, carbonyl and antioxidants. The results showed that wood Laban has a higher value on the total carbonyl is 15:43% and the value of the antioxidant is 84.26%