10 research outputs found

    Praktik-praktik Manajemen SDM Strategik: Pengujian Empiris Universalistik dan Kontinjensi dalam Menjelaskan Kinerja Organisasional

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    There are several perspectives to explain the relationship between strategic humanresources management practices and organizational performance. This article discusses the controversy within each perspective, which is universalistic and contingency perspectives. This article tries to replicate some of Delerey and Doty's research on modes of theorizing in strategic human resource management. Strategic human resource management practices are identified into seven practices and are used to develop argumentation from that individual perspective. Organizational performance is measured by financial performance. The results show that argumentations from those two perspectives can explain the variation levels within financial performance

    Intention of Hospital Managers in Implementing the Balanced Scorecard

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    Achieving the implementation of a hospital\u27s vision and mission depends on the strategies that used and the management of human resources. Balanced scorecard (BSC) is one of the strategic tools that are in great demand today to be applied in the health sector. The interest or intention in implementing of BSC depends on individual attitudinal factors, subjective norms and behavioral controls that refer to Planned Behavior (TPB). The aim of this study is to determine the intention of hospital managers in implementing the balanced scorecard. This type of research is quantitative descriptive with a cross sectional approach and the sampling technique used purposive sampling. The methods of data collecting used questionnaires, interviewed and analyzed by multiple linear regression. The results of the 90 samples showed an influence on attitudinal variables, subjective norms and simultaneous behavioral control as indicated by Sig = 0,000. While partially attitudinal variables (Sig = 0.029<0.05), subjective norm (Sig = 0.011<0.05) and behaviour control have effect on intention (Sig = 0.036<0.05)

    Kepemimpinan Transformasional Pada Organizational Citizenship Behavior Dan Komitmen Afektif

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    The aims of this study are to explore a number of antecedents that affect the organizational citizenship behavior. The antecedent of organizational citizenship behavior is transformational leadership while affective commitment serves as a mediation variable. The respondents in this research are lecturers at private universities in Special Province of Yogyakarta Province. The number of samples used is 145 respondents by using purposive sampling. The analytical technique used in this study is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Based on the analysis, the influence of transformational leadership on the behavior of organizational citizenship is positively significant while transformational leadership to the affective commitment has significant positive effects, and the same also for affective commitment to behavior organizational citizenship which has a significant positive effect. The results of this study explain the phenomenon of organizational citizenship behavior among the lecturers which is increasingly demanding profession. The role of transformational leadership and affective commitment of lecturers are also becoming increasingly important

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Keadilan Distributif Dan Prosedural Kompensasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Perawat Di RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul

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    Background: RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul is a privately-owned public hospital that has been burgeoning. Leadership held at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Bantul today is a transformational leadership. While, for motivating employee, the management of the hospital strives to provide adequate and fair compensation based on employee status, class rank and tenure. Hence, the compensation system will encourage every employee to give excellent service for each patient.Methodology: The research is a quantitative analysis using cross-sectional survey method. Data is obtained by disseminating questionnaire to the population, the whole permanent employee up to 104 respondents.Result: The statistical result indicates that management\u27s policy transformational leadership and distributive justice and procedural compensation rate affect to the satisfaction of work of the nurses at RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul.Summary: Regarding to the result of the research, management\u27s policy to appreciate its employee through a good and fair compensation can significantly improve the satisfaction of work of the nurses at RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul. Moreover, the management should maintain a workable situation and pay a lot of attention to the nurses


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    Peran keadilan formal menjadi aspek dominan dalam menjelaskan sikap dan perilaku karyawan di dalam organisasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menginvestigasi pengaruh keadilan formal yang terdiri dari keadilan distributif dan prosedural dalam menjelaskan kepuasan kerja dan komitmen continuance di dalam organisasi. Responden penelitian ini adalah karyawan swasta di sektor usaha kecil dan menengah. Jumlah kuesioner yang diperoleh dan dapat digunakan sejumlah 215 kuesioner. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa keadilan prosedural berpengaruh positif pada kepuasan kerja dan berpengaruh positif pada komitmen continunce melalui kepuasan kerja. Sedangkan keadilan distributif berpengaruh positif pada komitmen continuance. Hasil lainnya menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan kerja berpengaruh positif pada komitmen continuance. Dengan demikian, keadilan formal berperan penting dalam menjelaskan kepuasan kerja dan komitmen continuance. Kepuasan kerja berperan sebagian dalam memediasi pengaruh keadilan formal pada komitmen continuance

    Rancang Bangun Heater Element Segment pada Rangkaian Sistem Reactor Cavity Cooling RDNK

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    RANCANG BANGUN HEATER ELEMENT SEGMENT PADA RANGKAIAN SISTEM REACTOR CAVITY COOLING RDNK. Proses pendinginan secara pasif menjadi perhatian khusus sejak kecelakaan PLTN Fukushima dan TMI-2, kecelakaan tersebut diakibatkan oleh gagalnya sistem pendingin aktif dimana pompa tidak berfungsi. Kemudian, aliran sirkulasi alam sebagai prinsip kerja sistem pendingin pasif juga digunakan pada model pendinginan di celah antara dinding luar Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) reactor High Temperature Gass Cooled Reactor (HTGR) dan beton penopang RPV. Riset terkait reactor cavity cooling system berbasis pendingin pasif dilakukan dengan membuat Untai Uji Reactor Cavity Cooling System-Reaktor Daya Non Komersial (RCCS-RDNK), namun saat dilakukan komisioning fungsi pemanasannya tidak optimal, temperatur yang ingin dicapai yaitu 300oC – 400oC pada permukaan simulator RPV HTGR tidak tercapai, sehingga dilakukan modifikasi pada sistem pemanas dengan heater element segments (HES) berbasis proses radiasi. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk melakukan analisis pada pengujian pemanasan HES hasil konstruksi hingga mencapai temperatur optimal. Metode eksperimen dilakukan dengan menghidupkan heater dan merekam Perubahan temperatur pada titik pengukuran di bagian permukaan insulator brick (BRICK), permukaan dalam RPV (RPVD), permukaan luar RPV (RPVL) dan udara luar. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan, secara umum capaian maksimal temperatur pada bagian permukaan RPV sekitar 400oC, dengan temperatur permukaan brick sekitar 700oC. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa, konstruksi pemanas HES dapat beroperasi optimal dan memenuhi kriteria simulasi pendingin pada RCCS HTGR