6 research outputs found

    The juridical basis of the statutory claim for compensation in unfair dismissal cases

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    A highly efficient, mass dispute resolution system has been established in South Africa with the implementation of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (hereafter the LRA 1995 ) two decades ago. The remedies of reinstatement, re-employment and compensation lie at the heart of this system. The compensation claim in terms of the LRA 1995, on which this study focuses, is related to a history of preceding common-law and statutory legal development, including the development of labour law in comparable foreign jurisdictions. However, according to sections 193(1) and 194(1) of the LRA 1995, the determination of compensation is left to the blanket discretion of CCMA arbitrators who have to determine compensation for substantively and procedurally unfair dismissals on the basis of what they perceive to be just and equitable in all the circumstances of the individual case. Significantly, there are no further standards or frameworks to be found in the statute and it is not strange that questions are being asked, both in academic quarters and from the bench, about the consistency and accuracy of compensatory awards. This dissertation comprises an analysis of the common-law action for breach of contract in unlawful dismissal cases, the statutory claim for compensation for unfair dismissal in terms of the Labour Relations Act 28 of 1956, the statutory claim for compensation for unfair dismissal in terms of the LRA 1995 and similar common-law and statutory remedies in the labour law of the United Kingdom. The objective is to form an understanding of the nature of these remedies and how it relates to the process of determining compensation. On the basis of the preceding analysis, the need for legislative review of the compensation claim in terms of the LRA 1995 is then demonstrated. Pursuant to recent case law, the jurisdictional overlap between the statutory claim and the common-law action for breach of the employment contract in unfair dismissal cases is also addressed.Mini Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2016.tm2016Mercantile LawLLMUnrestricte

    Die plantekologie van Richardsbaai, Natal

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    Afrikaans: Die studie het as doel gehad 'n beskrywing en ontleding van die plantegroei van Richardsbaai, 'n bepaling van die invloed van die omgewing op die plantegroei en n vergelyking van die Richardsbaaiwoude met die van Mapelana en Sibayi. Die samestelling van die plantegroei is met behulp van die puntkwadrantmetode ondersoek. Plantegroei-sonering is deur middel van lyntransekte bepaal. Afbakening van die woudgemeenskappe is met behulp van n toepassing van die puntkwadrantmetode uitgevoer. Die klimaat is subtropies. Reenval, lugvogtigheid en temperatuur is hoog. plantegroei uit. Soutmis oefen n belangrike invloed op die Easies kan twee habitattipes onderskei word, naamlik duinen vlakteveld, en moerasveld. ·nie substraat van eersgenoemde bestaan hoofsaaklik uit sand, terwyl dit by laasgenoemde varieer van sand tot klei. Die soutgehalte van die substraat wissel aansienlik by die verskillende plekke. Die plantegroei van die mere en waterstrome is relatief eenvoudig en die opvallendste kruide is Cyperus papyrus en spesies van Potamogeton en Nymphaea. Belangrike oewerboomsoorte is Barringtonia racemosa, Ficus hippopotami en K• sycomorus. In die moerasse is Phragmites australis dominant oar groat gebiede. Ander belangrike kruidsoorte is Typha latifolia subsp. capensis, Mariscus riparius en .Qyperus-spp. Die belangrikste soorte van die moeraswoud is Barringtonia racemosa, Syzygium cordatum, Cassipourea gummiflua var. verticillata, Sapium ellipticum, Avicennia marina en Bruguiera gymnorrhiza. Op die strand en voorduine word die plantegroei sterk deur soutmis beinvloed en word dit deur Scaevola thunbergli, Passerina rigida, Eugenia capensis, Brachylaena discolor, Mimusops caffra en Strelitzia nicolai oorheers. Op die agterduine is Cymbopogon validus, Stipagrostis zeyheri subsp. barbata, Imperata cylindrica en Aristida junciformis die algemeenste kruidsoorte, terwyl Acacia karroo, Mimusops caffra, Celtis africana en Allophylus natalensis die mees opvallende boomsoorte verteenwoordig. Die vlaktegrasveld word oorheers deur Aristida junciformis, Cymbopogon validus en Trachypogon spicatus. Van die woudplantegroei is Strelitzia nicolai, Acacia karroo, Manilkara discolor en Sideroxylon inerme die dominante soorte. In vergelyking met bogenoemde woudplantegroei is Diospyros natalensis, Celtis africana, Strychnos. madagascariensis, Linociera peglerae en Ziziphus mucronata die belangrikste duinwoudsoorte by Mapelana. In die duinwoud by Sibayi is Ziziphus mucronata, Diospyros inhacaensis, Mimusops caffra, Apodytes dimidiata, Ptaeroxylon obliguum en Croton gratissimus die oorheersende soorte. n Indeksiteratiewe ordening van die kruidagtige moerasplantegroei het aangetoon dat Phragmite australis en Pycreus polystachyos die laagste ekologiese statusse het, terwyl Ischaemum arcuatum en FimbristyliE complanata die hoogste statusse het. In die kruidplantegroei van die duin- en vlaktegebied is Stipagrostis zeyheri subsp. barbata die spesie met die laagste status, terwyl Eragrostis capensis die klimaksspesie verteenwoordig. Acacia karroo het die laagste status in die duin- en vlaktewoude. Ziziphus mucronata, Diospyros inhacaensis, Teclea gerrardii en Drypetes natalensis daarenteen, besit die hoogste ekologiese statusse in die woudplantegroei. 'n Meer-dimensionele ordening van stande volgens die hoofkomponente-ontledingsmetode het aangetoon dat daar n duidelike verskil is in die verspreidingsentrums van die spesies wat by die ordening ingesluit is. Die spesies met die hoogste ekologiese status en oak die met die laagste status het oar die algemeen relatief beperkte verspreidingspatrone, wat dui op 'n nouer ekologiese amplitude vir hierdie spesies. Die meerderheid van die ander soorte wat by die ordening ingesluit is, het wyer verspreidingspatrone, dit wil se wyer ekologiese amplitudes. Van die grondfaktore getoets vir korrelasie met die plantegroei toon onder andere weerstand, natriumchloried, stikstof, pH, kalsium, magnesium en klei positiewe regressies met die verspreiding van sekere plantsoorte. Die floristiese ontleding toon aan dat die Gramineae, Compositae, Leguminosae en Cyperaceae die belangrikste families is in die Richardsbaaise gebied.Thesis (DSc (Botany))--University of Pretoria, 1972.Plant ScienceDSc (Botany)Unrestricte

    Synthesis of empty african horse sickness virus particles

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    As a means to develop African horse sickness (AHS) vaccines that are safe and DIVA compliant, we investigated the synthesis of empty African horse sickness virus (AHSV) particles. The emphasis of this study was on the assembly of the major viral core (VP3 and VP7) and outer capsid proteins (VP2 and VP5) into architecturally complex, heteromultimeric nanosized particles. The production of fully assembled core-like particles (CLPs) was accomplished in vivo by baculovirus-mediated co-synthesis of VP3 and VP7. The two different outer capsid proteins were capable of associating independently of each other with preformed cores to yield partial virus-like particles (VLPs). Complete VLPs were synthesized, albeit with a low yield. Crystalline formation of AHSV VP7 trimers is thought to impede high-level CLP production. Consequently, we engineered and co-synthesized VP3 with a more hydrophilic mutant VP7, resulting in an increase in the turnover of CLPs.The Agricultural Research Council (ARC) and National Research Foundation (NRF).http://www.elsevier.com/locate/virusres2017-02-28hb2016GeneticsMicrobiology and Plant Patholog

    Rationale, design, and baseline characteristics in Evaluation of LIXisenatide in Acute Coronary Syndrome, a long-term cardiovascular end point trial of lixisenatide versus placebo

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular (CV) disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Furthermore, patients with T2DM and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) have a particularly high risk of CV events. The glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist, lixisenatide, improves glycemia, but its effects on CV events have not been thoroughly evaluated. METHODS: ELIXA (www.clinicaltrials.gov no. NCT01147250) is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multicenter study of lixisenatide in patients with T2DM and a recent ACS event. The primary aim is to evaluate the effects of lixisenatide on CV morbidity and mortality in a population at high CV risk. The primary efficacy end point is a composite of time to CV death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or hospitalization for unstable angina. Data are systematically collected for safety outcomes, including hypoglycemia, pancreatitis, and malignancy. RESULTS: Enrollment began in July 2010 and ended in August 2013; 6,068 patients from 49 countries were randomized. Of these, 69% are men and 75% are white; at baseline, the mean ± SD age was 60.3 ± 9.7 years, body mass index was 30.2 ± 5.7 kg/m(2), and duration of T2DM was 9.3 ± 8.2 years. The qualifying ACS was a myocardial infarction in 83% and unstable angina in 17%. The study will continue until the positive adjudication of the protocol-specified number of primary CV events. CONCLUSION: ELIXA will be the first trial to report the safety and efficacy of a glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist in people with T2DM and high CV event risk

    Cangrelor With and Without Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

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